J. Gutiérrez-Zaballa, K. Basterretxea, and J. Echanobe, Reliable explainability of deep learning spatial-spectral classifiers for improved semantic segmentation in autonomous driving, 10th IEEE Whispers Conference, Helsinki, Finland, December 2024.
Unai Sainz-Estebanez, Unai Martinez-Corral, Koldo Basterretxea, Hardware coprocessor integration with NEORV32: characterization for efficient implementation of RISC-V-based AI SoCs, 9th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2024), Catania, Italy, October 2024.
J. Gutiérrez-Zaballa, K. Basterretxea, and J. Echanobe, Designing DNNs for a trade-off between robustness and processing performance in embedded devices, 39th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2024), Catania, Italy, October 2024.
J. Gutiérrez-Zaballa, K. Basterretxea, J. Echanobe, M. V. Martínez, and U. Martínez-Corral, HSI-Drive v2.0: More Data for New Challenges in Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI'23), Mexico DF, Mexico, 2023.
J. Gutiérrez-Zaballa, K. Basterretxea, J. Echanobe, Óscar Mata-Carballeira, and M. V. Martínez, Rapid Deployment of Domain-specific Hyperspectral Image Processors with Application to Autonomous Driving, 30th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS'23), Istanbul, Turkey, 2023.
J.Ruiz Colmenares, E. Asua, Driving Style and Road Characteristics from a Motion Sickness Perspective Using a Methodology Based on Clustering. International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT23), Roma, Italy, 2023.
Aitor del Río and K. Basterretxea, Robust embedded MPC with reduced-precision arithmetic for cost-optimized implementationn. 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2021), Toronto, Canada, October 2021
Myriam Vaca-Recalde, Pedro López Garcı́a,Javier Echanobe,Joshue Pérez, Eyes Detector Approach for Driving Monitoring System for Occluded Faces without using Facial Landmarks, 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing. October 28-30, 2021, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
K. Basterretxea, V. Martínez, J. Echanobe, J. Gutiérrez-Zaball, and I. del Campo, HSI-Drive: A dataset for the research of hyperspectral image processing applied to autonomous driving systems. IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV 2021), Nagoya, Japan, 2021.
A. del Río and K. Basterretxea, Towards the Development of a CAD Tool for the Implementation of High-Speed Embedded MPCs on FPGAs. European Control Conference (ECC), Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2020
Vaca-Recalde M.E., Pérez J., Echanobe J. Driver Monitoring System Based on CNN Models: An Approach for Attention Level Detection. In: Analide C., Novais P., Camacho D., Yin H. (eds), Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2020, Guimaraes, Portugal, November 4–6, 2020. LNCS, vol 12490. Springer, Cham.
U. Martínez-Corral, G. Callahan, K. Iordanou, C. Gorgovan, K. Basterretxea, and M. Luján, DBHI: A Tool for Decoupled Functional Hardware-Software Co-Design on SoCs. The 2020 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA'20), Seaside, California, USA, 2020
A. del Río and K. Basterretxea, Towards the Automatic Implementation of Reduced-size and High Throughput MPC on FPGAs. 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Paris, France, 2019.
E. Sanz-Madoz, J.Echanobe, O. Mata-Carballeira, I. del Campo, M.V. Martínez. Reduced Kernel Extreme Learning Machine for Traffic Sign Recognition. 2019 IEEE 22st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2019.
Oscar Mata-Carballeira, Ines del Campo, Maria Victoria Martinez, Javier Echanobe, A Hardware/Software Extreme Learning Machine Solution for Improved Ride Comfort in Automobiles. 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, 2019.
C. Hidalgo, R. Lattarulo, J. P´erez, and E. Asua, Intelligent longitudinal merging maneuver at roundabouts based on hybrid planning approach. EUROCAST, Las Palmas, Spain, 2019.
C. Hidalgo, R. Lattarulo, J. P´erez, and E. Asua, Hybrid trajectory planning approach for roundabout merging scenarios. IEEE International Conference on Connected vehicles and expo (ICCVE), Graz, Austria, 2019.
Oscar Mata-Carballeira, Ines del Campo, Maria Victoria Martinez, Javier Echanobe, Deep Extreme Learning Machines with Auto Encoder for Speed Limit Signs Recognition, 2018 IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2018.
Ines del Campo, Estibalitz Asua, Maria Victoria Martinez, Oscar Mata-Carballeira, Javier Echanobe, Driving Style Recognition Based on Ride Comfort Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm, 2018 IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2018.
K. Basterretxea and U. Martínez-Corral, A Research Enablement Kit for Experimenting with Neural Processing SoC, ARM Research Summit 2018, Cambridge, UK, September 2018.
K. Basterretxea and U. Martínez-Corral, Hardware Accelerators for Machine Learning and their Integration in SoC, ARM Research Summit 2017, Cambridge, UK, September 2017.
U. Martínez-Corral and K. Basterretxea, A Fully Configurable and Scalable Neural Coprocessor IP for SoC Implementations of Machine Learning Applications. 11th NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS). Pasadena, CA,USA, July 2017.
Javier Echanobe, Ines Del Campo, Koldo Basterretxea and Victoria Martinez. Genetic Algorithm-based Optimization of ELM for On-line Hyperspectral Image Classification. 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2017.
Ines del Campo, Victoria Martinez, Flavia Orosa, Javier Echanobe, Estibalitz Asua and Koldo Basterretxea. Piecewise Multi-linear Fuzzy Extreme Learning Machine for the Implementation of Intelligent Agents. 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Anchorage, Alaska, 2017.
M. V. Martínez; J. Echanobe; I. del Campo. Driver identification and impostor detection based on driving behavior signals. 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2016
Javier Echanobe; Inés del Campo; M. Victoria Martínez. Design and optimization of a Neural Network-based driver recognition system by means of a multiobjective genetic algorithm. 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, Canada, 2016.
Sandra Seijo, Victoria Martínez, Inés del Campo, Javier Echanobe, Javier García-Sedano. Feature Selection and modelling of a Steam Turbine from a Combined Heat and Power plant using ELM. International Conference on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM2015), Hangzhou, China, December 15-17, 2015.
Inés del Campo, Javier Echanobe, Estibaliz Asua, and Raúl Finker. Controlled-Accuracy Approximation of Nonlinear Functions for Soft Computing Applications. IEEE-SSCI Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-10 December, 2015.
M.V. Martínez, I. del Campo, J. Echanobe, K. Basterretxea. Driving Behaviour Signals and MAchine Learning: A Personalized Driver Assistance System. IEEE-ITSC2015 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), September 15-18, 2015.
J. Echanobe, R. Finker, I. del Campo. A Divide-and-Conquer Strategie for FPGA Implementations of Large MLP-based Classifiers. IJCNN'15, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Killarney (Ireland), 12-17 July 2015.
S. Seijo, I. del Campo, J. Echanobe, J. García-Sedano. Electric Efficiency Modelling of a Complex Cogeneration Process using Extermel Learning Machines. ICCIA-2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications , Bangkok, 6-7 Jul. 2015.
R. Finker, I. del Campo, J. Echanobe, M.V. Martinez. An Intelligent Embedded System for Real-Time Adaptive Extreme Learning Machine. IEEE-SCSI Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Orlando, 9-12 Dic. 2014.
K. Basterretxea, J. Echanobe, I. del Campo. A wearable Human Activity Recognition System on a Chip. Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing - DASIP, Madrid 8-10 Oct. 2014.
U. Martinez-Corral, K. Basterretxea, and R. Finker. Scalable parallel architecture for singular value decomposition of large matrices. 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Munich, Alemania, 2-4, Septiembre, 2014.
I. del Campo, R. Finker, Mª V. Martínez, J. Echanobe and F. Doctor. A Real-Time Identification System based on Artificial Neural Networks and Cepstral Analysis. IJCNN 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Beijing, 6-11, August, 2014.
I. Bildosola, U. Martinez-Corral, and K. Basterretxea. Scalable SVD Unit for Fast Processing of Large LSE Problems on FPGAs. 2014 IEEE 25th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), Zurich, Suiza, 18-20, Junio, 2014.
J. Echanobe, E. Asua, I. del Campo. Integration of a Wireless Sensor-Actuator Network and an FPGA for Intelligent Inhabited Environments. SENSORNETS'14 3th. International Conference on Sensor Networks. Lisboa, 7-9 January, 2014.
R. Finker, I. del Campo, J. Echanobe and F. Doctor. Multilevel Adaptive Neural Network Architecture for Implementing Single-Chip Intelligent Agents on FPGAs. IJCNN 2013 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Dallas (USA), 4-9 August, 2013.
S. Seijo, I. del Campo, J. Echanobe, J. García-Sedano, E. Suso, M. T. Atienza. Computational Intelligence Techniques for Maximum Energy Efficiency of Cogeneration Processes. CIIEM 2013 5th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management, Lisbon (Portugal), 17 - 19 July, 2013.
I. del Campo, J. Echanobe, R. Finker, F. Doctor, K. Basterretxea, Mª V. Martínez, and J. Tarela. Using Ambient-Intelligence Techniques for Reducing Traffic Accidents Caused by Driver Error. Congreso Internacional de Seguridad Vial 2013, Santander, 16 - 18 May, 2013.
K. Basterretxea, I. del Campo, M.V. Martínez, and J. Echanobe. Dynamic Significant Feature Extraction for Embedded Intelligent Agent Implementations. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments (CIDUE), Singapore, pp. 39-46, 16-19 April, 2013.
J. Echanobe, I. del Campo, R. Finker, and K. Basterretxea. Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration in Embedded Systems for Intelligent Environments. IE'2012 Intelligent Environments, Guanajuato (Méjico), 26 - 29, June, 2012.
I. del Campo, K. Basterretxea, Mª.V. Martínez, J. Echanobe, and F. Doctor. A Hardware/Software Embedded Agent for Real-Time Control of Ambient-Intelligence Environments. IEEE WCCI - 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Brisbane (Australia), 10 - 15 June, 2012.
K. Basterretxea. Recursive Sigmoidal Neurons for Adaptive Accuracy Neural Network Implementations. NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS). Nurenberg (Alemania), June 2012
K. Basterretxea and K. Benkrid. Embedded high-speed model predictive controller on a FPGA. NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems AHS-2011. San Diego-USA, 2011.
M. I. de la Fuente, J. Echanobe, I. del Campo, L. Susperregui, I. Maurtua. Hardware implementation of a Neural-Network Recognition module for Visual Servoing in a Mobile Robot. DEXA 2010 – XXI International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Bilbao (España) , 30 Aug. - 3 Sep. July, 2010.
M. I. de la Fuente, J. Echanobe, I. del Campo, L. Susperregui, I. Maurtua. Hardware implementation of a Neural-Network Recognition module for Visual Servoing in a Mobile Robot. DEXA 2010 – XXI International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications. Bilbao (España) , 30 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2010.
M. I. de la Fuente, J. Echanobe, I. del Campo, L. Susperregui, I. Maurtua. Development of an Embedded System for Visual Servoing in an Industrial Scenario. SIES 2010 – IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded System. Trento (Italia) 7-9 July, 2010.
K. Basterretxea, I. del Campo, and J. Echanobe. A semi-active suspension embedded controller in a FPGA. SIES 2010 – IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded System. Trento (Italia) 7-9 July, 2010.
H. Hassanzadegan, N. Garmendia, F. J. Bermejo, I. del Campo, and V. Etxebarria. Design and Implementation of the pulsed digital LLRF system of the ESS-Bilbao Ion Source Test Stand. ICALEPCS 2009 – International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Kobe (Japón), 12-16 Oct., 2009
G. Bosque, J. Echanobe, I. del Campo and J. M. Tarela. Modeling and Synthesis of Computational Efficient Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Based on Matlab. ICANN 2008 – 18th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Praga, República Checa, 3-6 Sept., 2008
P. Echevarria, M. V. Martínez, J. M. Tarela, J. Echanobe, I. del Campo, M.B. Tejedor y G. Bosque. Implementación en FPGAs de módulos PWL multidimensionales. JCRA'08: VIII Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones, Madrid 18-19 Sep., 2008.
J. Echanobe, I. del Campo, G. Bosque, P. Echevarria, J. M. Tarela, M.B. Tejedor, M. V. Martínez y D. Soroa. Implementación de un Sistema Electrónico Embebido para entornos de Inteligencia Ambiental. JCRA'08: VIII Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones, Madrid 18-19 Sept., 2008
P. Echevarria, M. V. Martínez, J. Echanobe, I. del Campo and J. M. Tarela. Digital hardware implementation of high dimensional fuzzy systems. WILF 2007 - International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, Camogli (Italia) 7-10 Jul., 2007.
J. Echanobe, I. del Campo, and G. Bosque. An Efficient Hardware Implementation of an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System. International Conference on the Logic of Soft Computing LSC'06 and 5th workshop of the ERCIM working group of Soft Computing. Malaga (Spain), Sep. 2006.
G.Bosque, I. del Campo, J. Echanobe. Efficient Hw/Sw Implementation of a Neuro-Fuzzy System on a SoPC. Recent Advances in Soft Computing, RASC'2006. Canterbury, Julio 2006.
P. Echevarría, M.V. Martínez, J. Echanobe, I. del Campo, and J.M. Tarela. Design and Hw/Sw Implementation of a Class of Piecewise-Linear Fuzzy Systems. Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Implementación - SAAEI05. Santander (Spain), Septiembre 2005.
P. Echevarria, M.V. Martínez, J.M. Tarela, and I. del Campo. Digital implementation of a simplicial cellular neural network. XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'04. Burdeos (Francia), 2004.
I. del Campo, J. Echanobe, G. Bosque, J.M. Tarela, J.M. Martín, and A. García. Embedded Fuzzy Systems: Design, Análisis and Synthesis. International Workshop on Electronics and System Analysis, IWESA'04. Bilbao (Spain), 2004.
G. Bosque, I. del Campo, J. Echanobe, and JM Tarela. Implementación de un sistema neuro-fuzzy sobre un SoPC. ESTYLF 2004 - XII Congreso español de tecnologías y lógica fuzzy. Jaen, Septiembre 2004.
Circuito Programable de Función de Pertenencia Gausiana para Hardware Neuro-Borroso. X Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación, SAAEI 2003. Vigo, 2003.
I. del Campo, J. Echanobe, and J.M. Tarela. Design and Synthesis of Piecewise-Linear Fuzzy Systems. RASC'2002. Recent Advances in Soft Computing. Nottingham (UK), Diciembre 2002.
K. Basterretxea, J.M. Tarela e I. del Campo. Consequences of Gaussian Function Approximation in the Performance of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. Recent Advances in Soft Computing, RASC'2002. Nottingham (UK), 2002.
K. Basterretxea, J.M. Tarela e I. del Campo. Sobre la influencia del grado de aproximación de la función sigmoide y su derivada en el comportamiento de RNA's de retropropagación. Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación, SAAEI'01. Matanzas (Cuba), 2001.
K. Basterretxea, J.M. Tarela, and I. del Campo. Approximation of Sigmoid Function and the Derivative for Artificial Neurons. International Conference on Neural Network and Applications, WSES-NNA'0. Tenerife, 2001.
O. López de Ganboa, J.M. Tarela, I. del Campo, J. Echanobe. Un Controlador Fuzzy PWL Apropiado para Implementaciones Digitales. ESTYLF 2000. Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy. Sevilla Septiembre, 2000.
J.R. González de Mendívil, J.R. Garitagoitia, J.J. Astrain, J. Echanobe. Fuzzy Autómata for Imperfect String Matching . ESTYLF 2000. Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy. Sevilla Septiembre, 2000.
J. Echanobe, J.R. Garitagoitia, J.R. Mendívil. Deformed Fuzzy Automata for the Text Error Correction Problem. EUSFLAT'99 International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Palma de Mallorca, Septiembre 1999.
K. Basterretxea, E. Alonso, J.M. Tarela, and I. del Campo. PWL Approximation of Non-linear Functions for the Implementation of Neuro-fuzzy Systems. 3rd World Multiconference CSCC'99. Atenas (Grecia), 1999.
I. del Campo, R. Callao, and J.M. Tarela. Automatic Implementation of PLD based Fuzzy Logic Controllers. 4th International Conference on Soft Computing IIZUKA'96. Iizuka (Japan), 1996.
J. Echanobe, J.R. Mendívil, J.R. Garitagoitia. Text Recognition System based on a Neural Network and on a Deformed System. IWANN'95 International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks. Torremolinos (Spain), Junio 1995.
I. del Campo, and J.M. Tarela. A CAD Tool to Implement Real-time Fuzzy Logic Controllers. 7th Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems. Odense (Denmark), 1995
R. Callao, I. del Campo y J.M. Tarela. Realización de un controlador fuzzy sobre un dispositivo de lógica programable. X Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados y Sistemas, DCIS-SICD'95. Zaragoza 1995.
J. Echanobe, J.R. González de Mendívil, J.R. Garitagoitia. Estudio de Funciones de Composiciónde Evidencias en un Problema de Reconocimiento de Textos. IV Congreso sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy, Blanes (Spain), Sep. 1994.
J. Echanobe, R. Reina, J.R. Garitagoitia, J.R. González de Mendívil. Deformed Systems in Text Recognition. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN94). Sorrento (Italy), Mayo 1994.
J. Echanobe, J.R. Garitagoitia, J.R. González de Mendívil, R. Reina. Máquinas Deformadas en el Reconocimiento de Formas. III Congreso Nacional sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy. Santiago de Compostela, Sep. 1993.
I. del Campo, J.R. González de Mendívil, J.R. Garitagoitia, and J.M. Tarela. Realización de un controlador fuzzy sobre un procesador digital de señal. II Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy. Madrid, 1992.
I. del Campo, J.R. González de Mendívil, J.R. Garitagoitia, and J.M. Tarela. A DSP based Fuzzy Logic Controller. 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks IIZUKA'92. Iizuka, Japan, 1992
I. del Campo, J.R. Garitagoitia, and J.M. Tarela. Título: Un sistema de desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en la lógica borrosa orientado al control de procesos. Primer Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy, Granada, 1991.
I. del Campo, J.R. Garitagoitia y J.M. Tarela. Aplicación de la Lógica Borrosa al Diseño de un Oscilador. XXII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Palma de Mallorca, 1989.
I. del Campo, J.R. González de Mendívil, J. Rotaetxe, E. Alonso, J.R. Garitagoitia, and J.M. Tarela. Sistemas Basados en la Lógica Borrosa. Workshop on Aproxímate Reasoning Methodologies, WARM'89. Madrid, 1989.
I. del Campo, J.M. Tarela, and J.R. Garitagoitia. A Fuzzy Logic Controller for an LC Oscillator. V Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático. La Habana, Cuba, 1989