XSL Content

Course outline

Acquired skills

These are the main competences for which this degree will qualify you:

  • T01. Acquiring knowledge of the concept and origins of life, the types and levels of biological organisation and the mechanisms for passing on characteristics that enable the processes inherent in evolution to be interpreted.
  • T02. Explaining the genetic, morphological and functional bases of biodiversity and developing tools for cataloguing animals, plants, fungi, micro-organisms and viruses, the conducting of phylogenetic analyses and the proper management of natural resources.
  • T03. Recognising the molecular bases of the workings of living beings so as to isolate, analyse and identify bio-molecules, assess metabolic activities and conduct genetic and molecular diagnoses.
  • T04. Possessing the necessary general knowledge concerning the structure, organisation and development of living beings to obtain, manage, conserve and observe different types of cells, tissues and organisms.
  • T05. Identifying the bases for the regulation and integration of the functions and activities of organisms at different levels of biological organisation and their adaptations to the environment so as to design and apply production studies and improvements in bio-processes.
  • T06. Demonstrating a sound basic knowledge of the physical environment that helps to interpret the structure and workings of ecosystems and enables students to assess, plan, manage, conserve and restore populations and ecosystems.
  • T07. The proper use of basic knowledge of instrumental subjects to obtain information, design experiments and interpret results in biology.
  • T08. Bearing in mind the scientific and social environment of biology as a profession, performing services and directing, drawing up and implementing projects in the fields of their professional competences and reporting same to the scientific community and to society.
  • T09. Developing abilities in analysis, synthesis, organisation and planning that enable them to make decisions and to draw up and report information.
  • T10. Developing skills in interpersonal relationships conducive to team work and developing critical reasoning and an ethical commitment to the values of society.
  • T11. Holding a positive attitude that enables them to acquire the tools needed for continued self-directed learning and for encouraging initiative, innovation, quality as a motivation and sensitivity towards environmental matters.
  • T12. Properly assessing the risks involved in handling chemicals and biological organisms so as to apply safe procedures for action in laboratories, in line with legislation on occupational health and safety, hazardous waste management and environmental impacts.