Titulo - Profesorado

Teaching staff

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Knowledge area
Plant Biology and Ecology
Faculty of Science and Technology
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Graduate (1990) and PhD (1997) in Biology. Since 2008, Aggregate Professor at the UPV/EHU, where she leads the Grazing Ecology Research Line, included in FisioClimaCO2 Research Group (IT1022-16, type A). She has more than 20 years of research experience linking the soil, plant and animal science for elucidating the multi-trophic consequences of land-use changes and climate warming in mountain ecosystems at both fine and coarse spatial scales, from individual traits to community responses. To date, she has participated in 65 research projects, contracts, technical services, and special actions (in 29 as Principal Investigator). She has 90 scientific contributions (including articles, books and book chapters). She has supervised 4 PhD-thesis. H-Index: 6 (in WoS), 7 (in SCOPUS). Her orcid code: 0000-0001-7917-7690.

In colaboration with other researchers, nowadays, she is focused on: (1) testing the relationships between species' ecological niche, competitive ability and coexistence mechanisms under both experimental biotic and abiotic disturbances at mesocosmos scale, for unraveling the relative and hierarchical role of the mechanisms of equalization and stabilization in the maintenance of biodiversity; (2) developing a multi-criteria evaluation framework to assess the sustainability of livestock and their feedbacks on the environment taking into account multiple perspectives simultaneously.