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Teaching staff


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Social Anthropology
Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology
Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
Electronic mail

Maialen Altuna Etxeberria currently lectures in the Social Anthropology degree programme in the Department of Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology.

She holds a bachelor’s in Social and Cultural Anthropology and a master’s in Feminist and Gender Studies (UPV/EHU).

Her research career started with her end-of-course master’s project, a study on women’s participation in punk rock groups titled “Emakumeak punk-rock taldeetan” (2010). That same year, 2010, she carried out research on the construction of the female gender during the early years of the Franco regime with the 2nd Research Grant “The contribution of women to the history of Tolosa” from Tolosa Town Council.

Between 2013 and 2016 she has been preparing her thesis within the framework of the programme Zabalduz 2012 working jointly with the UPV-EHU and AHOA (Archive of Memory). The thesis looks at constructions of gender identities during the early years of the Franco regime from an analysis of everyday life and emotions, focusing on power relations and corporality.

In 2015 she undertook a residence at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Gender Studies in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina).

She is a member of AFIT and the Modern Experience research group and member of the Basque Anthropology Association Ankulegi. And AHOA (Memory Archive).