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Chemical Engineering
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Rubén Seoane-Rivero. Doctor in Chemical Science from the University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (year 2016), completed his phD in "new photosensitive and self-healing polyurethane coatings based on coumarin” and holds a Master's Degree in New Materials from the Faculty of Science and Technology (year 2011). He has 9 years of experience in transformation processes and polymers functionalization. His research is focused on the preparation of new self-healing coatings for automotive plastic parts based on traditional and green polyurethanes. He has made more than 15 scientific contributions, including patents and oral presentations at international conferences.

Dr. Seoane-Rivero also has a Master in Business Management and Administration (Executive MBA) from the University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (2020) and currently, he combines his work at GAIKER Technology Centre, with his work as an Associate Professor at the Engineering Faculty, in Gipuzkoa.