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Final Year Project26867

Faculty of Science and Technology
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits
Para poder defender el TFG (Trabajo de Fin de Grado) debe tener superados todos los créditos del Grado
Para poder matricularse del TFG (Trabajo Fin de Grado) debe tener superados todos los créditos del grado.

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The basic objective of the Final Year Project (FYP) is that students demonstrate their maturity when it comes to tackling their own subject, theoretical or practical, of the degree in an autonomous way and to reinforce those competencies that enable them to practice professionally.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The FYP must be oriented to the application of the general competences associated with the degree, to train for the search, management, organization, and interpretation of relevant data, normally from its area of study, to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant topics of Scientific and/or technological nature, and that facilitates the development of critical, logical, and creative thinking and judgment. The training activities may be of a broad nature and will be aimed at the development and application of the skills acquired throughout the bachelor’s degree.

The FYP must be oriented to the application of the following competences associated with the degree: Transversal

1. Ability to analyze, synthesize, and reason critically in the application of the scientific method.

2. To develop autonomous learning and adaptation to new situations.

3. Ability to transmit ideas and communicate them to a professional and non-professional audience, encouraging the use of foreign languages, especially English.

4. Ability to collaborate and work in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams respecting gender equality.

5. To develop the skills for the application of the acquired knowledge to the professional world.

6. Creative and entrepreneurial capacity: formulate, design, and manage projects, seek, and integrate new knowledge and attitudes.

7. To develop ethical commitment and the capacity to participate in the social debate. Specific

8. To know the usual procedures used by scientists to generate, transmit, and disseminate the scientific information of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

9. To express oneself in scientifically precise terms about the different cellular processes at the molecular level and use the terminology of the area.

10. To work appropriately in a chemical/biochemical laboratory, including chemical and biological safety, handling, chemical waste disposal, and annotated activity register.

11. To know the basis of the experimental strategies used in biochemical research.

12. To analyze and adequately interpret data and experimental results from the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

13. To develop the ability to quantitatively analyze biological processes.

14. To properly use basic quantitative tools for data analysis in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

15. To understand the role of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology professional in the scientific and social context.

16. To design, carry out and evaluate multidisciplinary experimental strategies in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for the resolution of complex biological problems.

17. Ability to interpret and evaluate the scientific literature of the area.

18. To relate the FYP to democratic values and sustainability, considering any of its three dimensions: social, economic or environmental. This includes addressing issues such as gender perspective, social welfare, sustainable economic growth, climate action, ecosystem protection or other aspects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

See Regulations for the Final Year Project in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology https://www.ehu.eus/documents/19559/37321287/BQBM_TFG_es.pdf/eea9e9de-c807-f012-17a5-e6e0d6663cb8?t=1676619808459

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The FYP shall comprise the following activities:

1) Individualized tutorials.

2) Autonomous work of the student guided by his/her director in the phases of development, delivery, exposure, and defense of the FYP.

3) Compulsory attendance at certain activities that the BCBM Degree Studies Commission considers each academic year.

4) It is recommended that students attend seminars, workshops, conferences, courses or activities of interest in the subject or speciality related to the FYP. These activities may address a variety of topics, including literature search, data analysis, programming, effective defense techniques, the importance of the gender perspective in Biosciences or ethics in research with humans, animals and genetically modified organisms, among others.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Oral defense (%): 35
    • Memoria (%): 65

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

In the event of any case of dishonest or fraudulent practice, the provisions of the protocol on academic ethics and the prevention of dishonest or fraudulent practices in evaluation tests and academic work at the UPV/EHU will be applied.

* Submitted written report: 65 %

* Defense 35 %

For more details on the evaluation criteria of the FYP, in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology https://www.ehu.eus/documents/19559/37321287/BQBM_TFG_es.pdf/eea9e9de-c807-f012-17a5-e6e0d6663cb8?t=1676619808459)

www.ehu.eus/en/web/ztf-fct => Grados => FYP: General information

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

In the event of any case of dishonest or fraudulent practice, the provisions of the protocol on academic ethics and the prevention of dishonest or fraudulent practices in evaluation tests and academic work at the UPV/EHU will be applied.

* Submitted written report: 65 %

* Defense 35 %

For more details on the evaluation criteria of the FYP, in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology https://www.ehu.eus/documents/19559/37321287/BQBM_TFG_es.pdf/eea9e9de-c807-f012-17a5-e6e0d6663cb8?t=1676619808459)

www.ehu.eus/en/web/ztf-fct => Grados => FYP: General information

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

1. Normativa Trabajo Fin de Grado en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular https://www.ehu.eus/documents/19559/37321287/BQBM_TFG_es.pdf/eea9e9de-c807-f012-17a5-e6e0d6663cb8?t=1688382520333

2. Normativa Trabajo Fin de Grado de la ZTF-FCT https://www.ehu.eus/documents/19559/37321356/Normativa_TFG_ZTF-FCT-2022.pdf/1c8711cb-f2f5-dcb3-0269-8aaf3bd9c058?t=1654085699598

3. Normativa Trabajo Fin de Grado de la UPV/EHU


Web addresses
