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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Systems and Automatic Engineering
Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
Faculty of Engineering - Gipuzkoa
Electronic mail

Bachelor of Physical Science. He spent 5 years at Ikerlan in the department of Robotics. Since 1993 he has been chaining contracts as associate professor in the ETSII at the UPV and UPNA. He has been Professor of University School since 1999 at the EUITI in Eibar. He is accredited to teach in French. Lectured in Industrial Electronics studies and now in the Degree in Renewable Energy Engineering, several courses in subjects in French.

He has directed several Fine Graduate Jobs (TFG) and has been a member of many TFG courts. He has published numerous articles and exercises for his students, in addition to eGela, of the subjects he has taught, both in Spanish and in French (Regulation Automation and Control, Automation, Electric Vehicles). He also taught at the Virtual Campus.

He has been a member of the School Board on different occasions. He has participated in different courses on modern teaching methodologies. He has actively participated in the development of the new Degree in Renewable Energy Engineering.

In recent years, it has devoted itself to scientific dissemination about Renewable Energies and Sustainability. He has participated and organized activities of the Zientzia astea, attendance to the fair Berdeago, with the added objective of advertising the Degree in Engineering of Renewable Energies.