Titulo - Matrícula


Perfil Ingreso - Estudios Feministas y de Género

Admission criteria

Profile for admission

In order to access the doctoral programme, students must preferably have a master's qualification in feminist or gender studies from any Spanish or foreign university, or at least have completed a high number of specific credits.

They must also present a research project, including the following information: subject of study, objectives/hypotheses or research questions, theoretical framework, methodology, timeline and bibliography.

The body that will be responsible for admission is the Doctoral programme's Academic Commission.

XSL Content

This doctorate does not establish any specific supplementary training. However, bearing in mind that access is open to graduates corresponding to graduate's degrees or higher, with at least 300 ECTS credits, whose studies may not have included any specific content in research training, the Academic Committee of the program will study the cases of each of the students, depending on their entry profiles, to decide on the need to acquire this research training. The training will be acquired by means of completing 6-15 ECTS credits in subjects of official master's degrees offered by the UPV/EHU in the area (specify area) or any other equivalent training with regard to research skills, for which students will enrol, on the advice of the tutors and thesis directors, once they have enrolled on the doctoral program.
The applicant will contact the person responsible for the doctorate, to whom he or she will send a CV accrediting any graduate's and postgraduate training.The marks obtained in the theoretical credits and the master's dissertation, language skills and work and organizational experience in keeping with the lines of research of the doctorate will also be taken into account.The application will be studied and, if appropriate, approved at a meeting of the Academic Committee.





Matricula Procedimiento Asignacion - Común

Procedure for assigning a faculty member as a doctoral thesis tutor and director

Once a student has been accepted onto the doctoral programme, the Academic Commission will assign them a tutor and at least one director from among the faculty at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) participating in the programme.

When a letter of endorsement is required from Doctoral Programme, director of the candidate will be the person indicated at the endorsement letter. No candidates will be accepted without endorsement letter, when it is required by doctoral programme.

Tutors are responsible for interactions between the doctoral candidate and the Academic Commission. They are also responsible for adapting training and research activities to the principles of the programmes and, where appropriate, the Doctoral School.

For more information, see the procedures and rules.