Información - La Escuela: Gestión de la Calidad - Política y Objetivos de Calidad

Quality Policy and Objectives

The Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao (BIE/EIB), aligned with the Strategic Plan of the University and its statutes, assumes an inescapable commitment to quality and excellence to provide higher education services through teaching, research, study, the cultural and university projection, the management processes and the services that support its activities.

Approaching renewal at the university from a quality perspective must necessarily integrate objectives related to excellence in teaching, student learning, institution management, research and transfer, internationalization, together with objectives related to responsibility of the university and with the training of students

The Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao (BIE/EIB) has among its main objectives and principles of action that of consolidating a culture of quality; To this end, it undertakes to establish the necessary procedures and actions to guarantee the quality of the degrees offered. These procedures and actions will have as focal agents the students, teachers, coordinators, management team, administration and services staff, employers, graduates, educational administration, and of course, society in general, which is what will mark the professional demand. that will guarantee the continuity and permanence of the center.

The Management Team, aware of the importance of quality processes in the training of its graduates, considers that the implementation of a culture of quality is a strategic factor to ensure that the skills, abilities and aptitudes of its graduates are recognized by employers and society in general. In this sense, it directs its efforts towards satisfying the needs and expectations of all its stakeholders, committing to use all the human, technical and economic resources at its disposal to implement a culture of quality.

To this end, the Quality Commission was set up, appointed by the Board of the School, which participates together with the Management Team in the planning and monitoring tasks of the SGIC, also acting as one of the internal communication vehicles of the policy, objectives , plans, programs, responsibilities and achievements of this quality system.

The Center's Quality Commission is also the body that supports and advises the Center's management team and the Center Board in planning and monitoring the curricular development of degrees, based on the competency-based teaching-learning model, in which, through active methodologies and with the support of information and communication technologies, self-directed learning (individual and group) and continuous evaluation are promoted, in a multilingual teaching context. Likewise, the Center's Quality Commission is in charge of issuing the reports for the subsequent evaluation of the teaching staff.

The Faculty Councul, as a representative collegiate body and ordinary government, is responsible for approving the quality policy and objectives of the School, as well as approving the constitution, composition and functions of the Quality Commission. It is responsible for approving improvement actions in the different degrees, within the framework of the Quality Assurance System, based, among others, on the system evaluation reports presented by the Quality Commission.

The composition of both bodies is made up of representatives of all interest groups (Management Team, PDI, degree coordinators, PAS and students) which guarantees the participation of all of them in the definition, updating and approval of the Policy and Quality objectives.

Under this conception, a series of objectives have been defined that will guide the development of our Quality Policy:

  • Quality policy and objectivesPromote and provide an excellent and quality training offer in accordance with the needs and expectations of employers and society in general.
  • Make training proposals for teachers aimed at updating and developing teaching skills adapted to the European Higher Education Area.
  • Promote the development of teaching innovation activities that give the center local, national and international prestige.
  • Promote an internal monitoring and evaluation process that materializes the commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Guide the direction and management of the center to the objectives of teaching and research.
  • Ensure that the quality policy is understood and accepted by all stakeholders.
  • Guarantee that the Quality Management System remains effective and that it is periodically controlled and reviewed.