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Basque Philology
Linguistics and Basque Studies
Faculty of Arts
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Degree in English Philology (Deusto, 1998) and Classical Philology (Salamanca, 2008), and PhD in Basque Philology (UPV/EHU, 2006). Lecturer at UPV/EHU since 2004.

Research stages in the USA (Cornell, 1999), and Germany (Jena, 2002, 2003; Berlin, 2004). At Jena and Berlin, I taught courses on Basque.

I am a member of two research groups: Monumenta Linguae Vasconum V (MLV5), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, and Historia de la lengua vasca y lingüística histórico-comparada (HMLV-LHC), funded by the Basque Government.

I have one six-year research period (sexenio) recognized by the CNEAI.

My main research lines are: diachronic linguistics of Basque (phonetics, morphology, word-order, ergativity), from a typological perspective, and Basque onomastics.

I am the author of 35 publications. Some of the most significant ones are:

- “El acento proto-vasco” (ASJU, 2004)

- “Euskararen hitz hurrenkeraren garaikaketa baterako materialak” (Oihenart, 2011)

- Basque and Proto-Basque. Language-Internal and Typological-Approaches to Linguistic Reconstruction (coordinator and editor, Peter Lang, 2013)

- “Demonstratives and Personal Pronouns” (in Basque and Proto-Basque, 2013)

- “Indagaciones intergeneracionales en la antroponimia aquitana” (ASJU, 2018)

- “Ergative from Passive in Proto-Basque” (in Selected papers from the 23rd ICHL, San Antonio, 2017, John Benjamins Publishin