Training Activities Programme
Training Plan
Activities of the Doctoral School
It is planned as a course with compulsory attendance, with a theoretical explanation of each of the modules, which will be accompanied by a series of practical exercises which the participants must perform throughout the sessions.
The doctoral student will acquire the necessary tools to access, evaluate, use and disseminate information in an ethical manner.
Assessment systems
It is an on-site seminar, and therefore attendance is compulsory and will be monitored by means of signatures for each of the modules. At the end of the activity the tutor will be given a report allowing an assessment of the acquisition of the skills associated with this activity.
These are intensive residential seminars lasting a week. They are conducted in English in an inter-disciplinary and multicultural environment. Forty researchers from each university, in their second year of doctoral training, receive extensive training designed for their future vocational integration in a socio-labour environment not exclusively linked to research at universities and/or public and semi-public centres. All the activities are dynamised by personnel specializing in the organization of doctorials and the facilitation of teamwork. The scheduled activities include visits to companies, research centres and cultural entities selected from both sides of the border, the testimonies of executive doctors and entrepreneurs and teamwork for the joint preparation of an innovative project which will be submitted at the end of the encounter. Participation in the doctorials is optional and does not entail any enrolment fee. All the maintenance, accommodation and transport costs will be financed by the organizing universities, with the help of the funding obtained from the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Aquitaine-Euskadi cooperation fund of the Basque government.
The doctoral students acquire practical training in communication, innovation, teamwork, leadership and entrepreneurship. Based on the testimonies and experiences of different professionals working in companies and associations in the field of culture and language, as well as visits to companies and associations, the students come into direct contact with professional experience. These seminars have an inter-disciplinary approach, grouping the students together in units which combine different universities of origin and areas of knowledge. The experience should provide a wealth of knowledge about how to articulate a future professional project both in and outside the University.
Assessment systems
The whole procedure for the doctorials is overseen by a pedagogical cabinet, with professional advisers who will provide continuous feedback on the group activity and monitor the work done every day by the doctoral students. Once the latter have enrolled for the doctorials, attendance and active participation in the sessions is compulsory.
Program activities
Coordinated by the Department of Applied Economics III of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), they are forums for discussion and the dissemination of research into Econometrics and Statistics and their main aim is to contribute to education in the planning and design of theoretical and empirical research in this area. Interested students can access the list of seminars on offer and view their online schedule (dates, timetables and classrooms).
Acquisition and updating of econometric knowledge relevant to the research projects conducted by the doctoral students. Exchange and communication with researchers from different universities and scientific fields. Acquisition of experience in communication and the dissemination of scientific results to the scientific community.
Assessment systems
The student's tutor will monitor his or her regular attendance at the seminar, giving priority to expositions related to his or her research. Attendance will be compulsory in this latter case but otherwise optional. The attendance will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
Acquisition and updating of knowledge related to Economic Theory which may be relevant to the research projects conducted by the doctoral students. Exchange and communication with researchers from different universities and scientific fields. Acquisition of experience in communication and the dissemination of scientific results to the scientific community.
Acquisition and updating of knowledge related to Economic Theory which may be relevant to the research projects conducted by the doctoral students. Exchange and communication with researchers from different universities and scientific fields. Acquisition of experience in communication and the dissemination of scientific results to the scientific community.
Assessment systems
The student's tutor will monitor his or her regular attendance at the seminar, giving priority to expositions related to his or her research. Attendance will be compulsory in this latter case but otherwise optional. The attendance will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
Coordinated by the Department of Economics of the University of Cantabria, they are forums for discussion and the dissemination of research into Economic Analysis and their main aim is to contribute to education in the planning and design of theoretical and empirical research in this area. Interested students can access the list of seminars on offer and view their online schedule (dates, timetables and classrooms).
Acquisition and updating of econometric knowledge relevant to the research projects conducted by the doctoral students. Exchange and communication with researchers from different universities and scientific fields. Acquisition of experience in communication and the dissemination of scientific results to the scientific community.
Assessment systems
The student's tutor will monitor his or her regular attendance at the seminar, giving priority to expositions related to his or her research. Attendance will be compulsory in this latter case but otherwise optional. The attendance will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
Coordinated by the Department of Economics of the University of Oviedo, they are forums for discussion and the dissemination of research into Economic Analysis and their main aim is to contribute to education in the planning and design of theoretical and empirical research in this area. Interested students can access the list of seminars on offer and view their online schedule (dates, timetables and classrooms).
Acquisition and updating of econometric knowledge relevant to the research projects conducted by the doctoral students. Exchange and communication with researchers from different universities and scientific fields. Acquisition of experience in communication and the dissemination of scientific results to the scientific community.
Assessment systems
The student's tutor will monitor his or her regular attendance at the seminar, giving priority to those related to his or her research. Attendance will be compulsory in this latter case but otherwise optional. The attendance will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
Coordinados por el Dpto. de Economía Aplicada IV y el Dpto. de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, son espacios de discusión y difusión de la investigación en Teoría de Juegos y tienen como objetivo fundamental contribuir a la formación en el planeamiento y diseño de investigaciones teóricas y empíricas en este área. Los estudiantes interesados pueden acceder al listado de seminarios ofrecidos y consultar su programa on-line (fechas, horarios y aulas).
Acquisition and updating of econometric knowledge relevant to the research projects conducted by the doctoral students. Exchange and communication with researchers from different universities and scientific fields. Acquisition of experience in communication and the dissemination of scientific results to the scientific community.
Assessment systems
The student's tutor will monitor his or her regular attendance at the seminar, giving priority to expositions related to his or her research. Attendance will be compulsory in this latter case but otherwise optional. The attendance will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program will be responsible for approving each mobility action proposal. The proposal should include at least, as minimum information, the following points: - Doctoral student who will perform the stay. - Objectives of the action. - Destination university or centre. - Time planning. - Contact person responsible for the destination centre.
The conducting of training activities, work in research teams, etc., contributing to improve the work of the doctoral student in his or her thesis.
Assessment systems
The tutor will monitor the doctoral student's stay, establishing frequent contact (at least once every fortnight) with the student. At the end of the stay, the Academic Committee of the Program will request a report from both the student and the tutor of the host centre, listing the activities performed. Both the stay and the reports will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
Attendance and/or active participation by means of the presentation of papers at national and international congresses and conferences in the areas of interest of the doctoral student.
Updating of knowledge in the areas of interest of the doctoral students. Exchange and communication with researchers from the same scientific field. Experience in the presentation of scientific results to the scientific community.
Assessment systems
The student will submit an attendance certificate and a certificate for the presentation of the paper. The attendance will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
Specialization courses in the areas of interest of the doctoral student which are covered in the Master's Degree linked to the Doctoral Program, at the University or at other universities, provided that they are postgraduate courses.
Acquisition and updating of knowledge in the specialized areas of interest to the doctoral student.
Assessment systems
The student's tutor will monitor his or her regular attendance at the specialization courses, giving priority to those related to his or her research. Attendance will be compulsory in this latter case but otherwise optional. The attendance, as well as the evaluation of the course (if it is evaluated), will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
The purpose of the plan is to work on skills for communication and the dissemination of research, vocational integration and employment. In order to provide flexible and optional training, the program has been divided into doctoral courses and seminars. 1. Courses: They consist of four seminars, each lasting 5 hours, and are organized into three thematic blocks. 2. Doctoral seminars: Aimed at all the doctoral students at the university, they combine presentations, debates and participatory sessions, as well as the exposition of posters explaining the contents of the theses and the progress of the research conducted by the students. 1. Cursos: Están constituidos por cuatro seminarios de 5 horas cada uno y se organizan en tres grandes bloques temáticos 2. Jornadas doctorales: Dirigidas al conjunto de doctorandos de la Universidad, combinan ponencias, paneles y sesiones participativas, así como la exposición de "pósteres" explicativos de los contenidos de las tesis y de los avances de las investigaciones que están llevando a cabo los doctorandos.
Skills for the dissemination and communication of research Skills for quality vocational integration Employment guidance Mutual understanding between doctoral students Dissemination of research activity in companies and Asturian society as a whole.
Assessment systems
There will be individualized monitoring of attendance at the course and the seminars. The attendance will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
The cross-disciplinary training at the University of Cantabria (UC) is organised by the Doctoral School of the UC (EDUC) and is structured in two categories: Basic and Advanced. To complete this training, UC doctoral students must complete a minimum of 20 hours in each category. Both basic and advanced training are divided into two blocks: a first compulsory and common block offered by the EDUC for all doctoral students and a second block to be taken from the range of courses offered both by the EDUC and by other institutions, in which case external courses may be recognised as long as they cover the competences included in the cross-disciplinary training. UC doctoral students must carry out at least one activity related to each of the transversal competences according to which the EDUC offer is organised. More information at
Analysis of the situation of the doctorate within the new EHEA framework Covering the ethical aspects of science research in companies Scientific, oral and written communication, from publication in specialized media to dissemination of science among the general public.
Assessment systems
There will be individualized monitoring of attendance at the course. The attendance will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.
Coordinated by the Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis I of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), they are forums for discussion and the dissemination of research into Environmental Economics and their main aim is to contribute to education in the planning and design of theoretical and empirical research in this area. Interested students can access the list of seminars on offer and view their online schedule (dates, timetables and classrooms).
Acquisition and updating of econometric knowledge relevant to the research projects conducted by the doctoral students. Exchange and communication with researchers from different universities and scientific fields. Acquisition of experience in communication and the dissemination of scientific results to the scientific community.
Assessment systems
The student's tutor will monitor his or her regular attendance at the seminar, giving priority to expositions related to his or her research. Attendance will be compulsory in this latter case but otherwise optional. The attendance will be reflected in the student's activity record, which will be monitored by the Academic Committee each year.