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PhD in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU with a thesis on experimental animation films in the Basque Country, Begoña Vicario is an animated filmmaker and she directed films as Pregunta por mí (Ask About Me,1997), Haragia/Carne Humana ( Flesh, 2000), Beti Bezperako Koplak ( Couplets of an everlasting eve, 2015 with the collective Agedakoplak), Areka ( The Ditch, 2016 with the collective Atxur) and Miraila (Mirror, 2017 with the collective Armintxe), all of them widely spread and awarded at national and international festivals, the ost important of which are the Goya prize, First prize of the Madrid Festival of Experimental Cinema or the Great Prize of Basque cinema at Zinebi. She has written, in addition to numerous articles and papers, several books on animation films, among which Breve historia del cine de animación experimental vasco. (1998- Semana de Cine Experimental de Madrid), Mamá, quiero ser artista: entrevistas a mujeres del cine de animación (I Herguera, B Vicario - 2004 - Ocho y Medio) and Sistiaga, el trazo vibrante (2008-Animadrid, Animadrid, Festival internacional de cine de animación). Begoña Vicario teaches in the Degree of Art and in the Master of Contemporary Art (MACTP) of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UPV/EHU, participates in various research projects and has three recognized research sexenials. He currently coordinates the animation group Hauazkena with which he works on two new film projects and collaborates with other art