Academic Data
Ph.D. in Thermal Engineering by the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, UPV / EHU (2017)
Master Degree in Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Transport and Industry. University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Technical School of Engineering of Bilbao (2011).
Chemical Engineering Degree. University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Technical School of Engineering of Bilbao (2008).
Lines of work
Development of new energy-efficient Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage systems (LHTES systems).
Development of new Phase Change Materials for thermal energy storage.
Experimental characterization and study of materials; DSC, TGA, Thermo-microscopy, thermal cycling, thermal visual methods, FTIR, others.
Modeling and simulation of heat and mass processes (CFD and building simulation softwares) to study the behaviour of new developments and solutions.
Thermodynamic modeling of materials to analyze their phase equilibrium and to forecast their behaviour as PCMs.