Titulo - Matrícula


Perfil de ingreso - TICRM

Admission criteria

Profile for admission

Preferential profiles for admission are those people who have completed their studies in the different university master’s degrees associated with ICTs that are available at participating universities.

A recommended profile for admission will also be considered for candidates who have completed other official university master’s degrees from Spanish universities or from any other country within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and with a subject matter related to mobile network information and communication technologies.

Applicants must prove they have B1 level skills in English.

In the case of applications with different profiles for admission to the recommended profiles, the Academic Commission will specify, where necessary, the specific additional training that the candidate must complete.

XSL Content

Applicants fulfilling the recommended entry profiles will not need any supplementary training.The applications corresponding to entry profiles a), b), c), d), e), f), different from the recommended ones, will be analyzed in a case-by-case basis by the Academic Commission to determine the adequacy of the previous studies of the applicant to this Doctorate Program.In the case that the previous studies of the applicant are considered incomplete by the Academic Commission, the applicant will have to take some supplementary training.The supplementary training will be accomplished by attending and passing some courses offered by the official master degrees of the participant universities.The Academic Commission will determine, for each application, the amount and type of supplementary training courses that the applicant must take. In any case, the Academic Commission may propose up to 15 ECTS credits to be taken. If the previous studies of the applicant exhibit lack of training equivalent to more than 15 ECTS, the application will not be accepted.A maximum time period will be established for the supplementary training to be completed. If the applicant fails to do so, he or she will cease following the doctorate program. The supplementary training will have the consideration of doctorate level studies for the purpose of public prices and scholarship and study grants.
ADMISSION CRITERIAIn general, for the access and admission to the doctorate studies the orders of the articles 6 and 7 and the second additional provision of the Royal Decree 99/2011 of January 28 that regulate the official doctorate education will be applied. In the same way, the Official Doctorate Education Regulations of the participating universities will be of application.The applications that fulfill the entry requirements will be evaluated by the Academic Commission of the doctorate program according to the curriculum and the documentation provided, following the merit assessment criteria listed below.In general, the student admission will be considered in an individual way, due to the very diverse background of the applicants.For the applications that have entry profiles different from those recommended, the Academic Commission will indicate the specific supplementary training the applicant will have to carry out. The admission applications of students holding degrees from universities outside the European Higher Education Area will be sent by the Academic Commission of the Doctorate Program to the competent body of the university for its final authorization.All applicants will have to prove their English B1 proficiency level. Those students that, when applying to the program, indicate their interest in making the PhD thesis under a joint supervision agreement with a French university must prove their French B1 proficiency level.MERIT ASSESSMENT CRITERIATaking into account the curriculum and documentation provided by the applicant, the Academic Commission will decide about his/her admission following these criteria:- Academic record (40%)- Adequacy of previous education to the topics of the Doctorate Program (30%)- Research or professional experience in any of the fields related with the research topics of the Doctorate Program (10%)- Publications related with the thematic of the Doctorate Program (10%) - Other academic merits (stays abroad, language proficiency, etc.) (10%). In the case of English language a level above B1 will be valued. For the students with interest in making the PhD thesis under a joint supervision agreement with a French university a French level above B1 will be valued. In the case of foreign students with mother tongue different from Spanish, knowledge of written and spoken Spanish similar to intermediate DELE level from Cervantes Institute will be valued.- Additionally, an interview with the applicants can be requested by the Academic Commission to clarify and value any of the claimed merits.






Matricula Procedimiento Asignacion - Común

Procedure for assigning a faculty member as a doctoral thesis tutor and director

Once a student has been accepted onto the doctoral programme, the Academic Commission will assign them a tutor and at least one director from among the faculty at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) participating in the programme.

When a letter of endorsement is required from Doctoral Programme, director of the candidate will be the person indicated at the endorsement letter. No candidates will be accepted without endorsement letter, when it is required by doctoral programme.

Tutors are responsible for interactions between the doctoral candidate and the Academic Commission. They are also responsible for adapting training and research activities to the principles of the programmes and, where appropriate, the Doctoral School.

For more information, see the procedures and rules.