Información - La Escuela: Historia


The Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao School was born on January 5, 2016, as a result of a reorganization process of faculties and schools within the University of the Basque Country. This new university center brings together the facilities, staff, students and qualifications that until then were divided into 4 schools, some of them centuries old. These different origins mark the historical evolution of this new center until its creation, so the journey of each of the centers that integrated this new reality is briefly outlined below.

Former Higher Technical Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao

The Faculty of Enginnering in Bilbao was the second Center for Higher Studies in the Villa and its foundation was promoted by the Bilbao City Council, the Provincial Council of Biscay, as well as by various businessmen and technicians.

On April 2, 1897, H.M. the Queen Regent Doña María Cristina granted a Royal Decree in the Palace by which "a Faculty for Industrial Engineers is established in Bilbao, mainly at the expense of the Provincial Council of Vizcaya and the City Council of that Villa".

In 1899, the Board of Trustees was formed, which proceeded to appoint interim professors and the Director of the Faculty, a position that fell to D. Darío Bacas, Engineer of the Navy. All appointments were endorsed by the Government. On October 27, 1899, the Provisional Regulations of the Faculty were published in the Official Gazette, followed by the opening of the enrollment period for the new course, in which 107 students enrolled. Finally, on November 2, 1899, the solemn opening ceremony of the course took place in the auditorium of the Biscayan Institute. The first Class of the Faculty finished their studies in 1904, and four students graduated.

An important period of the Faculty was between 1954 and 1957, when its Director was Mr. Leandro José de Torróntegui, since at that time a phase of modernization and updating began. This period begins with the transfer of the Center from the initial facilities in the Plaza de la Casilla to the current ones, which are inaugurated on March 17, 1958.

In 1983, the University Reform Law was enacted, which aims to adapt the Spanish University to the needs of a modern society. The transfer of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) to the Basque Government took place in 1985. As of this date, the Faculty diversified its field of work, starting with the implementation, in December 1986, of the Telecommunications Engineering career.

Former Faculty of Technical Engineering in Bilbao

The Technical Faculty of Industrial Experts was created by ministerial order on May 8, 1942, beginning classes on December 7 of the same year, at the request of various social groups in Bilbao and in order to complete the training of Technicians for the Industry of the Basque Country.

Teaching staff needs were covered by highly selected interim staff, based on prestigious Engineers and Experts who worked in the industry with positions of responsibility.

In 1944, the appointment of Professors of the Chair began with that of Drawing, which was followed in 1945 by those of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry and Electrotechnics, completing the team in successive years.

As it did not have its own building, the classes were taught in the afternoons in the building belonging to the Faculty of Engineering, with the Management of the Center falling to the Faculty of Engineering. The independence of the Technical Faculty of Industrial Experts began in 1951, with its first director being Mr. Ramón Losada. In 1958, the building of the old Faculty of Engineering was used in its entirety as the Technical Faculty of Industrial Experts. Later, the necessary subsidy was requested from the Ministry of National Education for the construction of a new one more in line with the demands of the teaching to be imparted. The new building was inaugurated in 1963.

Subsequently, in accordance with the Law for the Reorganization of Technical Education of April 29, 1964, the Faculty was renamed the Faculty of Industrial Technical Engineering. And later, the Faculty was integrated into the University as the Faculty of Technical Engineering in Bilbao. In 2012 it moved to the new building located next to the former Higher Technical Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao.

Former Faculty of Technical Engineering of Mines and Public Works in Bilbao

The beginnings date back to the Faculty of Foremen and Mining Specialists, which was founded in Bilbao in 1913, and was located in the Atxuri neighborhood, with the aim of meeting the demand for trained people that the growing development demanded. mining operations and industry in general.

In the 1960s, the Faculty moved to Barakaldo, and it was in 1972 that it became directly dependent on the University, under the name of Faculty of Technical Engineering of Mining, with three-year studies.

In the academic year 2000/01, the Public Works Technical Engineering degree was introduced, which is currently maintained. In 2012 the Faculty left its location in Barakaldo to settle in the new building located next to the former Higher Technical Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao.

Former Higher Technical Faculty of Nautical and Naval Machinery

The Faculty of Nautical in Bilbao was founded at the initiative of the Town Council in collaboration with the Consulate and the General Council of the Universal Government of the Lordship of Biscay. Once the agreement was reached by the General Assemblies of Gernika in 1739 to establish the Faculty in Bilbao, the frigate captain from Lequeitia, Don Joseph Vicente Ybañez de la Rentería, who had published the previous year, 1738, was appointed its director, in Bayonne the book "Explanation of the Universal Astronomical Nautical Circle", but his appointment was temporary until 1742 when the teacher of nautical and mathematics Don Miguel Archer, born in Bilbao 1689, took over.

During the reign of Carlos III, 1783, by means of a Royal Order, the Directors of Pilots and the Masters of the Navigation faculties were allowed to examine Pilotin and First and Second Pilots to those who wanted to dedicate themselves to the seafaring profession and ship drivers. Already in this century, the R.D. of May 28, 1915 declared Official Nautical faculties, twelve in total, including Bilbao and R.D. of February 7, 1925, divide nautical studies into two branches: Nautical and Machinery.

Initially installed on the premises of the Institute of 2nd Teaching of Bilbao, in 1925 it moved to Deusto, specifically to the current location of the Botikazar Institute. It remained in this location until 1968, when it moved to the current building located in Portugalete.

Law 144/61 of December 23 accommodates the general structure of the Technical Teachings, to which the Teachings that are taught in the Official Nautical Faculties are equated. The process of incorporating these teachings into the general educational system culminates with Decree 1439/1975, which grants the teachings completed in these Faculties the level of 2nd cycle of university teachings, the O.M. of October 18, 1977, which establishes the study plan for the degrees: Diploma and Degree in Nautical Sciences and Diploma and Degree in MarineMachinery, and the R.D. of December 4, 1980 that grants the denomination of Higher Faculties of Civil Marine to the former Official Faculties of Nautical.