Informazioa - Ikasleak: Ate Irekietako Jardunaldiak - Prestakuntza Blokeak - Bloke Industriala

Conference of the INDUSTRIAL block

Bachelor degrees

Bachelor degrees:

Address:  Building II. Rafael Moreno “Pitxitxi”, 2 (Basque) y Rafael Moreno “Pitxitxi” 3 (Spanish). Bilbao (see map below)


- Although when registering you choose your preferred bachelor degree, you will receive information over all grades of this block.

- The meeting points vary depending on the language. Check your registration receipt.

Date Language Shift Schedule Aimed at
20th March Spanish Afternoon 16:00 - 18:30 Students
22th March Spanish Morning 10:30 - 13:00


Bachelor degree: Industrial Technology Engineering

Address:  Building II. Rafael Moreno “Pitxitxi”, 2 (Basque) y Rafael Moreno “Pitxitxi” 3 (Spanish). Bilbao (see map below)


- Although when registering you choose your preferred bachelor degree, you will receive information over all grades of this block.

- The meeting points vary depending on the language. Check your registration receipt.

Date Language Shift Schedule Aimed at
21st March Basque Morning 10:30 - 13:00 Students
Afternoon 16:00 - 18:30
Spanish Morning

10:30 - 13:00

Afternoon 16:00 - 18:30


Bachelor degrees:

Address:  Building I. Plaza Ingeniero Torres Quevedo, 1 (Spanish and Basque). Bilbao (see map below)


- Although when registering you choose your preferred bachelor degree, you will receive information over all grades of this block.

- The meeting points vary depending on the language. Check your registration receipt.


Date Lenguage Shift Schedule Aimed at
20th March Spanish Afternoon 16:00-18:30 Students
Basque Afternoon 16.30 18:30
Adress maps