Publications previous
Title: Closure of Benign Leaks, Perforations, and Fistulas With Temporary Placement of Fully Covered Metal Stents: A Retrospective Analysis; Authors: Orive A, Calderón-García A, Bernal-Martinez A, Díaz-Roca AB, Barrio I, Cabriada-Nuño JI, Orive VM; Magazine: Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Tech, 2014. 24(6): 528-536
Title: Creación de una escala para evaluar la gravedad de las exacerbaciones agudas de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EA-EPOC) en los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios; Authors: García-Gutiérrez S, Quintana JM, Unzurrunzaga A, Esteban C, Gonzalez N, Barrio I, Pulido E, Baré ML, Andueza-Lillo JA, IRYSS COPD-STUDY; Magazine: Emergencias, 2014; 26: 251-258
Title: Statistics in Research vs. Research in Statistics; Authors: Arostegui I, Barrio I, Legarreta MJ y Urkaregi A; Magazine: BEIO, 2014; 30(2): 220-239
Title: Applicability conditions of propensity score in Health Sciences research: assessment of balancing properties; Authors: Urkaregi A, Martinez-Indart L, Pijoan JI; Magazine: SORT - Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 2014; 38(2): 271-284
Title: Impact of clinical and patient-reported outcomes on patient satisfaction with cataract extraction; Authors:García-Gutiérrez S, Quintana JM, Aguirre U, Barrio I, Las Hayas C, González N; IRYSS Cataract Group; Magazine: Health Expect, 2014; 17(6): 765-775.
Title: Subtypes of patients experiencing exacerbations of COPD and associations with outcomes; Authors: Arostegui I, Esteban C, Garcia-Gutierrez S, Baré M, Fernandez de Larrea N, Briones E, Quintana JM for the IRYSS-COPD Group; Magazine: PLoS One, 2014; 9(6): DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098580
Title: Influence of changes in physical activity on frequency of hositalization in chronic obstructive pumonary disease; v: Esteban C, Arostegui I, Aburto M, Moraza J, Quintana JM, Aizpiri S, Basualdo LV, Capelastegui A; Magazine: Respirology, 2014; 19: 330-338.
Title: Eredu aurresaleetako aldagai jarraituen kategorizaziorik hoberena lortzeko metodologia proposamena: aplikazio zehatza medikuntzan; Authors: Barrio I, Arostegui I, Garcia-Gutierrez S; Magazine: EKAIA, Ekaia (ale berezia 2014), 2014: ISSN: 0214-9001
Title: Predictors of Hospital Length of stay in patients with exacerbations of COPD: a cohort study; Authors: Quintana JM, Unzurrunzaga A, García-Gutierrez S, González N, Lafuente I, Bare M, Fernández de Larrea N, Rivas F, Esteban C; Magazine: Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2014;
Title: Predictive score for mortality in patients with COPD exacerbations attending hospital emergency departments; Authors: Quintana JM, Esteban C, Unzurrunzaga A, Garcia-Gutierrrez S, González N, Barrio I, Arostegui I, Lafuente I, Baré M, Fernandez-de-Larrea N, Vidal S for the IRYSS-COPD Group; Magazine: BMC Medicine, 2014; 12:66 DOI: 10.1186/1741-7015-12-66
Title: Cytotoxicity of tio2 nanoparticles to mussel hemocytes and gill cells in vitro: influence of synthesis method, crystalline structure, size and additive; Authors: Katsumiti A, Berhanu D, Howard KT, Arostegui I, Oron M, Reip P, Valsami-Jones E, Cajaraville M; Magazine: Nanotoxicology, 2014; Sep 4:1-11. DOI:10.3109/17435390.2014.952362
Title: Cytotoxicity and cellular mechanisms involved in the toxicity of CdS quantum dots in hemocytes and gill cells of the mussel mytilus galloprovincialis; Authors: Katsumiti A, Gilliland D, Arostegui I, Cajaraville M; Magazine: Aquatic Toxicology, 2014; 153: 39-52. DOI:
Title: On the recoding of continuous and bounded health indexes to a binomial form: An application to quality of life scores; Authors: Arostegui I, Núñez-Antón V, Quintana JM; Magazine: Journal of Applied Statistics, 2013; 40(3): 563-582. DOI:10.1080/02664763.2012.749845
Title: Use of generalised additive models to categorize continuous variables in clinical prediction; Authors: Barrio I, Arostegui I, Quintana JM and the IRYSS-COPD Group; Magazine: BMC Medical Research Methodology; 2013; 13-83 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2288-13-83
Title: Applying the "coping with stress questionnaire for cancer patients (CAEPO)" to patients with non-cancer chronic illnesses; Authors: Orive M, Quintana JM, Vrotsou K, Las Hayas C, Bilbao A, Barrio I, Matellanes B, Padierna A; Magazine: Journal of Health Psychology , 2013 : 18 (6) 737-749
Title: Predictors of hospital admission in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Authors: Vidal S, González N, Barrio I, Rivas-Ruiz F, Baré M, Blasco JA, ... & Investigación en Resultados y Servicios Sanitarios (IRYSS) COPD Group; Magazine: The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2013; 17(12), 1632-1637.
Title: Application of appropriateness criteria for hospitalization in COPD exacerbation; Authors: Garcia-Gutierrez S, Quintana JM, Barrio I, Bare M, Fernandez N, Vidal S, ... & Pulido E; Magazine: Internal and emergency medicine, 2013; 8(4): 349-357
Title: Estratificación de la población en el País Vasco: resultados en el primer año de implantación; Authors: Orueta JF, Mateos Del Pino M, Barrio I, Nuño Solinis R, Cuadrado Zubizarreta M, Sola Sarabia C; Magazine: Atención primaria, 2013 ; A 45 -1 : 54-60
Title: Statistical approaches to analyze patient reported outcomes as response variables: An application to health related quality of life; Authors: Arostegui I, Núñez-Antón V, Quintana JM; Magazine: Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2012; 21(2): 189-214. DOI: 10.1177/0962280210379079
Title: Outcomes after total hip replacement based on patients' baseline status: what results can be expected?; Authors: Quintana JM, Aguirre U, Barrio I, Orive M, Garcia-Gutierrez S and Escobar A; Magazine: Arthritis Care and Research, 2012; ; 64(4): 563-72. DOI: 10.1002/acr.21570
Title: Amino acid signatures in the Ovar-DRB1 peptide-binding pocket are associated with Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma susceptibility/resistance; Authors: Larruskain A, Minguijon E, Garcia-Etxebarria K, Arostegui I, Moreno B, Juste RA, Jugo BM; Magazine: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2012; 428: 463-468
Title: What mechismk of niche segregation allows the coexistence of sympatric sibling rhinolophid bats? Authors: Salsamendi E, Garin I, Arostegui I, Goiti U, Aihartza J; Magazine: Frontiers in Zoology; 2012; 9:30. DOI: 10.1186/1742-9994-9-30
Title: Microsatellites in immune-relevant genes and their associations with Maedi-Visna and Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma viral diseases; Authors: Larruskain A, Minguijon E, Arostegui I, Moreno B, Juste RA, Jugo BM; Magazine: Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology , 2012; 145 (1-2): 438-446. DOI:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.12.020
Title: Foraging ecology in Mehely's horseshoe bat: influence of habitat structure and water availability; Authors: Salsamendi E, Arostegui I, Aihartza J, Almenar D, Goiti U, Garin I.; Magazine: Acta Chiropterologica, 2012; 14(1): 121–132.
Title: Headwater reservoirs weaken terrestrial aquatic linkage by slowing-down leaf-litter processing in downstream regulated reaches; Authors: Mendoza-Lera C, Larrañaga A, Pérez J, Descals E, Martínez A, Arostegui I, Pozo J; Magazine: River Research and applications, 2012; 28(1): 13-22. DOI: 10.1002/rra.1434
Title: Characterization of Fruit Juices from Spanish Cultivars According to Their Phenolic Compound Contents: I. Citrus Fruits; Authors: Abad-García B, Berrueta Simal LA, Garmoìn-Lobato S, Urkaregi Etxepare A, Gallo Hermosa B, Vicente Estevez F; Magazine: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry; 2012;
Title: Validación de la escala OPTIMIZE-HF para la valoración de la gravedad de la insuficiencia cardiaca aguda descompensada; Authors: García Gutiérrez S, Escobar Martínez A, Barrio I, Zubillaga Aspiroz E, Lafuente Guerrero I, Pulido Herrero E; Magazine: Emergencias, 2012 : 24 (246-261)
Title: Patient acceptable symptom state and OMERACT-OARSI set of responder criteria in joint replacement. Identification of cut-off values; Authors: Escobar A, González M, Quintana JM, Vrotsou K, Bilbao A, Herrera-Espiñeira C, García-Pérez L, Aizpuru F, Sarasqueta C; Magazine: Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2012; 20: 87-92.
Title: Quality of life and motivation to change in eating disorders. Perception patient-psychiatrist; Authors:Muñoz P, Quintana JM, Las Hayas C, Padierna A, Aguirre U, González-Torres M; Magazine: Eating Behaviors, 2012; 13: 131-134.
Title: Predictors of change in perceived burden among caregivers of patients with eating disorders; Authors:González N, Padierna A, Martín J, Aguirre U, Quintana JM; Magazine: Journal of Affective Disorders, 2012; 139(3):273-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2012.02.013
Title: The CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group, Spain. Score to identify the severity of adult patients with influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus infection at hospital admission; Authors: Capelastegui A, Quintana JM, Bilbao A, España PP, Garin O, Alonso J, Astray J, Cantón R, Castilla J, Castro A, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Godoy P, González-Candelas F, Martín V, Mayoral JM, Pumarola T, Tamames S, Soldevila N, Baricot M, Domínguez A; Magazine: European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2012; 31(10):2693-701.