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PARAFAC models of fluorescence data with scattering: A comparative study
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,
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Gangoiti, G.; Sáez de Cámara, E.; Gómez-Domenech, I.; Alonso, L.; Navazo, M.; Iza, J.; García, J.A.; Ilardia, J.L.; Millán, M.M.
Re-evaluation of moisture sources for the August 2002 extreme rainfall episode in central Europe: Evaporation from falling precipitation included in a mesoscale modeling system
Journal of Hydrology,
529, Part 3,
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Sáez de Cámara, E.; Gangoiti, G.; Alonso, L.; Iza, J.
Daily precipitation in Northern Iberia: understanding the recent changes after the circulation variability in theNorth Atlantic sector
Journal of Geophysical Research,
9981 - 10005