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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Basque Philology
Linguistics and Basque Studies
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

Bachelor in Basque Philology with extraordinary award (University of the Basque Country, 2009), PhD in Basque Studies (Bordeaux Montaigne University & UPV/EHU, 2017), and master degree in Linguistic Theory and Language Description (HSE Moscow, 2021).

I worked for the IKER UMR 5478 center at Bayonne (CNRS) in the development of the first annotated diachronic corpus of Basque (2018-2020). The Basque Government funded my postdoctoral project on the evolution of the Basque case-system (2021-2023). Between 2017 and 2023 I completed several long-term stays at the Vinogradov Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory (HSE Moscow).

I am interested in historical linguistics, contact phenomena, and edition of Basque texts, among others.