Titulo - Programa


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Doctoral programme coordination


Academic committee


Material resources

The Faculty of Medicine and Nursing provides its classrooms and research premises for the conducting of activities related to the doctoral program (courses, lectures, seminars, laboratory projects), with the material resources and services appropriate for ensuring the smooth running of the doctoral training activities. The General Services of the UPV/EHU (SGIker), located in the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing and in the Faculty of Science and Technology, are available for use following a prior booking. The Departments of Physiology and Cellular Biology and Histology have reading rooms and computerised premises (digital blackboard, projector, computer) associated with the different laboratories for the group of students of the doctoral program.
All the research groups which support the Biomedical Research Doctoral Program have suitably equipped laboratories and experimental research spaces. These laboratories, located in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, not only enable the development of general basic techniques, but also have specially conditioned premises for cell culture, radioisotope handling, chromatography rooms and laboratories for the handling of nucleic acids. The departments involved also have meeting rooms equipped with appropriate multimedia elements for the conducting of lectures and exhibitions. Similarly, the General Research Services (SGIker) of the UPV/EHU provide their laboratories and their technical staff for the performing of the specific jobs which require them.
The doctoral students, as official students of the UPV/EHU, have access to all the libraries at the university (Central Library in Leioa - http: //www.biblioteka.ehu.es/, the libraries in the teaching units of the hospitals in Cruces, Basurto and Txagorritxu and those of the departments involved). Similarly, the UPV/EHU has joined the OpenCourseWare project, which publishes educational materials from universities around the world on the internet, with free access. Access to scientific information is guaranteed by means of data bases such as SciFinder and ISI Web of Knowledge, to give two examples. In addition, the library services offer students quotation management tools such as RefWorks, EndNote and Reference Manager, which can be accessed from the personal computers assigned to each intern by the Research Vice-rectorate.

Institutions with cooperation agreement

  • Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biociencias-Cic bioGUNE
  • Asociación Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biocruces
  • Asociación de Esclerosos Múltiple de Bizkaia -ADEMBI-
  • Auxiliar de Servicios Médicos S.A.
  • Biodonostia
  • Bizipoz Envejecimiento Activo Sociedad Cooperativa Pequeña
  • CIC biomaGUNE
  • Cita Alzheimer Fundazioa
  • Fundación Euskoiker
  • Fundación Instituto Gerontológico Matia-Ingema
  • Fundación Juan Maria Vianney Fundazioa
  • Fundación Residencia Santa Ana/Santa Ana Egoitza Fundazioa
  • Fundación Vasca de Innovación e Investigación Sanitaria BIOEF
  • Getxo Kirolak
  • Hermanos de la Escuelas Cristianas (La Salle) Comunidad de la Salle-Enea
  • IVI Bilbao
  • Igurco Gestión S.L.
  • Kirola eta Gaitasuna S.L. (Hegalak)
  • Universidad de Abderrahmane Mina de Bejaia, Argelia
  • Universidad de la Amazonia (Colombia)