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Clinical Nursing I

Faculty of Medicine and Nursing
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups7.57.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

AimsToggle Navigation

1. (CE75.)-Know and evaluate healthy and unhealthy persons. Nutritional needs throughout the vital cycle, to promote and reinforce healthy nutritional habits.

- Identify the nutrients and the food in which they are.

- Identify the most prevalent nutritional disorders and select appropriate dietary recommendations.

2. (CE77.) -Know the pathophysiologic processes and their clinical manifestations and risk factors that determine the health/illness status in the different stages of the vital cycle.

3.- (CE88.) - Know the health disorders typically found in adults, identifying the clinical manifestations that appear thorough different stages.

- Identify the care needs arising from health disorders

-Analyze the data collected in the assessment, prioritizing the problems of adults, establish and implement the care plan and evaluate it.

-Perform the nursing care techniques and proceedings, establishing a therapeutic relationship with the patients and their families.

-Select the interventions to treat or prevent the disorders due to health deviations.

-Have a cooperative attitude with different team members.


- Acquire the knowledge that allows the student to understand, explore and manage de various factors that affect health and illness, which will be the scientific basis of his professional doing.

- Know the nursing techniques and care plans in the different areas, according to the patient¿s needs.

- Know the appropriate dietetic recommendations for different pathologies, especially in those of high clinic prevalence.

TemaryToggle Navigation

Block 1.- Perioperative nursing

1.Preoperative care.

2.Care of the patient during operative procedures.

3.Patient care after surgery. Postoperative complications.

Block 1.- Respiratory disorders

4.Introduction to pulmonary diseases.

5.Respiratory failure.

6.Chronic pulmonary disorders. Pneumoconiosis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic bronchitis, Emphysema and Asthma.

7.Infectious respiratory disorders.

8.Lung cancer.

9.Pleural disorders.

10.Thoracic trauma.

Block 3.- Cardiovascular disorders

11.Cardiac disorders. Heart diseases. Diagnose: ECG, Holter, EKG- exercise treadmill, cardiac catheterization and angiography.

12.Dysrhythmias and conduction disturbances.

13.Heart acute and chronic failure.

14.Ischemic cardiomyopathy.

15.Endocardial disorders.

16.Valvular heart disorders.

17.Pericardic diseases.

18.Arterial hypertension.

19.Aortic pathology.

20.Arterial disease.

21.Venous disorders. Venous thrombosis. Trombophlebitis. Varicose veins.

22.Lymph vessels disorders.

Block 4.- Dietetics

23.Nutritional support in perioperative patients.

24.Nutritional support and cancer.

25.Nutritional support in patients with hypertension or heart failure

26.Nutritional support in patients with renal failure or urolithiasis

27.Nutritional support in patients with metabolic disorders

28.Nutritional support in patients with digestive disorders

29.Nutritional support in patients with enteral nutrition

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Durante el cuatrimestre se trabajará el contenido teórico en las clases magistrales con metodología expositiva-participativa y el contenido práctico en los seminarios y prácticas de aula mediante simulación y análisis de casos

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

Written exam with short questions, multiple choice questions and a clinical case.

Continuous assessment.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Brunner LS, Suddarth DS. Manual de Enfermería Medico-Quirúrgica. Ed. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. 2006.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Swearingen PL. Medical and Surgical Nursing. Ed. Elsevier. 2008.

Kasper B. Manual de Medicina (Harrison). Ed. McGraw Hill. 2005.

Beare P y Myers J. Enfermería Medico-Quirúrgica. Ed. Harcour-Brace. 1999.

Lewis S, Heitkemper MM, Dirksen SR. Enfermería Medicoquirúrgica. Ed. Elsevier. 2004.

Salas-Salvadó J. Nutrición y dietética clínica. Ed. Elsevier (2ª Ed). 2008.

Martin Salinas y cols. Nutrición y Dietética. Enfermería S21. Ed Difusión Avances de Enfermería. 2000.

In-depth bibliography

Laso FJ. Patología general. Introducción a la medicina clínica. Ed. Masson (2ª Ed). 2006.
Pérez Arellano JL. Manual de Patología General (Sisinio de Castro). Ed. Elsevier, España. 2006
Farreras P y Rozman C. Medicina Interna (Farreras/Rozman). Editorial Harcourt (16ª Ed). 2008.
Wardlaw GM and Hampl JS. Perspectives in nutrition. Ed McGraw-Hill (7th Ed). 2006.


Enfemería Clínica. Ed Elsevier.
Nursing. Ed Elsevier.
Metas de Enfermería. Ed DAE.
Rol de Enfermería
Enfermería Facultativa. Ed Colegio de Enfermería.
Nursing Research. Ed Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
Medicina Clínica. Ed Elsevier.
Nutrición Clínica y Dietética Hospitalaria. Sociedad Española de Dietética y Ciencias de la Alimentación (SEDCA).

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