Project Based Learning (PBL)

Project Based Learning (PBL)



Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching methodology that encourages students to learn by applying knowledge and skills acquired at the theoretical level through an engaging experience. PBL presents opportunities for deeper learning in context and for the development of important skills linked to college and career readiness.

The three characteristics that lead to deeper student understanding are:

  • Interdisciplinary: This is an interdisciplinary approach because challenges in the world of work are rarely solved using information or knowledge from a single subject. Projects require students to inquire, seek solutions and build prototypes to help solve the problem or challenge posed.
  • Rigorous: Project-based education requires the application of knowledge and skills. Unlike conventional learning, which focuses on assessing a single piece of knowledge, PBL assesses how students apply diverse academic content in new contexts.
  • Student-centered: In PBL, the teacher's role shifts to that of project facilitator/leader. Students work more independently during the PBL process, and the teacher only assists them when necessary. Students are encouraged to make their own decisions about how best to do their work and demonstrate their understanding. The PBL process fosters student independence, ownership of their work, and skill development.

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