
The Faculty of Engineering, Gipuzkoa was founded in 1952, and since then has played a fundamental role in relation to the companies and the productive industrial fabric of its environment, training a large number of its professionals. Currently, it has two sections, in Donostia-San Sebastián and Eibar.
The Faculty of Engineering, Gipuzkoa participates in different mobility programmes: Erasmus+, Latin America and Other Destinations. We have collaboration agreements with 120 different destinations and offer some 500 mobility options every year.
In addition, we have dual-degree agreements with two foreign universities: Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and University of Pau and Pays de L’Adour (France).
Teaching at the Faculty of Engineering, Gipuzkoa is usually bilingual: Spanish and Euskera. However, an increasing number of subjects are also taught in English.
Moreover, we offer a number of English-friendly subjects, which, although taught in Spanish, offer the programme as well as part of the materials, several tasks and examinations in English, under faculty members who can attend to you and tutor you in English.
We also offer the possibility of developing ad-hoc projects (6 or 12ECTS) in English.
A B1 level is recommended for subjects in Spanish.
At the Faculty of Engineering of Gipuzkoa you can carry out an Erasmus+ stay and, at the same time, obtain one of our engineering degrees. These are the universities with which we have an international double degree agreement.
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