Titulo - Profesorado

Teaching staff

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Knowledge area
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
Farmacia y Ciencia de los Alimentos
Faculty of Pharmacy
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Ph.D. Pharmacy and Doctorate Special Award, University of Salamanca. Full Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology. Faculty of Pharmacy. University of the Basque Country (Spain).

Specialist in Hospital Pharmacy (1989), Industrial and Galenic Pharmacy (2000) and Analysis and Control of Medicines and Drugs.

Participation as principal investigator or collaborator in projects related to: Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care in chronic patients, Biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic studies, Design and evaluation of modified dosage forms and Legal regulation of biopharmaeuticals. She has published more than one hundred scientific articles in impact journals and book chapters. She has participated as a speaker in congresses and round tables related to the Development of biosimilar medicines.

She has completed research stages in the University of Manchester, the Merrell Dow Research Institute in Cincinnati and the Mario Negri Research Institute in Milan.

Co-Director of the Doctoral Program ‘Evaluation and Research of medicines’, University of the Basque Country, 1995-2003.

Member of Health Sciences Verification Commissions (ANECA) (2008-2018).

Her current lines of research are focused on Pharmacotherapeutic evaluation in primary health care and Biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars European regulation.

Six periods of 6 years on research and transference work (sexenios) recognized by the Spanish Agency ANECA.