Thesis submitted
- Begoña Hernández Beloqui "Medieval landscapes in Northern Iberia: Paleopalinological records in Alava Plain and Treviño, 2015"
- Belen Bengoetxea Rementeria "Urban Archaeology and Planification in the Basque Country Urban Centers" 2016
- Carlos Tejerizo García "Archaeology of Medieval Peasant in the Duero Basin (5th-8th centuries AC)" 2016
- Egoitz Alfaro Suescun "The formation of paris network in Alava and Treviño. Archaeological evidence (11th-13th centuries)" 2016
- Idoia Grau Sologestoa "The Zooarchaeology of medieval Alava in its Iberian context" 2014
- Jacopo Bruttini "The economic system of Colline Metallifere in the medieval period: the production of monetary metal" 2014
- Iratxe Gillate Aierdi "Programas de Educación Patrimonial en contextos informales: análisis y valoración de su influencia en el alumnado de ESO de la zona minero-industrial de Bizkaia" 2014
- Naiara Vicent Otaño "Evaluación de un programa de educación patrimonial basado en tecnología móvil" 2013
- José María Tejado Sebastián "Archaeology and territory management in the upper valley of the Iregua River; the castro of "El Castillo de los monjes" (Lumbreras, La Rioja)" 2010
- Alfonso Vigil Escalera Guirado "Emergence scenarios of an early medieval social and political landscapein the inner Peninsula during the 5th century: pottery, rural necropolis and castles." 2009
- Jesús Lorenzo Jiménez "The Dawla of the BanuQasi. Origin, peak and fall of a "muladí" lineage in the Uper Border of al- Andalus." 2008
- Rubén Higuera Ruiz "Estudio petrológico y geoquímico de inocerámidos (Bivalvia) del Cenomaniense-Turoniense y ostras del Albiense-Cenomaniense frente a actuales en la cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica: implicaciones y diagenéticas" 2007