Komunikazioak berebiziko garrantzia dauka enpresen eta erakundeen edozein estrategiatan. Era berean, gaur egongo komunikazio ingurune konplexuak gaurkotasuna kontatzeko modu berriak aztertzeko aukera handia ematen du. Enpresa, instituzio, erakunde edota hedabide batean, komunikatzaileak beharrezkoak dira publikoari inguruko errealitate desberdinak azaltzeko. Entzuleria, hedabide eta testuinguru mota bakoitzari egokitutako istorioak kontatzen ikasiko duzu, hainbat formatutan: albiste, elkarrizketa edo erreportaje gisa, bai eta spot, banner digitala edo prentsaurreko gisa ere.
Kazetaritza + Publizitatea eta Harreman Publikoak Gradu Bikoitzak beharrezko trebakuntza emango dizu XXI. mendeko komunikazio korporatiboak eta hedabideek behar dituzten zeregin profesionaletan aritzeko, eta emango dizun prestakuntzarekin gai izango zara komunikazio kanpaina integralak diseinatu eta sortzeko, eraginkorrak eta XXI. mendeko hedabideetara egokituak (internet, telebista, irratia, zinema, multimedia teknologia berriak eta telefonia mugikorra). Era guztietako proiektu profesionalak egiten ikasiko duzu kazetaritza zein publizitate formatu desberdinetan.
Knowledge areas
Social Sciences and Law
Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
5 courses
Number of credits
312 ECTS credits
Basque, English, Spanish
Study type
Face-to-face degree
Price per credit in first registration
13,42 €
Pass mark
11,318 in ordinary exam session (2024/25)
Places available
15 places

4 reasons to choose this degree
- You will learn to search for truthful information, to tell it with rigour, to create stories in an attractive and clear way.
- You will discover the ins and outs of digital journalism, the most current medium, and traditional communication in the press, radio and TV.
- A Dynamic curriculum, with training closely linked to the communication market.
- In the 3rd and 4th years you will be able to do internships in the main media and communication agencies such as EITB, RTVE, Mediaset, etc.
Entry Profile
If you are a person with great curiosity, interested in what is happening around you and you believe in the capacity and need for critical analysis – if a single version of history does not satisfy you and the world of communication excites you – you will be sure to like the degree course in Journalism.

Career opportunities
In the media, production companies, communication agencies, communication offices of companies and institutions:
- Writing in print and audiovisual media
- Direction and production of programmes, reports, scripts, etc.
- Management and editing of web portals
- Management of press or institutional communication offices
- Communication consultancy
- Communication management
- Transmedia communication
- Editing, production and management of multimedia content
- Social and participatory journalism on the Internet
And also in teaching and research.
Y también en docencia e investigación.