Muguerza N., Arriaga O., Díez I., Becerro M.A., E. Quintano, Gorostiaga, J.M.
A spatially-modelled snapshot of future marine macroalgal assemblages in southern Europe: Towards a broader Mediterranean region?
176: 105592
Muguerza N., Bustamante M., Díez I., Quintano E., Tajadura J., Saiz-Salinas I., Gorostiaga J.M.
Azkeneko hiru hamarkadetan Euskal Herriko Kostaldean Klima-aldaketak Komunitate bentonikoetan (flora eta fauna) izan duen eragina.
Obst M., Exter K., Allcock A.L., Arvanitidis C., Axberg A., Bustamante M., Cancio I., Carreira-Flores D., Chatzinikolaou E., Chatzigeorgiou G., Chrismas N., Clark M.S., Comtet T., Dailianis T., Davies N., Deneudt K., Diaz de Cerio O., Fortič A., Gerovasileiou V., Hablützel P.I., Keklikoglou K., Kotoulas G., Lasota R., Leite B.R., Loisel S., Lévêque L., Levy L., Malachowicz M., Mavrič B., Meyer C., Mortelmans J., Norkko J., Pade N., Power A.M., Ramšak A., Reiss H., Solbakken J., Staehr P.A., Sundberg P., Thyrring J., Troncoso J.S., Viard F., Wenne R., Yperifanou E.I., Zbawicka M., Pavloudi C.
A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network for Genetic Monitoring of Hard-Bottom Communities (ARMS-MBON).
Frontiers in Marine Science,
7: 572680
Muguerza N., Bustamante M., Díez I., Quintano E., Tajadura J., Saiz-Salinas I., Gorostiaga J.M.
Long-term surveys reveal abrupt canopy loss with immediate changes in diversity and functional traits.
Marine Biology,
52: 28
Casado-Amezúa P., Araujo R., Bárbara I., Bermejo R., Borja A., E., Díez I., Fernández C., Gorostiaga J.M., Guinda X., Hernández I., Juanes J.A., Peña V., Peteiro, C., Puente A., Quintana I., Tuya F., Viejo R.M., Altamirano M., Gallardo T., Martínez B.
Distributional shifts of canopy-forming seaweeds from the Atlantic coast of Southern Europe.
Biodiversity and Conservation,
1151 - 1172
de Casamajor M.N., Lalanne Y., Derrien-Courtel S., Gorostiaga J.M., Le Gal A., Huguenin L., Quintano E., Lissardy M.
Cystoseira baccata meadows along the French Basque coast (Bay of Biscay) as a reference for the implementation of the Water Framework and Marine Strategy EU directives
Continental Shelf Research,
12 - 21
Huguenin L., Lalanne Y., de Casamajor M.N., Gorostiaga J.M., Quintano E., Salerno M., Monperrus M.
Impact of wastewater treatment plant discharges on macroalgae and macrofauna assemblages of the intertidal rocky shore in the southeastern Bay of Biscay
Continental Shelf Research,
34 - 49
Quintano E., Celis-Plá P.S.M., Martínez B., Díez I., Muguerza N., Figueroa F.L., Gorostiaga J.M.
Ecophysiological responses of a threatened red alga to increased irradiance in an in situ transplant experiment.
Marine Environmental Research,
166 - 177
Saiz J.I, Bustamante M, Tajadura J.
A census of deep-water sipunculansa (Sipuncula)
Marine Biodiversity,
449 - 464
Quintano E., Díez I., Muguerza N., Figueroa F.L., Gorostiaga J.M.
Depth influence on biochemical performance and thallus size of the red alga Gelidium corneum
Marine Ecology,
Bustamante M., Tajadura J., Díez I., Saiz-Salinas J.I.
The potential role of habitat-forming seaweeds in modeling benthic ecosystem properties
Journal of Sea Research,
122 - 133
Quintano E., Díez I., Muguerza N., Figueroa F.L., Gorostiaga J.M.
Bed structure (frond bleaching, density and biomass) of the red alga Gelidium corneum under different irradiance levels
Journal of Sea Research,
180 - 188
Muguerza M., Díez I., Quintano E., Bustamante M., Gorostiaga J.M.
Structural impoverishment of the subtidal vegetation of southeastern Bay of Biscay from 1991 to 2013 in the context of climate change
Journal of Sea Research,
166 - 179
Quintano E., Díez I., Muguerza N., Santolaria A., Gorostiaga J.M.
Epiphytic flora on Gelidium corneum (Rhodophyta: Gelidiales) in relation to wave exposure and depth
Scientia Marina,
479 - 486
Celis-Plá P., Martínez B., Quintano E., García-Sánchez M., Pedersen A., Navarro N.P., Copertino M.S., Mangaiyarkarasi N., Mariath R., Figueroa F.L., Korbee N.
Short-term ecophysiological and biochemical responses to solar irradiance and nutrients of Cystoseira tamariscifolia and Ellisolandia elongata
Aquatic Biology,
227 - 243
Bustamante M., Tajadura J., Gorostiaga J.M., Saiz-Salinas J.I.
Response of rocky invertebrate diversity, structure and function to the vertical layering of vegetation
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,
148 - 155
Quintano E., Díez I., Muguerza N., Figueroa F.L., Gorostiaga J.M.
Depth influence on biochemical performance and thallus size of the red alga Gelidium corneum
Marine Ecology,
Korbee N., Navarro N.P., García-Sánchez M., Celis-Plá P., Quintano E., Copertino M.S., Pedersen A., Mariath R., Mangaiyarkarasi N., Pérez-Ruzafa A., Figueroa F.L., Martínez B.
A novel in situ system to evaluate the effect of high CO2 on photosynthesis and biochemistry of seaweeds
Aquatic Biology,
245 - 259
Saiz J.I., Bustamante M., Tajadura J., Vijapure T., Sukumaran S.
A new subspecies of Phascolion Théel, 1875 (Sipuncula: Golfingiidae) from Indian waters
433 - 437
Gorostiaga J.M., Díez I.
Changes in the Sublittoral Benthic Marine Macroalgae in the Polluted Area of Abra de Bilbao and Proximal Coast (Northern Spain)
Marine Ecology Progress Series,
157 - 167 -