Titulo - Matrícula


Perfil Ingreso - Ingeniería de proyectos

Admission criteria

Profile for Admission

To access the Doctoral Programme, the profile of each candidate in particular will be assessed.

XSL Content

Para la admisión al programa de doctorado se valorarán los siguientes criterios y ponderaciones: -expediente académico (80%) -conocimiento del idioma inglés (20%)El doctorando deberá demostrar un conocimiento de inglés de nivel igual o superior al B2 (independiente avanzado) según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas: Aprendizaje, Enseñanza y Evaluación (MCERL). Este criterio de admisión tendrá una ponderación del 20%.Como requerimiento adicional, el candidato o candidata deberá aportar un compromiso firmado por un profesor o profesora del programa de doctorado comprometiéndose, en su caso, a la dirección de la tesis doctoral, así como indicando la temática de la misma.Asimismo, la comisión académica podrá solicitar una entrevista a los candidatos para aclarar y valorar cualquiera de los méritos alegados




Matricula Procedimiento Asignacion - Común

Procedure for assigning a faculty member as a doctoral thesis tutor and director

Once a student has been accepted onto the doctoral programme, the Academic Commission will assign them a tutor from among the faculty at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) participating in the programme, who will then be responsible for ensuring good interaction with the Academic Commission and adapting the training and research activities to the principles established by the programme and the Doctorate School.

Within three months of enrolment, the Academic Commission will assign each student a thesis director from among the faculty participating in the programme. The director may or may or not be the same person as the tutor, and will be responsible for guiding and ensuring the consistency of the training and research tasks, and guaranteeing that the topic of the thesis have an impact and make a novel contribution to the field. They are also responsible for guiding the thesis plan and adapting it, if required, to other projects and activities in which the PhD student is involved.  

If the director is not a member of the faculty at the UPV/EHU, the tutor will act as a liaison.

Doctoral theses may also be co-directed, and the second co-director may or may not be a member of the DP.  New tutors or directors may be assigned at any moment during the thesis.

For more information, see the procedures and rules.