CFAA and its future

The great projects start with an idea. And the great spirits make it a goal and an illusion, as it did Plácido Rodal, on behalf of his company but leaving the best of himself in the project.

The future of the CFAA will be successful, useful for our society and for our industry. The results will be direct but surely they will be transferred to other levels as well, training, technical ability, new projects, new partners. The project is and will always be open to companies and technicians who contribute with ideas, work and dreams.

Examples of foreign centres of this type generally called Advanced Manufacturing Centres, prove it. The concept and centre model seems to succeed in activating cooperation and results-oriented development. With the collaboration of the constituent members and people involved in the project, very far objectives can be reached.

Training is important, and also the university environment stimulates this important factor involved in the operation of the centre. What we are today is our responsibility, but tomorrow we will be what new generations achieve with our current training.

So, the next generation is already working on it ...