Asset Publisher

Juan María Hidalgo Betanzos

Assistant Professor (Department of Energy Engineering. Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria)


Electronic mail

Academic data

Ph.D. in Thermal Engineering by the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, UPV / EHU (2017).

Master in Research in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry, Transport, Construction and Town Planning, by the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, UPV/EHU (2012).

Master in Teaching in Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres, Physics and Chemistry specialisation, by Faculty of Letters and Education Studies, University of La Rioja (2011).

Architect Degree by High Technical School of Architecture of San Sebastián, UPV/EHU (2009).

Lines of work

Buildings refurbishment & Retrofitting.

Net Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB).

Building Energy Performance Monitoring.

Thermal Comfort in buildings.

Buildings thermographic analysis.

ICT related to building refurbishment processes.

User-Participative processes and Human Factor in Building energy performance.

Papers (International Journals)

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