Defended thesis of current programme
The time-course of semantic ambiguity: behavioural and electroencephalographic investigations
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2019
- Abstract:
¿Es posible asociar diferentes cantidades de procesamiento semántico a diferentes efectos de ambigüedad semántica? ¿Podría la dinámica temporal del procesamiento semántico por lo tanto explicar algunos de los efectos discrepantes observados entre diferentes paradigmas y/o en las mismas tareas? Armstrong y Plaut (2016) proporcionó un conjunto inicial de simulaciones de redes neuronales que indicaban que esto podría ser el caso. Sin embargo, sus hallazgos empíricos utilizando una tarea de decisión léxica no fueron especialmente robustos. En el presente estudio se evaluó el enfoque Dinámica de Resolución Semántica (del inglés, Semantic Settling Dynamics ¿ SSD, Armstrong y Plaut, 2016), una abordaje conexionista, como una alternativa a la hipótesis del sistema de toma de decisiones (Hino, Pexman, & Lupker, 2006). En el presente estudio cinco manipulaciones experimentales diferentes fueron utilizadas para reducir la velocidad de respuesta --- y la supuesta cantidad de procesamiento semántico --- para evaluar el enfoque SSD más rigurosamente. En su mayor parte, los resultados (conductuales y electroencefalógrafos) mostraron que el enfoque SSD puede explicar los efectos de la ambigüedad semántica de ventaja y desventaja asociándolos a cuánto tiempo ha pasado cuanto procesamiento semántico de la información se ha realizado.
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The brain signature for reading in high-skilled deaf adults: behavior and electrophysiological evidence.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2020
- Abstract:
La presente tesis investiga cómo se da el procesamiento de la información sintáctica y semántica en lectores sordos competentes. En primer lugar, investigamos qué similitudes y/o diferencias comparten los lectores sordos con los lectores oyentes nativos. En segundo lugar, puesto que sabemos que la experiencia lingüística impacta el procesamiento del lenguaje en el cerebro, también comparamos el mismo grupo de lectores sordos con un grupo de bilingües tardíos del español. Para tanto, evaluamos estas propuestas a través de la técnica de electroencefalograma (EEG) y de los Potenciales Evocados Relacionados a Eventos (ERP) para comprender cómo es la respuesta fisiológica de lectores sordos durante una tarea de lectura de frases. Las respuestas a estas preguntas aportarán conocimiento sobre los mecanismos cognitivos de los buenos lectores sordos, y conllevan implicaciones prácticas respecto a la creación de nuevos métodos de enseñanza.
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Investigatión of the development of neural and behavioural auditory rhythmic sensitivity and of its contribution to reading acquisition
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2018
- Abstract:
The main goal of the current doctoral dissertation was to examine the contribution of brain and behavioural rhythmic sensitivity during pre-reading stages to the development of future reading. To achieve this goal, we conducted a longitudinal study in which typically developing children were tested three times: twice before they had received formal reading instruction (T1: 4-5 y.o.; T2: 5-6 y.o.) and once after reading instruction was introduced in the school curriculum (T3: 6-7 y.o.). Along these three testing times, we used EEG to measure the children¿s brain rhythmic (oscillatory) activity in response to natural speech and to auditory signals modulated at rates relevant for speech perception (at the stress, syllabic and phonemic rates). The children also ran a battery of behavioural tasks that included a measure of rhythmic skills (tapping to a beat in synchrony) and several classical reading predictors (e.g. phonological awareness, phonological short-term memory). The longitudinal nature of this work allowed us testing for the first time the trajectory of brain coherence to auditory signals during early childhood. Furthermore, this is the first study finding a long-hypothesized relation between brain oscillatory activity at low frequency bands (0.5 Hz) in pre-reading stages and later reading achievement, such that right-lateralized brain responses to speech at T2 correlated significantly with children¿s reading achievement at T3. Regarding behavioural rhythm sensitivity, whereas rhythmic skills were tightly related to other reading predictors before reading was acquired (T1 and T2), we found no evidence that it contributed significantly to final reading outcome. Differences among measures of brain vs. behavioural rhythmic sensitivity are discussed, especially in the context of early detection and intervention of children at risk of developing reading disorders.
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Subject-verb agreement in real time: active feature maintenances as syntactic prediction.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2020
- Abstract:
The current dissertation tests whether the long-distance subject-verb establishment is maintained active over the course of the sentence, by maintaining morphosyntactic information such as syntactic category and number features. To this end, we looked at how the maintained representation affects the interpolated elements, focusing on two effects that the maintained features might generate: similarity-based interference and disambiguation. We performed four eye-tracking experiments (reading and visual world paradigm) and showed that subject-verb dependency establishment is characterized by active maintenance of the subject¿s category feature (English and Spanish experiments) and number feature (Basque experiments). Our effects, which occur prior to the integration site (the verb), can be ascribed to the top-down pre-activation mechanisms and thus syntactic prediction. Importantly, this implies that subject-verb agreement occurs in real-time sentence comprehension, i.e. it is psychologically real.
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Lexical access in bimodal bilinguals
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2021
- Abstract:
En esta tesis se investiga el impacto de la modalidad lingüística (auditivo-oral en lenguas orales, viso-gestual en lenguas signadas) a través del papel que desempeñan las unidades sub-léxicas en el acceso léxico en castellano (observando la coactivación de la sílaba inicial y de la rima de las palabras) y en lengua de signos española (LSE) (estudiando la coactivación de la configuración manual y de la localización de los signos). Se realizaron varios experimentos del paradigma del. mundo visual grabando los movimientos oculares. Dos grupos de bilingües oyentes en castellano y LSE (28 signantes nativos y 28 signantes que aprendieron la LSE en la edad adulta) hicieron dos experimentos intra-lingüísticos en castellano y LSE (coactivación de una lengua a partir de estímulos de esa misma lengua) y dos inter-lingüísticos (activación paralela del castellano desde la LSE y viceversa). Un grupo de bilingües en castellano y euskera hizo también dos experimentos inter-lingüísticos. Los resultados de este estudio ayudan a identificar, por un lado, los aspectos del procesamiento del lenguaje que están condicionados por la presencia de la señal lingüística (palabras que se oyen o signos que se ven) y, por otro, los aspectos relacionados con las propiedades intrínsecas de cada lengua.
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Evaluative Adjectives as a Window onto Inner-Aspect
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2017
- Abstract:
This thesis proposes that Evaluative Adjectives (EAs) (brave, intelligent, rude) are stative causative predicates that undergo the causative alternation just as many verbs do (break). It is argued that EAs syntactic and aspectual properties follow from a single stative causative lexical entry. Analysing EAs¿ aspectual properties leads to the general conclusions that the only primitive aspectual argument denotes a state, and that Davidsonian eventivity is epiphenomenal. EAs are compared with adjectives of psychological experience (eager, willing) and relational adjectives and adjectives denoting physical states (Canadian, tall), as well as verbs of all aspectual sorts. An important result is that adjectival argument structures are shown to be as complex as verbal ones. Argument structure is argued to be neutral with respect to lexical category. EAs are often analysed as Individual-Level predicates. It is shown that EAs only partially overlap with Individual-Level predicates. Rather, they have a distinct aspectual signature matching verbs classified as Davidsonian-States and stative causatives. In arguing against an IL classification of EAs an extensive argument against the Individual/Stage distinction is given. It is argued that cross-linguistically the only aspectual distinction made in the syntax through predicate decomposition is between states and causatives built out of states. Eventivity effects are derivative of causation, and ultimately pragmatic. The conclusion is that EAs and causative alternating verbs such as break have the same formal aspectual representations.
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The role of state-kinds in the morphosemantics of Spanish deadjectival nominalizations
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2021
- Abstract:
La presente tesis doctoral aborda el estudio de las nominalizaciones deadjetivales (v.g. belleza, altura) en español. Sobre la base del modelo de semántica formal de Heim y Kratzer (1998), combinado con un aparato construccionista de formación de palabras, el objetivo es explicar las principales propiedades semánticas y morfológicas de estas nominalizaciones y proporcionar un análisis que dé cuenta de ellas. La hipótesis principal es que nuestra ontología de objetos semánticos debe incluir clases y ejemplares de estados; dicha hipótesis se enmarca en la tradición clase-ejemplar surgida desde Carlson (1977) y, en particular, se basa en la propuesta de Anderson y Morzycki (2015), según la cual las clases de estados desempeñan un papel fundamental en la explicación del fenómeno de la gradación. En concreto, postulo que las nominalizaciones deadjetivales denotan conjuntos de clases de estados totalmente preordenadas y aquellas pueden expresar ejemplares de estados cuando se predican de un individuo, caso en el cual un nudo aspectual se adjunta a la derivación para asociar una clase de estado a un ejemplar. Esta tesis proporciona una mejor comprensión, tanto en lo empírico como en lo teórico, sobre la gradación, la estatividad y los nombres de masa, y de ella se derivan importantes conclusiones en relación con la ontología de las lenguas naturales, el aspecto léxico y el de punto de vista, la estructura interna de las nominalizaciones en cuestión, su composición morfológica y su distribución sintáctica.
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A typological approach to the morphome
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cotutelle PhD thesis
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2020
- Abstract:
Esta tesis constituye la primera monografía de orientación eminentemente tipológica sobre morfomas. Este término denota estructuras morfológicas sistemáticas cuya extensión paradigmática no se corresponde con distinciones semánticas o morfosintácticas como 'plural', 'genitivo singular' etc. El Capítulo 1 presenta y discute la literatura previa y cuestiones terminológicas, y el Capítulo 2 clarifica cuestiones relativas a la definición e identificación de los morfomas en casos concretos. La discusión se traslada a continuación a un plano más empírico. El Capítulo 3 discute las nociones de 'clase natural' y 'economía', y explora la relación entre morfomicidad y otras desviaciones morfológicas. La diacronía se convierte en protagonista en el Capítulo 4, donde se presentan y discuten las diferentes maneras en que pueden surgir, cambiar o desaparecer los morfomas en las lenguas. El Capítulo 5 es el central de la tesis y presenta 110 morfomas identificados por el autor en lenguas de todo el mundo. Todas estas estructuras son presentadas detalladamente junto con su historia en muchos casos. En base a la variedad observada entre morfomas, se ha definido una docena de variables independientes en torno a las cuales se estructura dicha variación. Tras operacionalizar dichas variables y establecer su valor en los 110 morfomas mencionados, se explora estadísticamente su correlación. Otro resultado derivado de esta base de datos sincrónica se refiere a la recurrencia cross-lingüística de morfomas concretos. Algunas estructuras, arbitrarias desde el punto de vista morfosintáctico o semántico (SG+3PL, 1SG+3, PL+1SG etc.), se encuentran presentes en lenguas independientes, es decir, no emparentadas ni relacionadas arealmente. Esto supone una novedad con respecto a la literatura anterior. La tesis concluye reiterando en el Capítulo 6 los resultados principales de la investigación y explorando sus implicaciones en relación a nuestro conocimiento de los morfomas en particular y del campo de la tipología y la morfología en general.
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Irony-understanding and theory of mind. A conceptual and experimental inquiry from a realist perspective
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2022
- Abstract:
The main aim of this work is to investigate the prospects for a realist view of irony that take ironic assertions to concern ¿worldly¿ states of affairs and individuals ¿just as literal assertions do¿, as opposed to an attributive conception (adopted, for instance, by the relevance theoretic echoic account ¿Sperber 1984; Sperber & Wilson 1981, 1995 [1986]; Wilson 2006, 2009; Wilson & Sperber 1992, 2012¿ and the pretense theory¿Clark & Gerrig 1984) that claim that ironic utterances always concern utterances or beliefs. The adoption of one view or the other has consequences for the selection of the target/victim of the negative attitude generally associated with irony, and the cognitive abilities presupposed in the understanding of ironic assertions. First, for a realist view, the speaker adopts a negative stance towards the state of affairs or individual the ironic utterance concerns; for an attributive one, the speaker always criticises the utterance or belief the ironic utterance is about and the utterer or thinker of it. This leads sometimes to the wrong prediction of target/victim. Second, realist irony-understanding should require a lower-order of the theory of mind ability ¿ToM¿ (the ability to attribute and reflect about beliefs of others) than attributive irony-understanding, since, in attributive instances, the hearer has to attribute to the speaker a belief about another belief or utterance. On an initial conception of the realist view, realist and attributive were taken to be complementary and mutually exclusive types of irony. In order to assess the existence of realist irony, I conducted two empirical studies (in collaboration with Elise Clin and Mikhail Kissine). Study 1 was done with autistic participants, a population that have their ToM ability impaired and should, supposedly, have fewer problems to understand realist irony than attributive. Study 2 was done with a larger sample in order to test the effect of traits normally associated with autism and of different languages on the understanding of irony. The results of the empirical studies did not support the conception of the initial realist view, but a stronger one. The data better fit the view that attributive and realist irony are not two different types of irony, but that irony is always realist, and that attributive irony is a subtype of it. The results have also served to clarify a misguided assumption in the literature, that irony requires a high-order ToM than literal assertions. Understanding both literal and ironic assertions requires the attribution of complex beliefs and intentions to the speaker. The difference in difficulty between ironic and literal assertions seems to lie in the fact that the speaker of ironic assertions does not express the belief that corresponds to the truth-condition of the utterance, and that she necessarily adopts of a negative stance.
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Understanding Dependencies in Real Time: A Crosslinguistic Investigation of Antecedent Complexity and Dependency Length.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2020
- Abstract:
Words in a sentence are dependent on each other for syntactic and semantic interpretation. The existence of dependencies between non-adjacent words implies our memory system needs to integrate information across intervening linguistic material by either actively maintaining information in memory and/or retrieving previously encoded representations. In this dissertation, I investigate the memory mechanisms involved in the processing of dependencies between non-adjacent words, exploring both local and unbounded dependencies in typologically diverse languages ¿English, Spanish and Basque. Specifically, I investigate two factors that affect the activation level of memory targets and, hence, their subsequent retrieval from memory in sentence comprehension: (a) the representational complexity of antecedents (Chapter 2), and (b) activation decay as a function of time (Chapters 3 & 4). I show that increasing the syntactic complexity of antecedents increases their activation level and facilitates their subsequent retrieval from memory. I also show that activation decay is a major determinant of comprehension difficulty in both local and unbounded dependencies in Spanish, suggesting locality effects are a general phenomenon in VO languages. Lastly, I find evidence that expectation-driven facilitation overrides activation decay in Basque, supporting the idea that all OV languages show antilocality effects, regardless of the degree of word order flexibility. In sum, this dissertation broadens the available evidence to further understand the mechanisms underlying the comprehension of linguistic dependencies in real time.
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Drawing comparisons: a syntactic and semantic approach to basque, spanish and english inequality comparative structures.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2020
- Abstract:
Tesi honek euskarak, gaztelaniak eta ingelesak agertzen dituzten konparazio egituren deskribapena, sailkapena eta azterketa sintaktiko eta semantiko sakona aurkeztea ditu helburu. Tipologikoki oso ezberdinak diren hiru hizkuntza horien alderaketaren bitartez, konparazio egiturek erakusten dituzten hizkuntza arteko eta hizkuntza barneko aldakortasun ereduak zehazten ditu tesi honek. Horrez gain, euskarazko, gaztelaniazko eta ingelesezko egitura konparatiboen analisi sintaktiko eta semantiko bateratu bat ere proposatzen du. Ikerlan honetan ondoko tesia defendatzen da, zehazki: euskara, gaztelania eta ingelesezko egitura konparatiboek erakusten dituzten aldakortasun puntu nagusiak hizkuntza horietan oinarrizko bi konparazio mota egotearen ondorioa dela. Alde batetik, sakonean koordinazio egitura erakusten duten konparazioak aurkitzen ditugu (koordinaziozko konparazioak). Konparazio mota horrek juntagailu egitura arrunten ezaugarri bereizgarriak dituela erakusten dut aztertutako hiru hizkuntzetan. Bestetik, mendeko konparazioak ere badaude euskaraz, gaztelaniaz eta ingelesez. Azken mota horretan, konparazioaren oinarriak menpeko osagaien berariazko propietateak azaleratzen dituela erakusten dut. Ikerketa honetan, gramatika deskribatzaile eta arauemaileetako datuetan oinarrituz eta hiztunen juzkuen azterketaren bitartez (lan honetan garatu ditudan inkesta linguistikoetan lortuak) euskara, gaztelania eta ingelesezko konparazio egituren arkitektura eta konposizio semantikoaren analisi bateratua defendatzen dut.
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Reading acquisition: from digital screening to neurocognitive bases in a transparent orthography
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2021
- Abstract:
El aprendizaje de la lectura es un área activa de investigación en la psicología y la neurociencia cognitiva. En las últimas décadas se ha avanzado enormemente en la comprensión de los procesos neurocognitivos subyacentes al aprendizaje de la lectura y a sus dificultades. Sin embargo, existen al menos dos dimensiones en las que es necesario seguir trabajando arduamente. Por un lado, el conocimiento actual sobre el aprendizaje de la lectura no ha impactado en las prácticas educativas. Por otro lado, la diversidad de las características del aprendizaje de la lectura en distintas ortografías no se comprende cabalmente. La presente tesis se enfoca en el estudio del aprendizaje de la lectura combinando estrategias de identificación oportuna de niños en riesgo lector en el contexto escolar, y estudios de laboratorio enfocados en comprender las bases neurocognitivas del aprendizaje de la lectura en una ortografía transparente como el español. Estos objetivos se lograron a través de un diseño longitudinal comenzando desde la educación inicial, siguiendo a un mismo grupo de aproximadamente 600 niños hasta segundo año de escuela. Los resultados muestran, por una parte, que es factible identificar a niños en riesgo lector incluso antes de la educación primaria, y, por otra parte, que el aprendizaje de la lectura en una ortografía transparente como el español tiene características comunes y características distintivas respecto a ortografías opacas. Estos resultados ponen en evidencia la factibilidad de la identificación oportuna de riesgo lector, y remarcan la importancia de considerar las características de la ortografía durante el aprendizaje de la lectura.
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The visual attention span as a measure of orthographic grain size: effects of orthograpic depth and morphological complexity.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2018
- Abstract:
This thesis studies some of the factors modulating the size of the orthographic units (or grains) that are used in reading. Two of these factors are reading expertise and word familiarity that are both related to whether the individual can link the orthographic units of the word to its orthographic and subsequently phonological and semantic representations in the lexicon. The thesis studies how this skill develops and the possible influence of the mappings between lexical and sub-lexical orthographic grains at the semantic/morphological and phonological level by studying the influence of orthographic depth and morphological complexity. The main goal of this thesis was to specifically study the modulation of orthographic grain size in reading, focusing on the visual aspects of orthographic processing and using the visual attention span as an indirect measure of orthographic grain size in reading. In particular, we studied the effect of a language's orthographic depth and morphological characteristics on orthographic grain size with two cross-linguistic studies (in readers of Basque, Spanish and French), and the effect of morphological structure at the word level (morphological complexity) on orthographic grain size with two studies in Basque. Our results provided support for the modulation of orthographic grain size based on orthographic depth, language morphology and morphological complexity, and for the adequacy of the visual attention span as a measure of orthographic grain size. Overall, the present thesis suggests a new perspective through which to study the visual demands and limitations imposed on orthographic processing during reading development in alphabetic orthographies.
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The development of audiovisual vowel processing in monolingual and bilingual infants: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent
- Year:
- 2019
- Abstract:
The aim of the current dissertation is to investigate to what extent infants acquiring one language (monolinguals) and infants acquiring two languages (bilinguals) share their strategies during audiovisual speech processing. The dissertation focuses on typically developing Basque and Spanish monolingual and bilingual infants¿ processing of matching and mismatching audio-visual vowels at 4 and 8 months of age. Using an eye-tracker, the infants¿ attention to audiovisual match versus mismatch conditions and to the speakers¿ eyes versus mouth was measured in a cross-sectional and a longitudinal design. The cross-sectional data revealed that bilingual and monolingual infants exhibited similar audiovisual matching ability. Furthermore, they exhibited similar looking pattern: at 4 months of age, monolinguals and bilinguals attended more to the speakers¿ eyes, whereas at 8 months of age they attended equally to the eyes and to the mouth. Finally, the longitudinal data revealed that infants¿ attention to the eyes versus the mouth is correlated between 4 and 8 months of age, regardless of the linguistic group. Taken together, the current research demonstrated no clear difference in audiovisual vowel processing between monolingual and bilingual infants. Overall, the dissertation has made fundamental contributions to understanding underlying processes in language acquisition across linguistically diverse populations.
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The relationships between context and conceptual access.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2020
- Abstract:
An important question in the cognitive neuroscience of language regards the nature of the conceptual representations that make up semantic memory. Amodal accounts argue that conceptual representations of objects and their processing is functionally distinct from sensory or motor brain systems whereas sensorimotor theories maintain that they involve the same perceptual and action brain areas active in experience. In a break from current orthodoxy, this thesis seeks to explore if concepts and semantic processing are best considered as functionally grounded in sensorimotor systems and contextually sensitive. We report four studies using behavioural-psycholinguistic and neuroimaging techniques in healthy and clinical populations. In part 1 we show that online perceptual processing in the visual and olfactory modalities can interact with language comprehension, that lifetime sensory experience shapes the representational structure of object concepts, and that the outcome of semantic processing differs depending on an interaction of personal experience and people¿s immediate perceptual context. In part 2, we examine whether motor system degradation due to Parkinson¿s disease leads to impairments in processing manipulable objects compared to healthy controls. Counter to our predictions we do not observe behavioural differences in the way Parkinson¿s disease patients access the representations of manipulable objects, however, we report neuroimaging evidence suggesting that changes in people¿s motor capacities lead to measurable alterations in the way that they process action semantics, at the neural level. Taken together this thesis provides evidence that the content and format of the conceptual representations of objects is multimodal and grounded in sensory and motor brain systems and people¿s lifetime sensory and motor experience with objects shapes their representations in deeply personal ways. Therefore, contrary to amodal accounts, there is functional overlap between sensorimotor and semantic processing, such that sensory, motor and semantic processes mutually interact with context (at many levels). This suggests that exploring the relationship between concepts and context is both necessary and vital in order to properly understand the semantic representations underlying noun words.
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Oscillatory characterization of sensory wordform pre-activation in the visual and auditory domains.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2019
- Abstract:
Prediction has been proposed to be a fundamental cognitive mechanism. However, empirical data regarding the neural correlates of the predictions themselves are still scarce. One outstanding question, especially within the language processing literature, is what degree of perceptual detail is carried by predictive representations. In the present thesis, we investigated sensory pre-activation by comparing activity before two highly predictable words differing only along a sensory dimension. This paradigm was conducted with written or spoken words to examine the role of sensory modality, and with either fixed or variable delays, using time-frequency analysis of MEG signals. Our results showed that pre-word activity was modulated by expected word-form features both in the auditory and visual domains, whilst timing only interacted with predictive effects in the auditory domain. Congruent with prior literature, phonological pre-activation localized at superior temporal areas in the theta band, and visual prediction at ventro-occipital cortex in the beta band. Differences across modalities may reflect preferential oscillatory signatures of different brain areas as well as specific characteristics of the speech and written texts. These results contribute to the understanding of the role of predictive processing in general and in the linguistic domain specifically, showing that word-form pre-activations maybe generated when context clearly biases towards a specific word. By identifying the oscillatory bands that characterize such pre-activation, we hope these results will help interpret pre-target word brain activity in other more naturalistic set-ups.
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Sensitivity to letter sequences in word processing and word learning.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent
- Year:
- 2020
- Abstract:
El marcaje ortográfico (secuencias de letras características en una lengua) es muy importante para reducir la competición léxica, agilizar la decisión de lengua en bilingües y en el aprendizaje de palabras nuevas. Por eso, la finalidad de esta tesis es comprender mejor la función de las regularidades ortográficas en el sistema de procesamiento de palabras durante el desarrollo de los individuos. Específicamente, comprender mejor la función de la sensibilidad al marcaje ortográfico en el reconocimiento visual de palabras y en el aprendizaje de palabras nuevas a través del desarrollo. Se propone un enfoque doble para investigar nuestra pregunta de investigación, con un total de 5 experimentos. Por una parte examinaremos como la sensibilidad al marcaje ortográfico cambia con el desarrollo y por otro lado investigaremos como el procesamiento de las regularidades ortográficas impactan en el aprendizaje de nuevas palabras en diferentes edades. Los resultados muestran que la sensibilidad al marcaje ortográfico cambia con el desarrollo, la sensibilidad al marcaje ortográfico en la segunda lengua cambia alrededor de la edad de doce y la sensibilidad al marcaje ortográfico de la primera lengua cambia en la edad adulta y como consecuencia de aprender una segunda lengua a una edad tardía. Por otro lado, los niños bilingues que manejan diferencias entre las regularidades ortográficas de sus lenguas se ven beneficiados a la hora de aprender palabras nuevas, ya que tienden a aprender el mismo numero de palabras legales e ilegales. Este efecto se pierde en adultos.
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An investigation into the processing of unaccusativity and PHI-Features: evidence from native and non-native speakers of basque and spanish.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2021
- Abstract:
Tesi honetan argumentu egitura, tasunak eta natibo/ez-natiboen prozesamendua jorratu ditut, eta horretarako zehaztasuna, erreakzio denborak eta garunaren aktibitatea neurtu ditut. Lehenik eta behin, Perlmutter-ek (1978) Hipotesi Ezakusatiboa (HE) aurkeztu zuen, eta defendatu zuen badirela bi predikatu iragangaitz mota: alde batetik, ezakusatiboak, argumentua bakarra objektu gisa sortu eta gai rol semantikoa dutenak; eta beste alde batetik, ezergatiboak, argumentu bakarra subjektu gisa sortu eta egile rol semantikoa dutenak. Euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz erakutsi dut garun aktibitate ezberdina sortzen dela predikatu ezakusatibo eta ezergatiboak prozesatzean, eta erakutsi dut predikatuen prozesamendu kostuak aldatu egiten direla hizkuntzaren kasu ezarketaren arabera. Bigarrenik, phi-tasunen prozesamendua aztertu dut. ERPen bitartez, pertsona eta numero tasunak nola prozesatzen diren ikertu dut euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz, eta emaitzek erakutsi dute pertsona eta numeroa ezberdin prozesatzen direla euskaraz zein gaztelaniaz. Hirugarrenik eta azkenik, tesion natiboen eta ez-natiboen prozesamendua ikertu dut. Ez dago argi eznatiboek nola prozesatzen duten hizkuntza. Hemen, natiboak eta maila altuko elebidun goiztiarrak ikertu eta konparatu ditut bai euskaraz, eta baita gaztelaniaz ere. Tesi honen bitartez, erakutsi da maila altuetan, eta jabekuntza goiztiarretan, ez-natiboak hizkuntza natiboen gisara prozesatzeko gai direla.
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The literal/non-literal divide synchronically and diachronically: The lexical semantics of an English posture verb
- Directors:
- Minors:
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent
- Year:
- 2022
- Abstract:
This thesis¿ main research goal is to provide an account of the English posture verb sit, from a synchronic a diachronic perspective. My proposed account of sit comprises various components, including a characterisation of the different possible meanings of sit and a comparison with stand and lie. The two relevant meanings are a literal one and non-literal one (The girl is sitting on the chair vs. The wine bottle is sitting on the chair; in the former the subject is described to be in a sitting position, while in the latter the subject is not in a sitting position). I analyse each meaning/use separately, noting which semantic patterns occur with one type only and those which occur with both. I argue that the non-literal use is diachronically connected to the literal one, and I motivate this claim based on the shared components identified in the thesis and on data from corpus studies reported in the thesis. A consequence of acknowledging a divide between the literal and non-literal uses---a perspective not usually taken in theoretical linguistics---is that I am able to account for important semantic details which might be otherwise overlooked. The cognitive and typological literature includes account of posture verbs cross-linguistically, but in the theoretical literature these verbs have not received much attention. In this thesis, I review existing proposals and highlight the uncertainties surrounding the posture verbs. In order to fill these gaps in the literature and to better understand the phenomena, I analyse data from synchronic and diachronic corpus studies, and incorporate these insights into my account of sit. El principal objetivo de investigación de esta tesis es dar cuenta del verbo de postura inglés sit (`sentarse¿), desde una perspectiva sincrónica y diacrónica. La descripción que propongo de sit comprende varios componentes, incluida una caracterización de los diferentes significados posibles de sit y una comparación con stand (`estar de pie¿) y lie (`estar echado¿). La literatura cognitiva y tipológica incluye una descripción de los verbos de postura de forma interlingüística, pero en la literatura teórica estos verbos no han recibido mucha atención. En esta tesis, reviso las propuestas existentes y destaco las preguntas sin responder que rodean a los verbos de postura. Para llenar estos vacíos en la literatura científica y comprender mejor los fenómenos, analizo datos de estudios de corpus sincrónicos y diacrónicos, e incorporo estos conocimientos en mi explicación de sit. Los dos significados relevantes son uno literal y uno no literal (The girl is sitting on the chair `La niña está sentada en la silla¿ vs. The wine bottle is sitting on the chair `(lit.) La botella de vino está sentada en la silla¿; en la primera frase, se describe el sujeto en posición de estar sentado, mientras que en la segunda frase el sujeto no está sentado). Analizo cada significado/uso por separado, notando qué patrones semánticos ocurren con un solo tipo y cuáles ocurren con ambos. Argumento que el uso no literal está conectado diacrónicamente con el literal, y motivo esta afirmación a partir de los componentes compartidos identificados en la tesis y en los datos de los estudios de corpus tratados en la tesis. Una consecuencia de reconocer una división entre los usos literales y no literales (una perspectiva que no suele adoptarse en la lingüística teórica) es que se consigue dar cuenta de importantes detalles semánticos que de otro modo podrían pasarse por alto.
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Euskararen sintaxi diakronikorantz: egitura konplexuak
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2017
- Abstract:
Tesi honen helburua da euskararen sintaxi diakronikoari ekarpena egitea. Bi gai hauek dira analisien ardatz: (1) izenaren eta modifikatzaileen arteko hitz-ordena: perpaus erlatiboetan, -ko atzizkiarekin eta genitiboarekin, eta (2) mendeko perpausak, eta bereziki perpaus erlatiboak eta bait- aurrizkia duten perpausak. Analisi guztien oinarri XV-XX. mendeetako testuez osatutako corpus bat da. Tesiak hiru atal ditu: lehenengoan perpaus erlatiboak aztertzen ditut (izen aurrekoak, izen ostekoak, zein erlatiboak, aposatuak eta jokatugabeak), bigarrenean lantzen ditut -ko atzizkiaren erabilerak eta modifikatzailearen eta izenaren hitz-ordena eta, azkenik, hirugarrenean bait- aurrizkia ikertzen ditut, markaren erabilerak eta gramatikalizaio-prozesua aztertuz.
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The acquisition of basque and spanish quantifiers: an empirical study.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2019
- Abstract:
Tesi honek zenbatzaileen jabekuntza eta garapena ikertzen du 4-9 urte bitarteko haur euskaldun eta gaztelaniadunekin, eta helduen interpretazioak ere ditu ikergai, kontrol moduan. Lan honek bi helburu nagusi ditu: (i) zenbatzaileekin eratorritako eskala inplikaturak aztertu, ikuspuntu semantiko-pragmatiko batetik; eta (ii) zenbatzaile unibertsal eta ezeztapenaren arteko interakzioa ikertu, analisi sintaktiko batean oinarrituz. Zenbatzaileen jabekuntza goiztiarraren literaturak (Katsos et al. 2016; a.o.) haurrek zenbatzaileen ezaugarri semantikoak era gradual batean jabetzen dituztela erakusten du. Gainera, 5 urteko haurrek egia-balioen ez-betetzea antzematen duten arren (semantikoki zuzenak eta okerrak diren esaldiak), zailtasunak dituzte azpi-informatiboak (pragmatikoki desegokiak) diren esaldiak errefusatu eta beharrezko eskala inplikatura eratortzeko (Grice 1985). Bestalde, zenbatzaile unibertsal eta ezeztapenaren arteko interakzioan oinarritutako lanek ikusi dute (Musolino 1998; Musolino et al. 2000; a.o.) 5-6 urte bitarteko haurrek esaldien estruktura sintaktikoa ardatz hartzen dutela irakurketa semantikoa eratortzeko (¿Observation of Isomorphism¿). Aurreko literatura eta Euskal Herriko egoera soziolinguistikoa kontuan hartuz, bi ikerketa esperimental burutu dira 384 partehartzaileekin: (i) lehen hizkuntzen jabekuntzari buruzkoa eta (ii) elebitasunari buruzkoa.
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Agreement, Binding and the structure of clitics.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2021
- Abstract:
In this thesis, I offer the results of a detailed investigation I have conducted on the binding relations that Direct Object (DO) and Indirect Object (IO) clitics can establish with the associated DP that they double (and with other DPs in the clause), as well as the structural conditions under which such relations are licensed in this language. As I will show, the study of these properties plays a fundamental role in defining the different (sub)classes of clitics existing in modern Spanish. This empirical study will prove crucial to achieve the first goal of this thesis, which is to evaluate which hypothesis concerning the syntactic status of Spanish clitics (the agreement vs. the pronominal hypothesis) is able to account for the whole range of properties these clitics display at syntax-semantic interface. To that end, I analyze with great care the wide variety of DO and IO clitic constructions present in Spanish. This investigation will be fundamental to accomplish the second major goal of this thesis, which is to offer a theoretically and empirically solid classification of Spanish DO and IO clitics which is able to account for the syntactic and semantic properties they display.
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Nabokov as self-translator of his autobiography: Features and resources.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2024
- Abstract:
The present Thesis studies the characteristics of Vladimir Nabokov's self-translation of his autobiography, which he initially published in English (Conclusive Evidence), then self-translated into Russian (¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿), and of which he finally published one last English version (Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited), drawing from both previous texts. These successive self-translations constitute a virtually unique literary adventure, and this Thesis is aimed at identifying and categorizing Nabokov's self-translation resources in a comparative study of the three versions within a selected corpus, namely chapters one, seven and ten of the autobiography. The contribution of this Thesis is two-fold: not only does it identify, categorize and quantify Nabokov's features and resources as a self-translator of his autobiography, but it also proposes a novel method for the empirical comparative study of these three texts. This method could be used for the comparative study of other originals and their (self-)translations.It consists of a comprehensive three-step approach:firstly, the source and target text(s) are placed in a comparative table, in parallel columns, and the different modifications are conveniently highlighted; secondly, a categorized analysis is carried out for each modification resource found in the texts, providing examples with commentary; finally, quantitative data is extracted that allows, among other things, to identify the most widely-used modification resources. As for the specific findings of this Thesis regarding the characteristics of self-translation in Nabokov's autobiographical works, the modification resources found are the following: additions; deletions; lexical and phrasing changes; changes in content; syntactic restructuring; displaced content; changes in punctuation, connectors and transliteration; and changes in grammatical value. Additionally, the phenomenon of rewriting and the usage and translation of foreign words have been analyzed in two separate chapters in view of their relevance to the study of the self-translation process in Nabokov's autobiography.
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Memory retrieval: representations and processes involved during sentence comprehension. Evidence from Spanish.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent
- Year:
- 2019
- Abstract:
Esta tesis investiga la naturaleza de las representaciones mentales y de los procesos cognitivos implicados en la recuperación de información durante la comprensión oracional mediante el análisis de la resolución de dependencias sintácticas distantes en español y contribuye empíricamente a la teoría de que un único mecanismo basado en pistas de recuperación de información con distintos patrones de sensibilidad para cada una de ellas subyace el procesamiento de todas las dependencias lingüísticas. La primera parte analiza el contenido de las representaciones mentales durante la interpretación de pronombres anafóricos en tiempo real. Los resultados muestran que la resolución pronominal difiere del acceso léxico y sugieren, en el primer caso, un acceso parcial a la información contenida en el antecedente. La segunda parte estudia la naturaleza de los mecanismos de procesamiento subyacentes a la concordancia y a la correferencia en dependencias distantes en español. Los resultados indican que el mecanismo de acceso a la memoria confía principalmente en las restricciones sintácticas de las dependencias analizadas al tiempo que concede prioridad a la información de número sobre la de género durante la resolución.
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Animacy effects in inflectional morphology: a typological survey
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2019
- Abstract:
This dissertation aims at providing a monograph devoted exclusively to the effects of animacy in inflectional morphology. In order to carry out this work, on the one hand, some methodological decisions about sampling and data collection have been made and, on the other, based on an extensive literature review, a theoretical definition of animacy, its behavior and scope has been sought. Thereafter, a descriptive and comparative crosslinguistic typology of animacy effects in inflectional morphology has been carried out, based on data from more than 350 languages all over the world. This work focuses on three main aspects: The morphological (and phonological) techniques that are crosslinguistically employed to encode animacy, the grammatical categories that can be affected by animacy, and the grammatical features whose realization is sensitive to animacy-based distinctions.
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Die nominalen i-Stämme des Hethitischen: Eine morphologische Analyse aus historisch-vergleichender Perspektive unter Berücksichtigung der Quell- und Nachbarsprachen
- Directors:
- Minors:
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent
- Year:
- 2021
- Abstract:
En esta tesis doctoral se examinan todos los (posibles) temas nominales en -i desde a- hasta ¿an- en forma de diccionario con una revisión bibliográfica de cada lema. Además, en el anexo se encuentra un listado de los restantes temas en -i que no pudieron tratarse en este marco. Se comprobaron las indica-ciones acerca de la grafía y el lugar de atestiguación de los paradigmas mediante las autografías y foto-grafías publicadas. Especial atención se prestó a los préstamos entre los temas en -i. La identificación de los préstamos se consiguió mediante la aplicación del análisis morfológico, de manera que se incorpora-ron los conocimientos de semitistas, hurritólogos y hattólogos. De este modo se construyó la base para la identificación de préstamos en el hitita mediante criterios formales, sobre todo lo que respecta el hurrita. No solo se debatió la adaptación morfológica de los préstamos en el hitita, sino también sus categorías semánticas, la fluctuación en cuanto a tema y género así como particularidades en la grafía y flexión. El presente trabajo contiene además una síntesis acerca de los sufijos de tema en -i, tanto heredados del indoeuropeo como también de aquellos de origen no-indoeuropeo. Para enmarcar el tratamiento de los préstamos, se aplicaron teorías e hipótesis sobre el contacto lingüístico moderno al de los hititas en la Antigüedad.
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Minimizing dependencies across languages and speakers. Evidence from basque, polish and spanish and native and non-native bilinguals.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2018
- Abstract:
Within the last years, evidence for a general preference towards grammars reducing the linear distance between elements in a dependency has been accumulating (e. g., Futrell, Mahowald, and Gibson, 2015b; Gildea and Temperley, 2010). This cognitive bias towards dependency length minimization has been argued to result from communicative and cognitive pressures at play during language production. Although corpus evidence supporting this claim is quite broad insofar as grammaticalized structures are concerned (e. g., Futrell et al., 2015b; Liu, 2008; Temperley, 2007, among others), its validity rests on more shaky foundations regarding production preferences (Stallings, MacDonald, and O¿Seaghdha, 1998; Wasow, 1997; Yamashita and Chang, 2001, among others). This dissertation intends to address this gap. It examines whether dependency length minimization is an active mechanism shaping language production preferences, and explores the specific nature of this principle and its interplay with linguistic specifications and architectural properties of the human memory system. In a series of 5 cued-recall production experiments and 2 complex memory span tasks, I investigate the effect of dependency length in modulating production preferences across languages with differing grammatical properties (e.g., head-position and case marking) and across speakers (e. g., natives and non-natives and with variable working memory capacity). I begin by showing that the preference for short dependencies is better accounted by a general cognitive preference for minimizing the distance across dependents than by conceptual availability. I then show how languages as diverse as Basque, Spanish and Polish tend to choose the communicatively more efficient structures, when there is more than one available alternative to express the same meaning. Crucially, I confirm that there is consistent variation regarding this tendency both across languages and across speakers. I argue that language-specific (e. g., pluripersonal agreement) and general cognitive mechanisms (e. g., word order based-expectations) interact with the preference towards dependency length minimization. Also, I show that the degree of communicative efficiency achieved by highly proficient and early non-native bilingual speakers is lower than that reached by their native peers. Finally, I find that the bias towards shifted orders that yield shorter dependencies correlates positively with working memory. Based on these findings, I conclude that there is strong evidence supporting the claim that dependency length minimization is a pervasive force in human language production, resulting from a general cognitive constraint towards efficient communication, and also that its strength varies depending on grammatical and individual specifications compatible with information-theoretic considerations.
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Estrategias facilitadoras del procesamiento en lenguas OV-VO. Estudio comparativo de corpus.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2019
- Abstract:
El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es proporcionar evidencia de que existe una relación entre la frecuencia de uso de determinadas estructuras gramaticales y el procesamiento del lenguaje. En especial, considerar la hipótesis de que la facilitación del lenguaje condiciona las preferencias con las que lenguas VO-OV recurren con mayor frecuencia a determinados fenómenos gramaticales. Para tal fin, he llevado a cabo varios estudios de corpus como metodología de investigación. Encuentro que el orden básico de palabras de la oración se correlaciona con la frecuencia de uso de ciertas características gramaticales de las lenguas: en la frecuencia de uso de nombres y verbos, el uso de argumentos omitidos y argumentos postverbales y el uso de argumentos omitidos para reducir interferencias de animacidad. En concreto proporciono evidencia en favor de que las lenguas OV tienden a reducir el nújero de argumentos expresados en comparación a las lenguas VO. Esto constituye una fuerte evidencia de que las lenguas tienden a minimizar el coste de procesamiento, recurriendo al uso de ciertas estructuras gramaticales.
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Autoitzulpenaren teoria eta praktika Euskal Herrian.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2018
- Abstract:
Ikerlan honek helburu du euskal idazleek beren testuak itzultzean zer joera dituzten deskribatzea. Horretarako, atal teorikoen ondotik, corpusean oinarrituriko metodologia erabili dut autoitzulpena modu sistematikoan aztertzeko; itzulpen ikasketa deskriptiboetan oraindik ere urria da corpusen erabilera, orain arte bereziki hizkuntzalaritzak erabili baitu tresna hori. Tesiak zazpi atal ditu: lehenengoan, itzulpen ikasketa deskribatzaileen barruan kokatzen dut ikerlana, eta marko teoriko-metodologikoa ezartzen; bigarren atalean autoitzulpenari buruzko hausnarketa teorikoa egiten dut, jarduna bere zabalean ardatz hartuta; hirugarren atala kultur testuinguruari eskaini diot, itzulpena gertakari sozial eta kulturala den heinean ezinbestekoa baita euskal literatura sistemaz aritzea; laugarren atalean, Euskaratik Autoitzulitako Literaturaren (EUSAL) katalogoa aurkezten dut, eta bosgarrenean, berriz, katalogotik corpus eleanitz, digital eta paralelorako bidea azaltzen da; corpus horretan oinarriturik, makro eta mikro mailako azterketa xehea egiten dut seigarren atalean, hainbat adibideren bitartez; azkenik, zazpigarren atalean, ondorio nagusiak aletzen ditut. Horrela, bada, azterlan honek ekarpena egiten dio bai autoitzulpenaren azterketari, oro har, bai euskal literaturan geroz eta zabalduagoa den praktika baten gogoetari, zehazki. Euskaratik egiten den autoitzulpen literarioa deskribatzeaz gainera, literatura sistemaren berri ematen digu azterketa honek.
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Syntactic structure and modal interpretation: the case of basque behar
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cotutelle PhD thesis
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2018
- Abstract:
This dissertation is an investigation of the syntactic structure and modal interpretation of clauses involving the denominal necessity predicate behar `need¿ and an infinitival complement. On the one hand, it analyses the syntactic status of non-finite complements of denominal behar by examining their interaction with syntactic phenomena sensitive to different structural and locality conditions, and concludes that the infinitival complements of behar can correspond to different underlying structures. The largest type of infinitive is a non-restructuring infinitive that projects a full clausal architecture (i.e. a CP), and the smallest one is a reduced restructuring infinitive that projects up to vP. There is evidence for intermediate types projecting up to the inflectional domain (IP/TP). On the other hand, the dissertation examines the thematic and scope properties of the subjects in each of the different structural types and the modal interpretation that they can give rise to. On the basis of this analysis it is argued that modal interpretation is not constrained by any single factor (the presence of restructuring, the referential status of the subject and its relative scope vis-à-vis the modal predicate, among other frequently mentioned ones), but depends on the cumulative effect of several factors working together. The dissertation also shows the necessity of adopting a more fine-grained view of root modality, one that allows a simpler mapping of syntactic structures into modal meanings.
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Linking the sentence to discourse: a syntactic, semantic and pragmatic analysis of Basque discourse particles
- Directors:
- Minors:
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent
- Year:
- 2024
- Abstract:
Tesi honen helburua partikula diskurtsiboen ezaugarri sintaktiko, semantiko eta pragmatikoak sakonago ezagutzea da, euskarazko partikula diskurtsiboen sistema osoaren analisia kasu azterketa gisa baliatuz. Hizkuntzetan artean hiru partikula diskurtsibo sail daudela proposatzen da lan honetan, euskaraz ere aurkitzen direnak: (i) Barne Partikulak (BP), (ii) Kanpo Partikulak (KP), eta (iii) Berreste Partikulak (BerP). Erakusten duten linearizazio propietateetan oinarriturik, partikula diskurtsiboak perpausaren egiturari pare-lotzen zaizkiola proposatu dugu. Euskarazko BP sailak partikula ebidentzialak eta epistemikoak biltzen ditu. Omen eta ei BP ebidentzialen propietateei erreparatu diegu eta modal epistemikoen propietateak dituztela ondorioztatu dugu. Hala, euskarazko BPek epistemikotasun kategoria zabal bat gorpuzten dutela proposatu dugu, AS eta DenbS kategorien artean lotzen dena. Al partikula da BPen artean epistemikotasunik gordetzen ez duen bakarra. Bi galdeketaren bitartez, alek hizketa ekintza erregulatzeko funtzioa duela zehaztu ahal izan dugu, eta BP epistemikoenetik desberdina den analisia proposatu dugu. KPei dagokienez, euskarazko ba partikula hartu dugu ikergai, eta haren propietate pragmatikoak formalizatu ditugu. Alderdi sintaktikoari dagokionez, perpausaren ezker-periferian pare-lotzen direla ondorioztatu dugu, perpausaren indar ilokutiboa (ILS) eta perpaus egitura (PMS) zehazten dituzten proiekzioen artean. Azkenik, ala BerPa ere ikertu dugu, ala kanpo partikularekin konparatuz. Bien arteko alde prosodiko, sintaktiko eta pragmatikoek BerPentzat analisi berri bat proposatzera eraman gaituzte, KPetatik desberdin dena nahitaez.
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La repercusión del uso de estrategias en la interpretación bilateral y en la evaluación de su calidad en los ámbitos de entretenimiento deportivo y artístico-musical: Propuesta de un catálogo didáctico de estrategias
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2021
- Abstract:
The present PhD thesis aims to examine the impact of the use of communicative strategies on the quality of bilateral interpretation in the fields of sports and music entertainment. Over the course of the research, we formulated the theoretical framework and clarified the concepts of bilateral interpretation, translation strategy, communicative strategy, communicative situation, speech strategy, speech act and translation technique. Moreover, the practical need for distinguishing the sports and music entertainment areas in bilateral interpretation studies was proven. The research hypothesis established that an interpreter¿s adequate choice and use of communicative, linguistic and extralinguistic strategies has an impact on the evaluation of the quality of the interpretation product. Based on the general hypothesis, we have defined the practical and methodological objectives of the study, which included linguistic analysis of the research material at all levels, as well as the thorough examination of its semantic and pragmalinguistic features. During this analysis, the communicative strategies were divided into a general macro-strategy based on the intention to entertain the recipient of the message in the communication process, and four common micro-strategies for the contexts of both sports and entertainment interpretation. Based on the results of the comprehensive analysis of the research material, the empirical part of this study was conducted. Our main objective was to examine the semi-experts¿ and experts¿ preferences, expectations and evaluations of bilateral interpretation, stemming from the need to understand the impact that communicative strategies have on overall perception. During the experiment, the respondents had to evaluate three pairs of fragments on a scale of 0 to 5 based on five parameters: message transmission, linguistic means, topic awareness, expressiveness and ease of perception. The results of the empirical study confirmed the initially formulated hypothesis, demonstrating that the adequate use of communicative strategies and taking the communicative intention into account within the framework of a given communicative situation has a positive impact on the perception of the quality of bilateral interpretation in intercultural communication in sports and music entertainment contexts.
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Phonetic detail of voicing categories in Basque-Spanish bilinguals. Evidence from production and perception
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2023
- Abstract:
El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es investigar las categorías fonéticas de personas bilingües en sus dos idiomas. La pregunta en la que se fundamenta esta investigación es la siguiente: ¿las personas bilingües cuyos idiomas realizan el contraste de sonoridad (p.e., entre [b] y [p]) de la misma manera (p.e., presonoridad), mantienen el detalle fonético durante la producción y la percepción del habla? A fin de responder a esta pregunta, se han estudiado diferentes grupos de personas bilingües de euskara y castellano a través de cuatro experimentos: un conductual relacionado con la producción del habla, y un conductual y dos de magnetoencefalografía que persiguen investigar la percepción del habla. Esta tesis doctoral presenta evidencia a favor del mantenimiento del detalle fonético en las categorías de sonoridad durante la producción y la percepción del habla por personas bilingües que hablan dos idiomas con presonoridad, en este caso en bilingües de euskara y castellano. Los resultados sugieren que los sistemas fonéticos de los bilingües son más detallados de lo que se consideraba, y destacan la necesidad de desarrollar modelos de habla para bilingües que han adquirido lso dos idiomas a la vez o muy temprano.
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Attachment Preferences and their Processing Cost: Evaluating the Validity of the Pseudorelative-First Hypothesis in Spanish and Italian
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2024
- Abstract:
A partir del trabajo pionero de Frazier (1979) y Cuetos & Mitchell (1988), la cuestión de las estrategias de resolución de frases relativas con doble antecedente del tipo `NP1 de NP2 que EV¿ ha sido ampliamente estudiada. Ninguna de las hipótesis que se propusieron durante los años siguientes ha conseguido explicar la variación en las preferencias de adjunción de oraciones relativas. En 2014, Grillo y Costa propusieron la Hipótesis Pseudorrelativas-Primero (PR-First), la cual afirma que la disponibilidad de oraciones pseudorrelativas es la razón por la que los hablantes de algunos idiomas implementan la estrategia de adjunción alta, a pesar de ser, supuestamente, la opción más costosa a nivel cognitivo. En la presente tesis, testeo la Hipótesis Pseudorrelativas-Primero y determino el coste cognitivo de ambas estrategias de adjunción (alta y baja) en castellano e italiano, gracias al método de lectura auto administrada (self-paced reading). Los resultados que se presentan en esta tesis no sustentan la Hipótesis Pseudorrelativas-Primero, sino que sugieren que la disponibilidad de pseudorrelativas se tiene que tener en cuenta como uno de los muchos factores de modulación en las preferencias de adjunción (al menos en italiano)
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Processing Argument Structure: Eye- tracking Evidence from Spanish Native Speakers in the visual world Paradigm.
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2024
- Abstract:
La investigación psicolingüística sobre la estructura argumental y los roles temáticos es esencial para la comprensión del lenguaje a nivel del predicado. A pesar de su centralidad en la teoría lingüística, pocos estudios han investigado directamente los roles temáticos en procesamiento (Bourguignon et al., 2012; Hafri et al., 2013; Ünal et al., 2024, inter alia), lo que ha resultado en escasa evidencia sobre sus patrones de procesamiento y estructura subyacente como categorías cognitivas. En esta tesis doctoral, busco llenar este vacío investigando el procesamiento de los sujetos oracionales en diferentes estructuras argumentales en español. Utilizando el seguimiento ocular y el Paradigma del Mundo Visual, llevé a cabo tres experimentos que exploran (a) el impacto del rol temático (Capítulo 2) y la prototipicidad (Capítulo 3) en los patrones de procesamiento de sujetos en predicados inacusativos, inergativos y transitivos, y (b) el procesamiento de los sujetos oracionales en predicados psicológicos para investigar la representación de los roles temáticos como categorías cognitivas (Capítulo 4). Los resultados muestran una preferencia general por los agentes, modulada por la prototipicidad, así como evidencia compatible con una teoría de proto-roles temáticos.
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Facilitating adults¿ initial L2 syntax acquisition: the role of cross-linguistic syntactic similarity and lexical processing
- Directors:
- Minors:
- Cum Laude Distinction
- International Thesis
- Grade:
- Excellent Cum Laude
- Year:
- 2024
- Abstract:
This dissertation investigates how to facilitate adults¿ initial L2 syntax acquisition, focusing on the role of cross-linguistic syntactic similarity and lexical processing. In five behavioural experiments, I explore how complete beginner L2 learners learn cross-linguistically similar vs. dissimilar L2 structures (Experiment 1 and Experiment 2) and how the acquisition of these structures is influenced by word frequency (Experiment 2 vs. Experiment 3) and cognateness (Experiment 4 and Experiment 5). The MOGUL framework (Sharwood Smith & Truscott, 2014) comprehensively accounts for first and second language processing and acquisition. In this thesis, I elaborate on how MOGUL could postulate hypotheses about the facilitative role of cross-linguistic syntactic similarity and lexical processing in initial L2 syntax acquisition and I provide experimental evidence to support them.
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