Keynote speakers
Ruth Towse
Ruth Towse is Professor of Economics of Creative Industries at the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management, Bournemouth University and CREATe Fellow in Cultural Economics (University of Glasgow). She specialises in cultural economics and the economics of copyright. She has published widely in both fields in academic journals and books and has also edited several collections of papers and original contributions. Her Textbook of Cultural Economics has been translated into several languages. Ruth has been Joint Editor of the Journal of Cultural Economics, President of the Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI), and President of the Society for Economic Research in Copyright Issues and serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals. She is a Distinguished Fellow of the ACEI. She has lectured and given seminars, conference papers and presentations to a wide range of organisations in many countries and has been a consultant on cultural economics and the economics of copyright to a number of national and international governmental organisations.
Title of the lecture: The role of copyright in protecting creators.
Eva Moraga
Eva Moraga is a Law and Fine Arts graduate (Universidad Complutense of Madrid (UCM), Spain) and a European Union Law graduate (Université de Mont, Saint Aignan (Rouen, France), Master in European Union Law (UCM, Madrid, Spain), Master in Museum and Art Centres Management (City University, London, UK), and holds and Advances Studies Diploma (DEA) in History of Art (UCM, Madrid, Spain) on issues intersecting art, technology and data visualization.
Since 2002 he advises and trains professionals and organizations of art and culture, both public and private, on professional obligations, contracts, copyright, formulation, presentation and management of projects and grants, financing, cultural policy and advocacy and all those aspects related to their professional activity and career development. From Por & Para she offers, among others, legal advisory services, professional advice, project counseling, mediation and conflict resolution, tax and accounting advice, training and drafting cultural policy reports and reform of legal and regulatory frameworks of culture . At present, he is also in charge of the legal, tax and labor consultancy area for young artists and curators of the Programa A of the Community of Madrid.
Title of the lecture: Más allá del Estatuto del Artista: otros aspectos influyentes en la precariedad.
Pascal Gielen
Pascal Gielen is full professor of sociology of art and politics at the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (Antwerp University - Belgium) where he leads the Culture Commons Quest Office (CCQO). Gielen is editor-in-chief of the international book series Antennea-Arts in Society. In 2016 he became laureate of the Odysseus grant for excellent international scientific research of the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders in Belgium. His research focuses on creative labour, the institutional context of the arts and on cultural politics. Gielen has published many books which are translated in English, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
Title of the lecture: Sustainable creative labour in times of repressive liberal policies
Manfred Max-Neef
Title of the lecture: Filosofía de la economía ecológica.