International journals index
- A methodology for assessing rooftop solar photovoltaic potential using GIS open-source software and the EROI constraint Energy and Buildings, 2025; 331, Art. number - 115401
- The Role of Solar Gains in Net-Zero Energy Buildings: Evaluating and Optimising the Design of Shading Elements as Passive Cooling Strategies in Single-Family Buildings in Colombia Sustainability, 2025; 17, Art. number - 1145
- Can ChatGPT AI Replace or Contribute to Experts’ Diagnosis for Renovation Measures Identification? Buildings, 2025; 15(3), Art. number - 421
- Model predictive control with self-learning capability for automated demand response in buildings Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025; 258, Art. number - 124558
- Valorized sheep wool biocomposites towards a more sustainable building sector: Thermal insulation, sound absorption, and resistance against insects Developments in the Built Environment, 2025; 21, Art. number - 100608
- Design and experimental characterization of a propane-based reversible dual source/sink heat pump Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025; 258, Art. number - 124527
- Analysis and improvement of gas flow behaviour at the inlet duct of an industrial HRSG boiler through CFD modelling Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2024; 60, Art. number - 104717
- Definition, estimation and decoupling of the overall uncertainty of the outdoor air temperature measurement surrounding a building envelope Journal of Building Physics, 2024
- The Open Data Potential for the Geospatial Characterisation of Building Stock on an Urban Scale: Methodology and Implementation in a Case Study Sustainability, 2024; 16(2), Art. number - 652
- Techno-economic and environmental analyses of a solar-assisted Stirling engine cogeneration system for different dwelling types in the United Kingdom Energy Conversion and Management, 2024; 302, Art. number - 118160
- Experimental method for estimating the effect of solar radiation on the inner surface heat flux of opaque building envelope elements Journal of Building Physics, 2024; 47(6), 580 - 627
- Ranking building design and operation parameters for residential heating demand forecasting with machine learning Journal of Building Engineering, 2024; 86, Art. number - 108817
- Performance of solar-ice slurry systems for residential buildings in European climates Energy and Buildings, 2024; 907, Art. number - 113965
- Experimental and numerical study on oxy-fuel combustion of pyrolysis gas at ultra-rich conditions with non-premixed and partially premixed nozzles International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024; 91, 63 - 72
- Inclusivity in urban energy transitions: A methodological approach for mapping gendered energy vulnerability Energy Research & Social Science, 2024; 109, Art. number - 103426
- Measurement uncertainty and behaviour analysis of indoor air quality variables of thermal zones of an in-use mechanically ventilated building Building and Environment, 2024; 254, Art. number - 111366
- Environmental and energy analysis of the renovation of social housing buildings under various climate change scenarios and user profiles Journal of Building Engineering, 2024; 98, Art. number - 111164
- The effect of considering the real consumption on the assessment of the renovation of social housing buildings Energy and Buildings, 2024; 319, Art. number - 114535
- Integration of building archetypes and typological urban forms to assess energy performance and thermal comfort: Proposal of suitable parameters for Latin America Journal of Building Physics, 2024
- Comparative summer thermal performance analysis between open ventilated facade and modular living wall Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2024; 53, Art. number - 103919
- Cost-effectiveness and minimum requirements of nZEB for residential buildings under the new Spanish Technical Building Code Energy & Buildings, 2023; 287, Art. Number - 112986
- A mixed integer linear programming-based simple method for optimizing the design and operation of space heating and domestic hot water hybrid systems in residential buildings Energy Conversion and Management, 2023; 292, Art. Number - 117326
- A novel multicriteria methodology to assess the renovation of social buildings Journal of Building Engineering, 2023; 77, Art. number - 107505
- How can cities effectively contribute towards decarbonisation targets? A downscaling method to assess the alignment of local energy plans with national strategies Energy Strategy Reviews, 2023; 49, Art. Number - 101137
- Multidimensional procedure for mapping and monitoring urban energy vulnerability at regional level using public data: Proposal and implementation into a case study in Spain Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023; 89, Art. Number - 104301
- Why district renovation is not leading the race? Critical assessment of building renovation potential under different intervention levels Energy & Buildings, 2023; 295, Art. Number - 113288
- Energy efficiency and energy performance gap in centralized social housing buildings of the Basque Country Energy and Buildings, 2023; 298, Art. number - 113534
- A novel strategy to guarantee a minimum indoor temperature in social housing buildings Journal of Building Engineering, 2023; 76, Art. Number - 107230
- Overheating calculation methods, criteria, and indicators in European regulation for residential buildings Energy and Buildings, 2023; 292, Art. Number - 113170
- Techno-economic analysis of a combined heat and power system integrating hybrid photovoltaic-thermal collectors, a Stirling engine and energy storage Energy Conversion and Management, 2023; 284, Art. Number - 116968
- Thermal characterization of a modular living wall for improved energy performance in buildings Building and Environment, 2023; 234, Art. Number - 110102
- Experimental study on the influence of a conical cavity’s inclination angle and aspect ratio on thermal behavior of a cone cooled with nanofluid saturated porous media Experimental Heat Transfer, 2022
- Thermal state of a concentric quarter spherical enclosure subjected to air free convection Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2022; 147 (5), 3703 - 3708
- Thermal state of a conical antenna cooled by means of nanofluid saturated porous media International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2022; 33 (1), Art. Number - 2250002
- Design of a Microscale Refrigeration System for Optimizing the Usable Space in Compact Refrigerators Energies, 2022; 12, Art. Number - 819
- Thermoeconomic analysis in advanced cogeneration systems in buildings. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022; 9, Art. Number - 802971
- Development of a tool based on thermoeconomics to control and diagnosis building thermal facilities Energy, 2022; 239 (D), Art. Number - 122304
- Procedure for modelling and calibrating operating thermal systems in buildings Journal of Building Engineering, 2022; 45, Art. Number - 103530
- Can solar desalination be small and beautiful? A critical review of existing technology under the appropriate technology paradigm Energy Research & Social Science, 2022; 88, Art. Number - 102510
- A photovoltaic forced ventilated façade (PV-FVF) as heat source for a heat pump: Assessing its energetical profit in nZEB buildings Energy & Buildings, 2022; 261, Art. Number - 111979
- Overall uncertainty analysis of zonal indoor air temperature measurement in an in-use office building Building and Environment, 2022; Art. Number - 109123 - 0360-1323
- Performance analysis of a novel building integrated low concentration photovoltaic skylight with seasonal solar control Journal of Building Engineering, 2022; 54, Art. Number - 104687
- Experimental study on the thermal control of a roof-top collective building antenna using a porous matrix filled with Water-Copper nanofluid Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022; 32, Art. Number - 101869 - 2214-157X
- Accounting for homeowners’ decisions to insulate: A discrete choice model approach in Spain Energy & Buildings, 2022; 273, Art. Number - 112417
- Assessing the Thermal Performance of a Conventional Architecture in Dry Warm Climate Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy. CIT 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2022; 932, 47 - 58
- Methodology to Determine Energy Efficiency Strategies in Buildings Sited in Tropical Climatic Zones; Case Study, Buildings of the Tertiary Sector in the Dominican Republic Energies, 2022; 15(13), Art. Number - 4715
- Energy and thermal modelling of an office building to develop an artificial neural networks model Scientific Reports, 2022; 12, Art. Number - 8935
- Comparison between Energy Simulation and Monitoring Data in an Office Building Energies, 2022; 15, Art. Number - 239
- Numerical analysis of a combined heat pump ice energy storage system without solar benefit – Analytical validation and comparison with long term experimental data over one year Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022; 213, Art. Number - 118696
- Design of district heating networks in built environments using GIS: A case study in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022; 349, Art. Number - 131491
- Data driven model for heat load prediction in buildings connected to District Heating by using smart heat meters Energy, 2022; 239, Art. Number - 122318
- Consideration of the interactions between the reaction zones in the New Extended Eddy Disspation Concept model Computer and Fluids, 2022; 233, Art. Number - 105203
- Engaging domestic users on demand response for heating cost reduction with a recommendation tool: Case study in Belgrade Energy Reports, 2022; 8 (3), 325 - 331
- Low-grade RC beams strengthened with TRM composite based on basalt, carbon and steel textiles: Experimental and analytical study Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022; 16, Art. Number - e00906 - 2214-5095
- Defining the cooling and heating solar efficiency of a building skin component: application to a modular living wall Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022; 210, Art. Number - 118403
- Trends in Technological Advances in Food Dehydration, Identifying the Potential Extrapolated to Cocoa Drying: A Bibliometric Study Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy. CIT 2020. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021; 763, 167 - 180
- Performance Evaluation and Effectiveness of a Solar-Biomass Hybrid Dryer for Drying Homogeneous of Cocoa Beans Using LabView Software and Arduino Hardware Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy. CIT 2020. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021; 762, 238 - 252
- Co-creation of local eco-rehabilitation strategies for energy improvement of historic urban areas Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021; 135, Art. number - 110332
- Improving Energy Performance of Historic Buildings through Hygrothermal Assessment of the Envelope Buildings, 2021; 11 (9), Art. Number - 410
- Reflections on thermoeconomics as a methodological tool for sustainability in buildings Dyna, 2021; 96, 50 - 54
- Design and operation of a poly-generation system in Spanish climate buildings under an exergetic perspective Energies, 2021; 14 (22), Art. Number - 7636
- Ventilation of buildings with heat recovery systems: Thorough energy and exergy analysis for indoor thermal wellness Journal of Building Engineering, 2021; 39, Art. Number - 102255
- Development of a Fresnel Artisanal System for the Production of Hot Water or Steam Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021; 763, 196 - 209
- 1D Dynamic Thermal Model Development for a Battery Hybrid Thermal Management System 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2021; 1 - 6
- Avoiding Thermal Issues During Fast Charging Starting with Proper Cell Selection Criteria Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021; 168, Art. Number - 110523
- Nonconformities, Deviation and Improvements in the Quality Control of Energy Performance Certificates in the Basque Country Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021; 75, Art. Number - 103286 - 2210-6707
- A MILP optimization method for energy renovation of residential urban areas: Towards Zero Energy Districts Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021; 68, Art. Number - 102787
- Decoupling the Heat Loss Coefficient of an in-use office building into its Transmission and Infiltration heat loss coefficients Journal of building engineering, 2021; 43, Art Number - 102591
- Analysis of the Energy Potential of a Tangential Microturbine for Application in a Passivhaus Environment Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy. CIT 2020. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021; 763, 181 - 195
- Identification of cost-optimal levels for energy refurbishment of a residential building stock under different scenarios: application at urban scale. Energy & Buildings, 2021; 240, Art. number - 110880
- Energy savings using sunspaces to preheat ventilation intake air: Experimental and simulation study Journal of Building Engineering, 2021; 40, Art. Number - 102343
- Modeling, simulation and control tools for nZEB: A state-of-the-art review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021; 142, Art. number - 110851
- Building renovation at district level – Lessons learned from international case studies Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021; 72, Art. number - 103037
- ENER-BI: Integrating Energy and Spatial Data for Cities’ Decarbonisation Planning Sustainability, 2021; 13 (1), Art. Number - 383
- Long-term assessment of the thermal stability of sodium nitrate-urea eutectic phase change material Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2021; 230, Art Number - 111261
20 Items per Page
- Porous media to intensify natural convection in rectangular enclosures used in building techniques International Journal of Modern Physics (Q4), 2020; 31 (4), Art. Number - 2050061
- Enhancement of natural convection for improvement of Trombe wall performance. An experimental study Energy & Buildings, 2020; 211, Art. Number - 109788
- Control strategy optimization of a Stirling based residential hybrid system through multi-objective optimization Energy Conversion and Management, 2020; 208, Art. Number: - 112549
- Airtightness Analysis of the Built Heritage-Field Measurements of Nineteenth Century Buildings through Blower Door Tests Energies (Q3), 2020; 13(24), Art. Number - 6727
- Advanced Exergy Analysis in the Dynamic Framework for Assessing Building Thermal Systems Entropy, 2020; 22(1), 32 - 55
- Application of Thermoeconomics in HVAC Systems Applied Sciences, 2020; 10(12), Art. Number - 4163
- Overview and implementation of dynamic thermoeconomic & diagnosis analyses in HVAC&R systems Journal of Building Engineering (Q1), 2020; 32, Art. Number - 101429
- Dataset of an in-use tertiary building collected from a detailed 3D mobile monitoring system and building automation system for indoor and outdoor air temperature analysis Data in Brief (Q4), 2020; 31, Art. Number - 105907
- Experimental Devices to Investigate the Long-Term Stability of Phase Change Materials under Application Conditions Applied Sciences, 2020; 10(22), Art. Number - 7968
- Dynamical edge effect factor determination for building components thermal characterization under outdoor test conditions in a PASLINK test cell: A methodological proposal Energy & Buildings, 2020; 210
- Optimal design and operation of thermal energy storage systems in micro-cogeneration plants Applied Energy, 2020; 265, Art. Number - 114769
- Flexible dynamic model of PHEX for transient simulations in Matlab/Simulink using finite control volume method International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020; 110, 83 - 94
- European Cities in the Energy Transition: A Preliminary Analysis of 27 Cities Energies, 2020; 13(6)
- European Cities in the Energy Transition: A Preliminary Analysis of 27 Cities Energies (Q3), 2020; 13(6), Art. Number - 1315
- Energy efficiency optimisation in industrial processes: Integral decision support tool Energy (Q1), 2020; 191, Art. Number - 11648
- Analysis of the integration of micro-cogeneration units in space heating and domestic hot water plants Energy, 2020; 200, Art. number - 117584
- Modelling and experimental characterization of a Stirling engine-based domestic micro-CHP device Energy Conversion and Management, 2020; 225, Art. number - 113429
- Methodology for integrated modelling and impact assessment of city energy system scenarios Energy Strategy Reviews (Q2), 2020; 32, Art. number - 100553
- Estimation of the Heat Loss Coefficient of Two Occupied Residential Buildings through an Average Method Energies, 2020; 13 (21), Art Number - 5724
- A novel residential heating consumption characterisation approach at city level from available public data: Description and case study Energy & Buildings, 2020; Art. Number - 110082
- Compatibility of container materials for Concentrated Solar Power with a solar salt and alumina based nanofluid: A study under dynamic conditions Renewable Energy, 2020; 146, 384 - 396
- Simulation and Thermo-Energy Analysis of Building Types in the Dominican Republic to Evaluate and Introduce Energy Efficiency in the Envelope Energies (Q3), 2020; 13(14), Art. Number - 3731
- Cities4ZERO: Overcoming Carbon Lock-in in Municipalities through Smart Urban Transformation Processes Sustainability, 2020; 12 (9), Art. Number - 3590
- Dynamic behavior of humid granular avalanches: Optical measurements to characterize the precursor activity Physical Review E, 2020; 101, 022902-1 - 022902-12
- Feasibility of zonal space heating controls in residential buildings in temperate climates: Energy and economic potentials in Spain Energy & Buildings, 2020; 218, Art. number - 110006
- A Functional Data Analysis for Assessing the Impact of a Retrofitting in the Energy Performance of a Building Mathematics (Q1), 2020; 8(4), Art. Number - 547
- Numerical study of a turbulent co-axial non-premixed flame for methanol hydrothermal combustion: Comparison of the EDC and FGM models Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2020; 169, Art Number - 105132
- New extended eddy dissipation concept model for flameless combustion in furnaces Combustion and Flame, 2020; 220, 49 - 62
- Energy, Environmental and Economic Analysis of Air-to-Air Heat Pumps as an Alternative to Heating Electrification in Europe Energies (Q3), 2020; 13(15), Art. Number - 3939
- Parametric characterization of a full-scale plate-based latent heat thermal energy storage system Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020; 178, Art Number - 115441 - 1359-4311
- Model calibration and exergoeconomic optimization with NSGA-II applied to a residential cogeneration Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020; 169, Art. number - 114916
- Cost-effective building renovation at district level combining energy efficiency & renewables – Methodology assessment proposed in IEA EBC Annex 75 and a demonstration case study Energy & Buildings, 2020; 224, Art. Number - 110280
- Natural convective cooling of electronics contained in tilted hemispherical enclosure filled with a porous medium saturated by water-copper nanofluid International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 2019; 29(1), 280 - 293
- Flat roof hygrothermal performance testing and evaluation International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 2019
- High temperature corrosion behavior on molten nitrate salt-based nanofluids for CSP plants Renewable Energy, 2019; 130, 902 - 909
- A novel thermoeconomic analysis under dynamic operating conditions for space heating and cooling systems Energy, 2019; 180, 819 - 837
- Vacuum insulation panels in construction solutions for energy efficient retrofitting of buildings. Two case studies in Spain and Sweden Energy and Buildings, 2019; 197, 131 - 139
- Dynamic neural networks to analyze the behavior of phase change materials embedded in building envelopes Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019; 158
- Thermal enhanced cement-lime mortars with phase change materials (PCM), lightweight aggregate and cellulose fibers Construction and Building Materials, 2019; 221, 586 - 594
- Numerical model for liquid-to-liquid heat pumps implementing switching mode Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019; 160
- Orientation-constrained system for lamp detection in buildings based on computer vision Sensors, 2019; 19 (7)
- Development and Experimental Validation of a New Off-Grid Thermoelectric Fancoil for Domestic Heating Journal of Electronic Materials, 2019; 48 (4), 1785 - 1794
- Mathematical development of an average method for estimating the reduction of the Heat Loss Coefficient of an energetically retrofitted occupied office building. Energy and Buildings, 2019; 192, 101 - 122
- Solar energy system for heating and domestic hot water supply by means of a heat pump coupled to a photovoltaic ventilated façade Solar Energy, 2019; 183, 453 - 462
- Energy characterization of a PASLINK test cell with a gravel covered roof using a novel methodology: Sensitivity analysis and Bayesian calibration Journal of Building Engineering, 2019; 22, 1 - 11
- An improved, generalized effective thermal conductivity method for rapid design of high temperature shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage systems Renewable Energy, 2019; 132, 694 - 708
- Thermal energy demand and potential energy savings in a Spanish surgical suite through calibrated simulations Energy and Buildings, 2018; 174, 513 - 526
- Environmental monitoring system based on an Open Source Platform and the Internet of Things for a building energy retrofit Automation in Construction, 2018; 87, 201 - 214
- A symbolic exergoeconomic study of a retrofitted heating and DHW facility Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2018; 27, 119 - 133
- Rheology of Solar-Salt based nanofluids for concentrated solar power. Influence of the salt purity, nanoparticle concentration, temperature and rheometer geometry Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018; 176, 357 - 373
- Molten salt-based nanofluids as efficient heat transfer and storage materials at high temperatures. An overview of the literature Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018; 82, 3924 - 3945
- Monitoring System Analysis for Evaluating a Building’s Envelope Energy Performance through Estimation of Its Heat Loss Coefficient Sensors, 2018; 18(7)
- Optimal renovation of buildings towards the nearly Zero Energy Building standard Energy, 2018; 160, 1101 - 1114
- Dynamic simulation of a microcogeneration system in a Spanish cold climate. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018; 165, 206 - 218
- A novel correlation for the direct determination of the discharging time of plate-based latent heat thermal energy storage systems Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018; 129, 521 - 534
- Renewable Energy Cooperatives as an instrument towards the energy transition in Spain Energy Policy, 2018; 123, 215 - 229
- Effects of individual metering and charging of heating and domestic hot water on energy consumption of buildings in temperate climates Energy Conversion and Management, 2018; 171, 491 - 506 - 0196-8904
- Unglazed solar thermal systems for building integration, coupled with district heating systems. Conceptual definition, cost and performance assessment Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, 2018; 6 (2), 121 - 133
- Ventilation requirements based on carbon dioxide concentration criteria: implications on IAQ and energy use International Journal of Ventilation, 2018; 1 - 16
- Improvement of auxiliary BI-DRUM boiler operation by dynamic simulation Energy, 2018; 148, 676 - 686
- The error of neglecting natural convection in high temperature vertical shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage systems Solar Energy, 2018; 174, 489 - 501
- Thermal state of electronic assemblies applied to smart building equipped with QFN64 device subjected to natural convection Microelectronics Reliability, 2017; 70, 79 - 83
- Energy management in smart building with wire-bonded QFN64b electronic package subjected to air free convection. Experimental and numerical study Energy & Buildings, 2017; 149, 321 - 328
- Thermal design of a sensor for building control equipped with QFN electronic devices subjected to free convection. Effects of the encapsulating resin Energy & Buildings, 2017; 141, 218 - 225
- Effect of pH and lactose on cross-linking extension and structure of fish gelatin films Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2017; 117, 140 - 146
- A comparative analysis of two thermoeconomic diagnosis methodologies in a building heating and DHW facility Energy & Buildings, 2017; 146, 160 - 171
- Application of the malfunction thermoeconomic diagnosis to a dynamic heating and DHW facility for fault detection Energy & Buildings, 2017; 135, 385 - 397
- A precise method to measure the specific heat of solar salt-based nanofluids Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017; 129 (2), 905 - 914
- Energy conservation in an office building using an enhanced blind system control Energies, 2017; 10(2), 196 - 219
- A general model for the optimization of energy supply systems of buildings Energy, 2017; 138, 954 - 966
- A PC-tool to calculate the Moisture Buffer Value Energy Procedia, 2017; 133, 68 - 75
- Pore characterization of heterogeneous building materials: Pyroclastic arid-based concrete Journal of Building Physics, 2017; 41, 25 - 40
- Analysis of electrodeposition processes to obtain calcium phosphate layer on AZ31 alloy Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017; 319, 12 - 22
- Experimentation under real performing conditions of a highly integrable unglazed solar collector into a building façade Energy Procedia, 2017; 122, 775 - 780
- Overview and future challenges of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) design in Southern Europe Energy & Buildings, 2017; 155, 439 - 458
- Cogeneration systems optimization: Comparison of multi-step and mixed integer linear programming approaches International Journal of Green Energy, 2016; 13, 256 - 266
- In-use office building energy characterization through basic monitoring and modelling Energy & Buildings, 2016; 119, 256 - 266
- Thermoeconomic Approach to the Diagnosis of A DHW Microcogeneration Plant Modern Environmental Science and Engineering, 2016; 2(8), 507 - 514
- Symbolic thermoeconomics in building energy supply systems Energy & Buildings, 2016; 127, 561 - 570
- The sodium nitrate–urea eutectic binary mixture as a phase change material for medium temperature thermal energy storage. Part II: Accelerated thermal cycling test and water uptake behavior of the material Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016; 157, 1076 - 1083
- The sodium nitrate–urea binary mixture as a phase change material for medium temperature thermal energy storage. Part I: Determination of the phase diagram and main thermal properties Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016; 157, 1065 - 1075
- Determination of the phase diagram and main thermophysical properties of the erythritol–urea eutectic mixture for its use as a phase change material Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016; 157, 894 - 906
- The role of the design and operation of individual heating systems for the energy retrofits of residential buildings Energy Conversion and Management, 2016; 126, 736 - 747
- Design and feasibility of high temperature shell and tube latent heat thermal energy storage system for solar thermal power plants Renewable Energy, 2018; 96, 120 - 136
- Finite cylinder-source model for energy pile heat exchangers: Effect of buried depth and heat load cyclic variations Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016; 96, 130 - 136
- Optimizing full scale dynamic testing of building components: measurement sensors and monitoring systems Energy Procedia, 2015; 78, 1738 - 1743
- Encapsulated High Temperature PCM as Active Filler Material in a Thermocline-based Thermal Storage System Energy Procedia, 2015; 69, 937 - 946
- Energy performance of the opaque ventilated facade Energy Procedia, 2015; 78, 55 - 60
- Eutectic mixtures of sugar alcohols for thermal energy storage in the 50-90 ºC temperature range Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2015; 134, 215 - 226
- Characterization of wet granular avalanches in controlled relative humidity conditions Powder Technology, 2015; 279, 24 - 32
- Influence of the regulation framework on the feasibility of a Stirling engine-based residential micro-CHP installation Energy, 2015; 84, 575 - 588
- Energy and economic assessment of the envelope retrofitting in residential buildings in Northern Spain Energy & Buildings, 2015; 86, 194 - 202
- Methodology for evaluating the energy renovation effects on the thermal performance of social housing buildings: Monitoring study and grey box model development Energy & Buildings, 2015; 102, 390 - 405
- Optimising test environment and test set up for characterizing actual thermal performance of building component and whole buildings Energy Procedia, 2015; 78, 3264 - 3269
- Analysis of the influence of the permeability of the envelope in the performance of different types of mechanical ventilation systems Energy Procedia, 2015; 78, 1263 - 1268
- Evaluation of green walls as a passive acoustic insulation system for buildings Applied Acoustics, 2015; 89, 46 - 56
- Design of a Finned Plate Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage System for Domestic Applications Energy Procedia, 2014; 48, 300 - 308
- A comparative study of the CFD modeling of a ventilated active façade including phase change materials Applied Energy, 2014; 126, 307 - 317
- Parametric study of the operational and economic feasibility of Stirling micro-cogeneration devices in Spain Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014; 71, 821 - 829
- Thermal analysis of closed feedwater heaters in nuclear power plants Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014; 68, 45 - 58
- Finite cylinder-source model for energy pile heat exchangers: Effects of thermal storage and vertical temperature variations Energy & Buildings, 2014; 78, 639 - 648
- Development and comparative analysis of the modeling of an innovative finned-plate latent heat thermal energy storage system Energy, 2013; 58, 438 - 447
- Intercomparative tests on phase change materials characterisation with differential scanning calorimeter Applied Energy, 2013; 109, 415 - 420
- Experimental thermal characterization of radiant barriers for building insulation Energy & Buildings, 2013; 59, 62 - 72
- Ventilated active façades with PCM Applied Energy, 2013; 109, 530 - 537
- Field assessment of thermal behaviour of social housing apartaments in Bilbao, Northern Spain Energy & Buildings, 2013; 67, 118 - 135
- Dynamic exergy analysis of energy systems for a social dwelling and exergy based system improvement Energy & Buildings, 2013; 64, 359 - 371
- Thermoeconomic analysis of a micro-CHP installation in a tertiary sector building through dynamic simulation Energy, 2012; 45, 228 - 236
- Influence of the experimental conditions on the subcooling of Glauber ́s salt when used as PCM Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2012; 102, 189 - 195
- Validation of heat transfer models for PCMs with a conductivimeter Energy Procedia, 2012; 30, 395 - 403
- Analysis of a thermal bridge in a guarded hot box testing facility Energy & Buildings, 2012; 50, 139 - 149
- Equivalent wall method for dynamic characterization of thermal bridges Energy & Buildings, 2012; 55, 704 - 714
- Heat transfer through a double-glazed unit with an internal louvered blind: Determination of the thermal transm ittance using a biquadratic equation International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012; 55, 1226 - 1235
- Analysis of ventilation of dwellings in Spain in relation to Technical Building Code using tracer gas techniques International Journal of Ventilation, 2012; 11, 271 - 280
- A frecuency domain estimation of wall conduction tr ansfer function coefficients Energy & Buildings, 2012; 51, 191 - 202
- The exergy approach for evaluating and developing an energy system for a social dwelling Energy & Buildings, 2012; 55, 693 - 703
- Experimental investigation of demand controlled ventilation systems: a suitable alternative for con trolling ventilation in dwellings Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 2012; 6, 1553 - 1559
- Feasibility of small-scale gas engine-based residential cogeneration in Spain Energy Policy, 2011; 39, 3813 - 3821
- Implications of the modelling of stratified hot water storage tanks in the simulation of CHP plants Energy Conversion and Management, 2011; 52, 3018 - 3026
- Moisture buffering performance of a new pozolanic ceramic material: Influence of the film layer resistance Energy and Buildings, 2011; 43, 873 - 878
- Problems in the calculation of thermal bridges in dynamic conditions Energy and Buildings, 2011; 43 (2-3), 529 - 535
- Corrosion behaviour of several aluminium alloys in contact with a thermal storage phase change material based on Glauber’s salt Corrosion Science, 2009; 51, 1263 - 1272
- Analysis of different models to estimate energy savings related to windows in residential buildings Energy and Buildings, 2009; 41, 687 - 695
- Cogeneration technology for the metal-processing sector Applied Energy, 2008; 85, 516 - 567
- Moisture storage properties of multi-slotted light-weight ceramic blocks: Comparison between two manufacturers Journal of Building Physics, 2008; 40, 225 - 242
- Static and dynamic thermal characterisation of a hollow brick wall: Tests and numerical analysis Energy and Buildings, 2008; 40, 1513 - 1520
- One-dimensional solutions to Fourier’s equation and measures of heat transmission though walls Building and Environment, 2008; 43, 1433 - 1445
- Characterization of moisture transport properties for lightened clay brick: Comparison between two manufacturers Journal of Building Physics, 2007; 31, 179 - 194
- Modelling and dynamic simulation of processes with ‘MATLAB’. An application of a natural gas installation in a power plant Energy, 2007; 32, 1271 - 1282
- Contribution of renewable energy sources to electricity production in the autonomous community of Navarre (Spain): A review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2007; 11, 1776 - 1793
- Contribution of renewable energy sources to electricity production in the La Rioja Autonomous Community, Spain. A review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2007; 11, 1244 - 1259
- Optimising ventilation-system design for a container-housed engine Applied Energy, 2006; 83, 1125 - 1138
- Exergetic analysis and thermoeconomic study for a container-housed engine Applied Thermal Engineering, 2006; 26, 1840 - 1850
- Modelling and simulation of the dynamic performance of a natural-gas turbine flowmeter Applied Energy, 2006; 83, 1222 - 1234