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Course outline

Acquired skills

These are the main competences for which this degree will qualify you:

  • A knowledge of art as a system (galleries, museums, foundations, associations, etc and the full range of possibilities as regards grants, subsidies and aid), the mechanisms by which it operates and the requirements for working in it (contracts, legal issues, insurance, etc). A knowledge of the workings and problems of the rights of authors and intellectual property (copyright, copyleft, etc).
  • An ability to pass on knowledge and act as an educator and intermediary for artistic matters in fields where this may be required: teaching, museum management, the setting up of exhibitions, art criticism, cultural advisory services, participation in working groups on innovation and creativity in business, etc.
  • Combining knowledge and skills to design and develop artistic projects.
  • Handling various basic factors from different disciplines of art that influence procedures for configuration and representation.
  • Knowledge of the history, series and significant notions of art and of the thinking processes of artists, through their works and writings.
  • Recognising a knowledge of art as technical know-how.
  • Recognising the links between artistic events and the social contexts in which they take place, understanding the importance of their functions and their significance so as to acquire a viewpoint based on reflection and a critique of both the history of art and contemporary culture, the values of equality, non-discrimination and the culture of peace.
  • Taking responsibility for the act of creation and for what is created in terms that may be expected by society of contemporary artists. The ability to make commitments.
  • The ability to deal with artistic matters in a foreign language, so as to be able to work easily in an international context.
  • The ability to use IT tools for the creation, production and dissemination of art work.
  • The skills required to use the materials, procedures, technologies and general resources associated with different forms and fields of artistic work to be resolved in matters of identity and place inherent in art.
  • Using investigation, critical thinking and creative and/or scientific methods, showing initiative and decision-making abilities at both individual and group levels.