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Ethical Anthropology & Legislation

Faculty of Medicine and Nursing
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

AimsToggle Navigation

Specific competences:

- To analyse the influence of culture on health and to identify inequity and gender based violence situations, as well as violence against children and the elderly.

- To base decision making in nursing practice on the nursing code of ethics and legislation ensuring an holistic care.

- To analyse cases of nursing practice considering ethical and legal meaning and consequences of the nursing role, to guarantee individuals' rights.

Cross curricular competence:

- Critical-reflexive learning

Learning outcomes:

After finishing this subject, the student will be able to:

- Identify the influence of culture and socialization processes on the construction of the concepts of health and illness

-Identify and list the available resources to address physical, psychological and social consequences of gender based violence

-Apply correctly equity and ethical principles as well as current legislation in the development of the proposed tasks during the classes.

TemaryToggle Navigation

Unit 1: Medical anthropology

1 Introduction to anthropology and socialization.

1.1 Socialization

2. Health and disease from an anthropological approach

2.1 Diversity in health care. Medicalization.

3 Violence from an anthropological approach

3.1 Violence during life stages

3.2 Gender Based Violence (Detection and response).

Unit 2: Professional ethics

1. Ethics and morals. Introduction to bioethics.

1.1 Bioethical principles

2 Nursing code of ethics and professional secrecy

3 Ethical issues during the life stages

3.1 Ethical issues at the beginning of life: abortion and assisted pregnancy

3.2 Ethical issues at the end of life: clinical cases (euthanasia, medically assisted suicide….)

4 Ethical issues in clinical practice

4.1 Informed consent

4.2 Professional secrecy

4.3 Clinical Ethics committees and research ethics committees

Unit 3: Spanish legal framework for healthcare provision

1. Basic concepts in legislation

2. Healthcare professionals’ responsibility from a legal approach

3. General and specific healthcare legislation

3.1 “Ley General de Sanidad”

3.2 Legislation that regulates patient’s autonomy

3.3 Legislation that regulates voluntary interruption of pregnancy

3.4 Legislation that regulates care in the end of life

4. Health system’s response and legislation in Gender Based Violence

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Master classes

Articles Reading and guided discussion

Educational methodologies

Case analysis

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

Continual assessment consists of assignments and tasks submitted throughout the year, along with a written exam in the official exam period.

Submission of assignments during the course is compulsory and should be submitted in the ways and deadlines determined by the lecturers. Attendance to the seminars is also compulsory.

Final grade will be based on the marks achieved in the exam plus the marks of the assignments submitted during year as follows:

1.- 75% written final exam, usually consisting of short questions

2.- 25% of the final mark will be assessed through individual and group assignments done during the course (15% specific subject competences and 10% the cross-cutting competence).

To pass the subject it is needed to get at least 3,75/7,5 in the exam and 1,25/2,5 in the class exercises and assignments.

Students who follow a continual assessment will be assessed in the same way both in ordinary and extraordinary examination calls of the academic year.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography


Bohannan P. Para raros nosotros. Introducción a la Antropología Cultural. Akal, 1992

Protocolo común para la actuación sanitaria ante la Violencia de Género. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, 2012

Guía rápida para profesionales de la salud ante la violencia de género y las agresiones sexuales en Euskadi, 2019

Maltrato y desprotección en la infancia y la adolescencia. Atención a las situaciones de riesgo. Gobierno Vasco, 2000

Procedimiento de prevención y detección de malos tratos físicos y económicos a personas mayores en la CAPV. Gobierno Vasco, 2015

Protocolo sanitario ante el maltrato en el ámbito doméstico y la violencia sexual contra las mujeres. Gobierno Vasco, 2008

Protocolo de la UPV/EHU contra las violencias de género. UPV/EHU, 2018

Ethics and legislation

Antón, P. Ética y legislación en enfermería. Masson, 2003

Beauchamp, TL; Childress, JF. Principios de ética biomédica. Masson, 1999

Documento de voluntades anticipadas. Consideraciones y Recomendaciones. Gobierno Vasco, 2003

Marijuán, MI. Bioética y ética médica para estudiantes de medicina - Bioetika eta etika medikoa medikuntzako ikasleentzat. UPV/EHU, 2017

Código Deontológico de la Enfermería española. Consejo General de Colegios oficiales de Enfermería de España. 1988

In-depth bibliography


Esteban ML. Introducción a la Antropología de la Salud. Osalde, 2007

Harris M. Introducción a la Antropología general. Alianza Editorial, 1999

Guía de atención integral a las personas en situación de transexualidad. Gobierno Vasco, 2016

Ethics and legislation

Blazquez Carmona, F. et al. Diccionario de términos éticos. Verbo Divino, 1999

Manual de estilo para médicos y estudiantes de medicina sobre el buen uso de las redes sociales. Consejo general de colegios de médicos de España



Cultura de los Cuidados. Revista de Enfermería y Humanidades
Hiades. Revista de la Historia de Enfermería
Temperamentum, cultura de los cuidados
Revista Emakunde
Pikara Magazine

Ethics and legislation

Ética de los cuidados
Nursing Ethics journal

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