

9 July 2014

  • Registration and Welcome reception

10 July 2014

  • Workshop opening

Session A: Green Chemistry

  • Oral presentations
  • Poster presentations
  • Conference dinner

11 July 2014

Session B: Nanotechnologies

  • Oral presentations
  • Poster presentations


The program will consist of invited plenary lectures, oral presentations of participants and posters.

Invited plenary lectures

Prof. Pedro Luis Arias (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Development of catalytic processes to increase the hydrogen to carbon ratio in biomass-derived products

Prof. Alessandro Gandini (Institut Polytecnique de Grenoble, France)
Green strategies for the synthesis of polymers from renewable resources

Schedule of conferences

Instructions for participants

Time for the ORAL COMMUNICATIONS will be limited to 20 minutes including discussion (5 minutes). Presenters are asked to download their talks one day before the presentation in the Registration Desk.

Poster board assignments can be found in the USB Book of Abstracts. 
Posters can be a maximum size of 85 cm x 100 cm. Poster stands will be available from the beginning of the Workshop.