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Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Science and Technology
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F. Xabier Contreras obtained his Bachelor´s degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry in the University of Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France). He received his PhD in Biochemistry in 2006 (Bilbao, Spain) and then did a postdoc period (2006-2012) in the Biochemistry Center of Heidelberg (University of Heidelberg, Germany) developing novel chemical biology tools applied to cell biology problems. In 2012, he obtained a research position from Ikerbasque in the University of the Basque Country/Instituto Biofisika (UPV/EHU, CSIC) where he runs the chemical cell biology unit and focuses his research in unveiling the role of specific protein-lipid interactions in the initiation and progression of different human diseases and developing novel multifunctional chemical molecules to map cellular interactomes networks. The long-term objective is to obtain the cell blueprint that will help researchers to understand and overcome biological processes and their consequences in human diseases. In short, knowing how to read the cell blueprint will tell us, for instance, how and what drives disease and what part of the networks should be targeted before and after the network adapts and mutates. The scientific background of Dr. F.-X Contreras covers different scientific areas such as organic chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, chemical biology, analytical chemistry, biophysics, structure, and systems biology