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Knowledge area
Teaching of Language and Literature
Lenguage and Literature Didactics
Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
Electronic mail

Specialist in language education in bilingual/multilingual-minority language-settings, Itziar is currently teacher of the Department of Language and Literature Didactics, in the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology, University of the Basque Country. She teaches in the Foreign Language Minor in Pre-Primary and Primary Education Degrees and in the European Master in Multilingualism and Education (EMME). She also runs in-service training courses for Primary and Secondary Education teachers and teacher trainers.

She has mainly developed her professional career at the Federation of Ikastolas-Basque medium schools, where, as Head of the Languages Department she has coordinated the design, implementation and evaluation of their plurilingual project: an integrated curricular project for Basque, Spanish, English and French. She is coordinator and co-author of more that 30 textbooks for the teaching of those languages in Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education that have received several local and international awards for quality and innovation.

She did her PhD research on the results of this project and has given numerous training courses and lectures and written articles on multilingual language teaching and curriculum development at local and international forums. She has been consultant for the Basque Government in bilingual -multilingual education matters in several occasions and has also worked as international consultant in Honduras, where she helped to design

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