Recovery of benthic communities in polluted systems in response to the application of environmental quality restoration measures
Development of biological element indicators for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive
Development of methods for the optimisation of pollution assessment
Environmental monitoring
Title: K-EGOKITZEN. Climate change: impact and adaptation – Marine Benthos
Main researcher: José María Gorostiaga Garai
Funding institution: Eusko Jaurlaritza/Gobierno Vasco
Title: Decline of the subtidal beds of Gelidium corneum in the eastern Cantabrian Sea under the impact of Climate Change: interactive effects of light and nutrients
Main researcher: José María Gorostiaga Garai
Funding institution: UPV/EHU
Title: Marine Biology: Benthic Flora and Fauna
Main researcher: José María Gorostiaga Garai
Funding institution: Eusko Jaurlaritza/Gobierno Vasco
Title: Marine Benthos Research Group UPV/EHU
Main researcher: José María Gorostiaga Garai
Funding institution: UPV/EHU
Title: Status and trends of the biodiversity of the Spanish coastal reefs
Main researcher: Mikel Becerro
Funding institution: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities