
XSLaren edukia


Ezagutza arloa
Ingeniaritza Mekanikoa
Ingeniaritza Mekanikoa
Bilboko Ingeniaritza Eskola
Posta elektronikoa

He has been full professor since January 1995 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao. He has published a series of books and teaching monographs on Kinematics and Machine Dynamics. He has developed, together with other colleagues, a free software (GIM) for analysis and design of mechanisms, with more than 660 downloads by institutions from 100 different countries. It has more than 200 scientific publications, highlighting those published in journals in the field of Robotics and Mechanisms. He led the COMPMECH research group (owning A level of the basque university system) until the end of 2021. He has 6 research periods recognized by CNEAI.

Throughout his career he has participated in numerous research projects and contracts with companies. He currently chairs the Spanish group of the IFToMM (Int. Feder. Prom Mechanism Machine Science), as well as the Technical Commission of Robotics and Mechanisms of the FeIbIM (Ibero-American Feder. of Mechanical Engineering). He is also Member of the Governing Board of the National Association of Mechanical Engineering.

At the University of the Basque Country, he has been a member of several committees (Professorate, Doctorate and University Degrees) and the Head of Dept. of Mech. Engineering. He is currently manager of the university-business foundation Euskoiker. He has worked in the evaluation of degrees, projects and teaching staff in the following institutions: ANECA, UNIBASQ, ACSUCYL, AN

XSLaren edukia

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