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Traffic Accidents Expertise28145

Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Bachelor's Degree in Automotive Engineering - DUAL
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups3045

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

This is a fourth year course to be taught during the first four-month period, which aims to provide students with the analysis skills, methodology and appropriate tools for the reconstruction of traffic accidents.

The students of this course will work through different activities the complete reconstruction of the traffic accident, starting from the collection of data, identifying and interpreting the evidence found and applying advanced methods of calculation. In the development of the course we will work on the resolution of real cases.

Starting in the 2024/2025 academic year, the subject is part of the MA3S project (Let's Improve the Attitude of Automotive Students towards Sustainability) within the framework of the HBP/PIE i3lab 2024/2025 projects.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


Knowledge in vehicle accident appraisal.


1.- To show a positive attitude towards the use of the English language, making an effort to participate actively in all the activities, as well as overcoming learning difficulties.

2.- To develop the state of the art in the field of Automotive Engineering, making use of the most relevant scientific and technological databases to extract updated knowledge associated with the assessment of traffic accidents.

3.- Search, select, interpret and efficiently generate information and technical and technological documentation in the field of traffic accident appraisal.

4.- Draft projects and technical reports for other professionals, clients or institutions.

5.- Manage administrative documentation and professional protocols specific to engineering.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1. The traffic accident. Preliminary considerations

1.1 Definition of accident

1.2 Social and judicial problems. Necessity of traffic accident investigation

1.3 Methodology of accident reconstruction.

2. Elements involved in a traffic accident

2.1 The environment

2.2 The driver

2.3 The vehicle

3. Classification of accidents.

3.1 By location

3.2 By their results

3.3 By the number of vehicles involved.

3.4 By the way in which they occur.

4. Elements of special interest for the reconstruction of traffic accidents

4.1 Tracks and traces

4.2 Inspection of lamps

4.3 Wheels

4.4 Passive safety systems

4.5 Tachographs

5. Data collection

5.1 Data structuring

5.2 Data collection methodology

5.3 Measurements

5.4 Complementary aids in data collection

6. Physical fundamentals and their application to road accident reconstruction

6.1 Physical fundamentals

6.2 Application of physical fundamentals

6.3 Forces and movements of the vehicles during the accident

7. Investigation of vehicle fires

7.1 Fire

7.2 Fuel

7.3 Heat

7.4 Vehicle fires

7.5 Vehicle fire investigation

7.6 Fires caused by human involvement

7.7 Fires following an accident

7.8 Example of vehicle fire investigation

8. Hit-and-run

8.1 Hit-and-run study

8.2 Statistical studies on hit-and-runs

8.3 Designation of collisions

8.4 Hit-and-run calculation techniques

8.5 Pedestrian forward speed

8.6 Examples

9. Calculation of deformation energies of a vehicle

9.1 McHenry's method

9.2 Taking measurements in the deformed zone

9.3 Useful rules for data collection

9.4 Values of coefficients A and B

9.5 Calculation of the equivalent barrier velocity (EBS)

9.6 Measurement process on a vehicle

9.7 Example of calculation of deformation energies

10. Preparation of the technical report

10.1 Report structure

10.2 Reports. Practical examples

11. Defense of the technical report in court

11.1 Legal importance of the expert's report

11.2 The expert before the court

MethodologyToggle Navigation


Virtual Campus to support the study http://eGela.ehu.es/

The class hours will cover the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, in a continuous process, which will allow the student a progressive immersion in the field of Traffic Accidents Expert Witnessing. For this, a continuous and active presence in the classes is required from the student, participating and enriching the formative process, so class attendance acquires an essential value and will be considered as such.

Active methodologies based on cooperative learning techniques will be followed:

- Flipped Classroom.

- Problem-based learning (PBL)

Within the MA3S project, in this subject the FBL methodology will be used to work on SDGs 3,4,9,11,12 and 16 and the TCs of communication and bilingualism, teamwork and critical thinking.

Providing timely feedback on all activities performed.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 30
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 40
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 30

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The priority and recommended evaluation will be the continuous evaluation, assessing the student's work and the competences worked during the classes.

The student may waive the continuous assessment and opt for a single final exam, after notifying the faculty of waiver of continuous assessment. To do so, the student must send a duly signed letter to the professor responsible for the subject, requesting the waiver of continuous assessment. Said letter must be submitted before week 9 from the beginning of the term in which the subject is taken.

The single final exam will cover the set of skills, knowledge and competences developed in this teaching guide. This test may contain, therefore, theoretical and practical exercises and even the oral defense of the same.

NOTE: In the event that a face-to-face evaluation of the subject cannot be carried out, the pertinent changes will be made for the realization of an online evaluation through the use of the existing computer tools in the UPV/EHU. The characteristics of this online evaluation will be published in the student guides and in eGela.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation of the extraordinary call will be carried out exclusively through the final evaluation system, as established in the student evaluation regulations for the academic year 2023/24, but in the event that the student has opted for continuous evaluation, the positive results obtained during the course will be taken into account.

For the final evaluation the student must pass various tests, both written, practical or skill and even oral defense, before the court of the teaching team of the subject, in order to verify the acquisition by the student of the competences of the subject.

NOTE: In the event that a face-to-face evaluation of the subject cannot be carried out, the relevant changes will be made for the realization of an online evaluation through the use of existing computer tools in the UPV/EHU. The characteristics of this online evaluation will be published in the student guides and in eGela.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Theoretical and practical documentation (teacher's notes) of the subject collected in the virtual platform.

Basic bibliography specified in the eGela platform.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Basic bibliography:

• Daniel Álvarez Mántaras, Pablo Luque Rodríguez y Juan Manuel González-Carbajal García; ISBN 13: 9788497324038

• Pablo Luque y Daniel Álvarez; Investigación de accidentes de tráfico. Manual de reconstrucción; Editorial: Netbiblo; ISBN-13: 978-8497451734. 2007

• Julià Cabrerizo y Fernando Pérez. Manual para la investigación y reconstrucción de las causas de accidentes de tráfico. ISBN: 978-84-9020-569-3. 2016

• Manual de reconstrucción de accidentes de tráfico. Centro de Experimentación y Seguridad Vial Mapfre. ISBN: 978-84-9701-274-4. 2013.

In-depth bibliography

• Alba López, J.J.; Iglesia Pulla, A.; Aragüás Viñao, J.; Introducción al análisis de deformaciones. Copy Center. ISBN 84-95475-16-2. 2001.
• Aparicio, F.; García, A.; Martínez, L.; Páez, J.; Sánchez, M.; Gómez, A. Accidentes de tráfico: investigación, reconstrucción y costes. Sección de publicaciones de la E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales. UPM. ISBN: 84–7484–149–6. 2002.
• Aparicio, F.; García, A.; Martínez, L.; Páez, J.; Sánchez, M.; Gómez, A. La seguridad de los vehículos automóviles. Sección de publicaciones de la E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales. UPM. ISBN: 84–7484–150–X. 2002.
• Aparicio Izquierdo, F.; Vera Álvarez, C.; Díaz López, V. Teoría de los vehículos automóviles. Sección de Publicaciones de la ETSII. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ISBN 84-7484-109-7. 1995.
• Byatt, R.; Watts, R. Manual of road accident investigation. Volume 1. Pitman Publishing Limited. ISBN 0-273-01325-4. 1980.
• Norma UNE-26-403-90. Vehículos Automóviles. Colisiones. Terminología
• Lechner, D. La reconstitutioncinematique des accidents. Rapport INRETS nº 21. ISBN 2-85782-164-6. 1986.
• Lechner, D. Utilisationréelle des capacitésdynamiques des véhicules par les conducteurs. Rapport INRETS nº 165. ISBN 2-85782-379-7. 1986

GroupsToggle Navigation

16 Teórico (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


10:30-12:00 (1)


10:30-12:00 (2)

Teaching staff



16 Applied laboratory-based groups-1 (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


09:00-10:30 (1)


09:00-10:30 (2)

Teaching staff
