
Degree in Primary Education

Nested Applications


Primary Education covers the mandatory education period from 6 to 12 years-old. This stage contributes to children’s personal and sociocultural development, and it also sets the foundation for their learning throughout life. The figure of the teacher is fundamental in this stage.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education will provide students with the academic training, theory and practise necessary to face this significant challenge. Students will internalise the tools needed to contribute to children’s personal development in subjects with artistic, scientific, ethics and social, linguistic, motor, mathematical and technological content.
You will have the option to specialise in one of these minors or itineraries: Foreign Language; Special Education; Basque language, an instrument for Education; and Educational Innovation Projects for Primary Education. They will mainly focus on becoming a tutor teacher and a specialist teacher in the minor chosen, in the case of Foreign Language and Special Education.
Additionally, starting in the second year, students will participate first-hand in educational projects at various schools through the mandatory internships.
Condition to access the degree: Hold a B2 level certificate in Basque.

XSL Content

Knowledge areas

Social Sciences and Law


Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology





4 courses

Number of credits

240 ECTS credits


Basque, English, Spanish

Study type

Face-to-face degree

Price per credit in first registration

13,72 €

Pass mark

9,994 in ordinary exam session (2024/25)

Places available

120 places


4 reasons to choose this degree

  • You will learn to develop children’s cognitive, emotional and psychomotor abilities.
  • You will get trained in psychomotricity, technology, physical education, plastic and musical expression both in classrooms and in laboratories, as well as in the literature classroom or workshop.
  • You will conduct internships in different educational centres, where you will get to know the labour market reality and participate in everyday life.
  • You will have the possibility to train by participating in academic mobility programmes.


Access profile

If you are interested in education and people, if you respect social and cultural diversity, if you are curious, if you have the ability to observe and if you think our society needs to improve from youngest age students (6-12 years), your best choice is the Primary Education Degree.

Career opportunities

Teaching, at the primary stage, in both public and private schools as well as in other areas of education: playrooms, museums, hospital rooms, prison rooms, NGOs, publishers, etc.