Trab Master

Master's dissertations

"Development of protein-based solutions for 3D printing constructs for further neural regeneration applications" Hegoa Craamer Lizarraga, 2025

"Síntesis y caracterización fisicoquímica de hidrogeles de proteina/polisacarido para Bioimpresión 3D", Iraia Osquila Pérez de Azpeitia, 2024

"Revalorizing fast-fashion textile waste as carbon current collectors for natural-organic batteries", Carles Tortosa, 2023

“Biodegradable films based on whey protein”, Maite Arregi, 2022

“Development of soy protein and latxa sheep wool inks and characterization of printed scaffolds”, Ana Paula Tamayo de Souza, 2022

"3D printing of proteins", Teresa Carranza, 2020

"Effect of composition on chitosan films", Arritxu Muxika, 2017

"Cross-linking of collagen rubber as a function of the content of vulcanization agent", Mireia Andonegui, 2016

"Azido zitrikoaren eragina arrain-gelatinaren filmetan", Jone Uranga, 2015

"Gelatinan oinarrituriko filmak: konposizioaren eta prozesatze baldintzen eragina", Alaitz Etxabide, 2013

"Propiedades funcionales de films basados en quitosano", Itsaso Leceta, 2012

"Biofilms basados en proteínas para su uso en envases", Tania Garrido, 2012

"Procesado de films basados en proteína de soja", Pedro Guerrero, 2009

If you are interested in doing your Master's thesis with us, please fill in and send us the following form.