Call for papers




Topics/ Keywords Towards a new accounting/management for Circular Economy

Specific Topics of the conference:

  • Approaches measuring contributions and impacts of companies to a CE
  • Innovations for indicators, composite sustainability indexes and multidimensional measurement approaches to CE development in practice
  • Analyses of how CE approaches of companies contribute to an economy ‘operating in the safe space of planetary boundaries’ or to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Proposals for approaches to measure and manage CE contributions in the supply chain
  • Impacts of CE innovations on developing business cases and on corporate financial performance
  • The role of CE accounting, performance measurement and reporting

Traditional EMAN Topics: 

  • Sustainability management and measurement tools for management control
  • Sustainability (Integrated) reporting and accounting
  • Social entrepreneurship, sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainability performance
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management
  • Material and energy flow accounting
  • Water, forest, biodiversity accounting and sustainability of business
  • Life Cycle Assessment for Innovations
  • Incorporating Sustainability competences in Higher Education Institutions
  • Others traditionally accepted in EMAN conferences



  • Deadline for abstracts: 30 MARCH  2022.
  • Abstract should not exceed 500 words.
  • NotificaNotification of acceptance: 15 of April  2022
  • Extended abstract for publication in the conference proceedings (2-6 pages): 1st of June 2022
  • Abstracts to be sent to Professor Igor Alvarez Etxeberria:


Although the plenary sessions as well as most of the parallel sessions will be in English, this year's congress will also accept some communication proposals in Spanish.