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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Plant Physiology
Plant Biology and Ecology
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

Graduated with honors (2003) and PhD (2008) in Biology in UPV/EHU. Lecturer of that University since 2008. She teaches in Bachelor`s Degrees in Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Food Science and Technology in the Faculty of Science and Technology and in the Faculty of Pharmacy. She also teaches in the Master in Innovative Enology. She is member of the Commission of Academic Planning and Recognition of Studies representing the Degree in Biology (2013-present). As a lecturer she has been assessed as excellent on the Docentiaz program.

She is member of the FisioClimaCO2 research group (A level in the Basque University System). She has taken part in 21 subsidized research projects, on 3 of which she has been the lead researcher. She has co-authored 24 scientific papers, 17 book chapters and more than 50 contributions to national and international congresses. She has two six-year research periods recognized by CNEAI and she won the VII Iberian Research Award on Plant Water Relations for Young Researchers. Her research line is focused on the study of the interactive effects of factors associated to climate change (elevated CO2, drought, salinity and high temperature) in the physiology and production of crops species, such as barley and quinoa. She also collaborates with other research groups, both nationals and internationals.