Fabio Hernández
(Biorefinery Processes)

He studied the Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering at the Engineering School of San Sebastian (2016). Then, he studied the Master's Degree in Engineering of Renewable Materials (2017) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) where he completed his master's project "Valorización de ligninas procedentes de lejías kraft mediante diversos métodos de fraccionamiento y despolimerización ", under the supervision of Dr. María González Alriols and Dr. Xabier Erdocia. He is currently hired as a research staff in the BioRP group (Biorefinery Processes) at the Engineering School of San Sebastian where he is doing his first year of PhD under the direction of Drs. Jalel Labidi and Xabier Erdocia.
Currently his research is focussed on the use of lignocellulosic materials, especially in converting lignin to high added value products.