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Citython 2021: Abordando juntos los desafíos urbanos

Fecha de primera publicación: 31/05/2021

Citython is coming back this 2021 with 3 new opportunities to transform European cities. This second edition, taking place from the city of Bilbao and Barcelona from 16 to the 21 July, will tackle 3 mobility challenges:

✅ Calming down urban traffic in Bilbao, the 30km/h challenge: The city needs to meet this goal to promote more respectful and inclusive mobility.

✅ Solidary and sustainable Urban Logistic for Bilbao: This challenge aims to raise awareness of the problem, analyze its origins, contours and causes, its agents and affected parties, and generate alternative solutions to blockage, restriction or limitation, through innovative and creative ideas in which all those involved and can participate.

✅ Help Barcelona citizens to move in a safer, more sustainable and healthier way: We are looking for smart solutions to identify the riskiest areas for the vulnerable and propose actions to make citizens trips safer.

On 8 July, invited speakers and specialized mentors will share their knowledge during the introductory webinar with Techpill Talks about various urban mobility topics related to the city of Bilbao and the city of Barcelona. The Challenges of the Citython will also be presented to explain in detail what will be expected from participants.

Registration opens on Monday 14 June at 9 AM CET

A detailed agenda of all the activities, speakers, and prizes can be found on the event’s website: