Abstracts for oral communications or posters should be sent before the 23rd of March, 2014.
Abstracts in Spanish or English will be accepted. Abstract acceptance will be communicated to the authors before the registration deadline.
The following link is the template for abstracts: Plantilla_Resumen_GE3C.docx
The abstract file should be saved as follows: starting with the GE3C2014 acronym, and then, after a _ line, the family name of the author presenting the communication (i. e., GE3C2014_Perez_Luis.docx ).
The following one is the link to submit the abstract: pincha aquí.
> Guidelines for the abstract elaboration
- Maximum extension: 1 DIN A-4 page.
- Margins: superior and inferior, 3cm; left and right, 2,5 cm.
- Abstract title: capital letter, bold, centred. Font: Calibri, 12 points
- Author information: Name (initials and family name), justified (left and right), Font: Calibri, 11 points. The name of the author presenting the communication must be underlined. In the case of authors with different affiliations, please use letters (superscript)
- Affiliation: Font: Calibri, cursive, 11 points, justified (left and right
- Abstract text: Font: Font: Calibri, 11 points, justified (left and right), paragraph space 6 points. The abstract can include figures, tables and bibliography.
- Bibliographic references (articles, books and conference proceedings) should appear as cites at the bottom of the page (Font: Calibri, 10 points), and should appear inserted in the text.
- The location of formula, graphics, schemes and other similar elements is at the discretion of the authors, as long as these elements are disposed inside the area delimited by the margins.
- Figures and other similar elements must appear in a legible size.
- Acknowledgements should appear at the end of the text.
> Posters
The poster dimensions should be 120 cm (long) x 90 cm (wide)