
Wall Drawing 2021.Monaco


Installation in the Faculty of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • Title: Wall Drawing 2021.Monaco
  • Art and Project: Juan Carlos Olabe y Xabier Basogain - JC&X
  • Collaborators: Juan Carlos Olabe, Montse López de Arcaute y Xabier Basogain
  • Technique: Acrylic directly on wall
  • Size: 240 cm x 840 cm
  • Date: June 2021
  • Place: Computer Room 1.4

Wall Drawing 2021.Monaco is a work of art that uses a minimalist language with two unique elements:

  • lines and spaces with inclination of 30 and 90 degrees

The viewer / visitor / perceives through these two elements:

  • the 6 geometric directions (north, south, east, west, earth and sky)

The viewer / visitor / perceives through these two elements:

  • those open roads (north, south)
  • those privacy fences (east, west)

The viewer / visitor / perceives:

  • the material elements (wood, or metal of the pergolas)
  • intangible elements (the shadows created by a sun that cannot be seen, but whose position is known)

The viewer / visitor perceives through color:

  • 5 different pergolas but with a continuity in color (pink-blue, blue-green, ...)

The viewer / visitor perceives:

  • chromatic contrasts (pink-blue., ...)
  • chromatic / non-chromatic contrasts (series of 10 triangular flags)

The viewer / visitor perceives:

  • passage areas
  • areas where you can protect yourself
  • areas in the outdoor

The viewer / visitor perceives:

  • 2D and 3D images
  • geometric figures: triangles, rhomboids, irregular hexagons, prisms, ...

Make of installation Wall Drawing 2021.Monaco


Wall Drawing 2021.Monaco


Graphic design on classroom photography 1.4
  • Vertical lines: 50
  • Short slanted lines: 25
  • Long slanted lines: 28
  • Colors: 8
  • Geometries: triangles, irregular hexagons, prisms, ...

Series 2021.Monaco

Icon of Wall Drawing 2021.Monaco

​​​​The artistic work 2021.Monaco presents a series in different formats:

  • flags
  • cups
  • posters
  • folders


The Faculty of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz collaborates with the UPV / EHU WebLearner research team (IT1195-19 and GIU19 / 010) in the projects "STEAM Education at School" and "Creation of shared knowledge at the University: Maker spaces to promote STEAM education ".

These projects foster collaborations with local institutions (universities, schools, museums, libraries, civic centers, ...) for the collaborative implementation of STEAM in these institutions.

The EIVG collaborates in these projects by providing different spaces for the realization and installation of works of Art in the STEAM context.


  • Promote STEM through the A of STEAM in the EIVG spaces
  • Create and experience visual perceptions
  • Language and Visual Culture
  • Encourage the participation of Students, Staff and Teachers in collaborative artistic works

STEAM Spaces and Facilities Proposals:

  •  Computer Classroom 1.4
  •  Window -North side access (bikes)
  •  Blue panel in hallways
  •  Staircase - North side access (bikes)
Participation / Collaboration: if you want to collaborate in this initiative (in the EIVG or in any other UPV / EHU center, or in an external center) send an email to xabier.basogain@ehu.eus

Galeria Wall Drawing 2021.Monaco

Galeria Wall Drawing 2021.Monaco