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Teaching staff


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Graphic Expression in Architecture
School of Architecture
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María Senderos Laka is an architect graduated from the University of San Sebastian since 2004 and also has a doctorate in architecture since 2016. She is a professor at that university since 2005 and teaches Architectural Graphic Expression I, II and III. Her pedagogical activity has placed special emphasis on the study of the sketch, as a fundamental part for the learning of architectural drawing, a subject on which she developed the work to obtain the Diploma of Advanced Studies.

During 2009 she attended the XXVIII. Long-term Urbanism Course, organized by the Basque School of Territorial and Urban Studies, dependent on the Basque Institute of Public Administration, obtaining the Diploma in Urbanism.

Between 2011 and 2015, she was a researcher thanks to the scholarship granted by the Vice-Rector of Basque of the UPV with the aim of carrying out the doctoral thesis in basque.

Currently, it is incorporated into various research teams:

1. [1/1]: Arkitektura, Turismoa eta Lurraldea

GentrifiCAV/EAE: útiles gráficos para políticas de vivienda.


ACCESIBILIDAD EN LA C.A.P.V.: Normativa comparada.


2.Puesta en valor y activación del proceso de reutilización de un conjunto monumental industrial: la Nueva Cerámica de Orio.


3. IRUdi, architectural graphic expression lab